Absolutely Do Not Touch Eldmia Egga

Chapter 702

Chapter 702

Unlike me, who spends most of my time sparring with Cheryl and taking it easy, the time in the city of Levien was extremely hectic and passed by quickly.

The most notable thing was the increase in guards and patrols and the protection of the elements.

The soldiers of the Kingdom Alliance, who had originally gathered for the purpose of protest but had been left in a state of neither here nor there, were elevated from roadblocking thugs to guard slaves after Esmuye took control of their discipline. The title of slave and the expression of rising in status were not a suitable combination, but of course this time was an exception.

It was quite a sight for the onlookers to see the troops moving around, dividing the districts and taking turns patrolling and changing shifts every hour, separate from the crowds. Even the shifts weren’t on a set schedule, and the shift times were different for each group and district, so it was a sight to behold as the troops moved around every time I saw them, making it seem like the entire city was shaking.

But apart from that, it was also a sight that made me wonder, “Do they usually go this far, even though they are big shots?” Fortunately, Cheryl, who was catching her breath with me, answered my question.

“There are surplus master-level forces operating on the nearby front lines, so we have no choice but to keep a close watch.”

However, it raised another question while solving it.

“What? Master level?”

“Yeah, I moved the Master in the Demon King’s army to target you.”

“What? Why is it that I’m only hearing about this now?”

“Because Saint Deoni was in control. That’s why the demons called your escorts headed to the capital.”

It was an extraordinary story to hear while holding a sandwich and looking out over the castle walls, but it wasn’t particularly surprising. Rather, I felt like my mind was clearing up as I began to understand the situation.

The escorts who were just there to hold my ankles were actually shackles.

“I’m not really surprised that the Master is after me.”

“Because it’s not surprising”

The Demon King wants to catch me and kill me? It’s not new since he’s been trying consistently up until now. Rather, when I think about the things he’s done so far, I can’t help but feel like he’s finally decided to move the Master.

“When I first heard about it, I was more surprised than I was like, ‘They’re finally moving?’”

As expected, it was Cheryl who expressed the same sentiment as I did. But she didn’t stop there and added a word.

“But now I’m curious as to what made you make that decision.”

“There are many reasons”

“You destroyed the Demon King’s plans one by one, evacuated the Demon Sect that was on the verge of collapse, and even captured a dragon. And you even brought a famous guy from the Special Operations Department to the brink of death? And you killed the Demi-Lich who was collaborating with the Demon King’s Army, and rescued the Ancient God’s thoughts… Is there more?”

Did you become friends with Carl Kanshi or Emmett while I was away?

I was taken aback by Cheryl’s reaction, who knew so much, but I tried my best not to show it and added one more thing.

“Yes, together with the Demon King’s special forces, we will eliminate one of the ancient vampires hiding in the empire.”

“···Even I am so shocked, how much more so must the Demon King be. However, I think that all of those are reasons, but far from determination. Honestly, if those were the reasons, I should have made the determination a long time ago.

“I could have held it in and held it in until it exploded.”

“If that was the case, Eldmia would have exploded the moment you were known as a warrior.”

When I heard it, it was true.

Are you suddenly starting to have questions in areas you never thought about?

“Of course, if you only look at the results, the situation got out of control because you were left alone, and there’s a chance it will get worse in the future, so it’s possible that you’re acting now because you’re afraid of that. But there were rumors that the Demon King could foresee the future, right? And you said his accuracy rate wasn’t that high… Doesn’t that make it even more inconsistent?”

“Ah, that is… I have tentatively concluded that it is more likely that he experienced the future rather than seeing it.”

“···You experienced the future and returned to the past, moving ahead of things that have already happened?”

Understanding is also fast. Let’s nod appropriately. Cheryl’s radish eyebrows twitch.

“Then wouldn’t that make even more sense? If I had known you would cause such a fuss, I would have killed you first······”

Cheryl’s words became slurred as she thought of my hometown. I couldn’t help but laugh as I saw her pupils suddenly start to dilate, as if she had made a slip of the tongue.

“I thought so too, but I was wrong. The purpose was the holy relics placed on the altar of the Masin religion hidden in the mountains around our village.”

“···I see·”

Cheryl, who was feeling relieved that it wasn’t a slip of the tongue, but was worried that it would be too obvious to express her relief since her hometown had actually been blown away, regained her composure and began to speculate again around the time I was finishing up the sandwich I was holding.

“It is estimated that the Master began to appear about a week after you left for Levien.”


“It was only around that time that he showed up, but it is possible that he was observing. It was only after some time that we realized that he did not intervene at all when Siegfried or the Sword Master of the Empire showed up on the battlefield, but only observed thoroughly.”

“At least you can get rid of the vampires.”


Actually, the process of heading to the empire was very sudden and secretive, so if you realized that, it would be right to be strong even if there was a problem.

Unlike Cheryl, I had already given up on my worries, so no plausible reason came to mind. Instead, I was curious about the master-level person who was looking for me.

“If he’s a master, is he famous?”

“He never directly revealed his face. The only way to find out was when the Sword Master of the Empire sensed him and warned him, and even when he did appear on the battlefield, he was often wrapped in a robe, so his identity was impossible to identify.”

It wasn’t like I could do anything else just because I knew who it was, but it was hard to hide my disappointment at not having any information. Still, the fact that there was a Master who wasn’t on the front lines meant that a Master had escaped from somewhere in the Demon King’s territory, so I decided to be satisfied with my allies benefiting from this.

“Then, is there a master-level person coming to the royal family this time?”

“That’s what they say. The Empire doesn’t bring a master-level person, but the situation is not favorable for us to do so. I didn’t hear who it was, but I think it might be the duke.”

The duke mentioned here is, of course, not the old man Lesrom, but the young duke who is the only one of the two dukedoms of Itisel.

Serte da Etelupe·

Although he has the grand nickname of the Lord of the Green, he is more often called the Young Duke. He is a rare spirit master even among the already rare master-level talents.

“It seems like the saying that you are a piece of trash who can’t do anything once you leave your home is just nonsense.”

“You only offered your land as a sacrifice to the spirits, so there’s a rumor that you can’t use your power anywhere else? You believed that, since you can talk to the spirits?”

“What else is there that you can’t believe?”

If the spirits wish for it, what can a mere human do? We have no choice but to listen.

Of course, I don’t think there are spirits with such a bad temper, but their purity often leads them to approach mortals violently, so it’s hard to deny it outright.

“Anyway, it seems like there is no other possibility. His territory was relatively least affected by the war, and unlike Duke Zwinera, his relationship with the royal family is not bad.”

I want to say

Duke Lesrom and the King are on really good terms.

“Those two are good together”

So I said, I don’t think there’s any need to hide it anymore.

After seeing Cheryl’s reaction to what I said, my guess turned into certainty.

“What? What is that···”

“They are acting to prevent the country from being split apart during the war.”

I don’t know what the change in her mind was, but Cheryl’s change included not only her swordsmanship but also her personality.

I should say that she is a little less impulsive. If you just look at the way she often shows herself, you get the feeling that Ragnis is becoming more like Cheryl from the prototype.

“···Envelde’s mansion· How did the aftercare proceed so smoothly·”

Even if I hear something that would have made me angry or gnashed my teeth in the past, it’s like just looking at me with my mouth open.

Instead of getting angry and thinking, you just think about it! That was a huge step forward.

“How do you know that?”

“The connections that arose while getting involved with Envelder intertwined here and there… How did it turn out?”

“How on earth can I possibly reveal something that is obviously a major secret of the kingdom…”

Cheryl, who had been pressing her temples as if she had a headache, suddenly turned her eyes dim as if she was saying, “Huh?” and then suddenly turned into sharp eyes.

“Wait a minute. That means you’ve known that for quite some time now, but you didn’t say anything.”

“Because you were still immature back then.”

“You’re the same age as me?”

I just smiled as I watched Cheryl glaring at me but not taking any action other than chewing her sandwich in a disgruntled manner. I then looked out to the horizon, imagining the royal delegation that was yet to be seen.

A spirit master considered to be of master level.

Perhaps this will be an opportunity to lay a new foundation for receiving more help from the spirits?

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