Absolutely Do Not Touch Eldmia Egga

Chapter 691

Chapter 691

In the midst of the sudden chaos, Lizzy, the leader of the Broken Rose Mercenary Corps, who was on alert and trying to figure out the situation, had to fight the strong urge to throw off his helmet when faced with the incomprehensible situation.

“Am I dreaming now?”

I understand the situation.

I had a chance encounter with a talented person whom Pimel had been keeping an eye on for a long time, and we became friends for a short time. It turned out that he was the warrior who had caused the mercenary group to come to Levien, and now, as an extension of that incident, he caused a ruckus right in front of us, and while we were surrounded, he suddenly set up a negotiation position in the middle of the camp.

It’s even more absurd when you understand it. What is this story about picking up a magic sword on the street?

“The reaction of the Allied Forces representatives is strange… Oh my, there’s an axe flying over there.”

Even Pimel, who was the one in the relationship, seemed at a loss and didn’t know what to do, so he climbed up on the shoulder of his tallest colleague and watched the situation. The sight of his colleagues leaving their seats and sitting together to listen to his live broadcast made Lizzy’s mind even more confused.

“Huh? Why is one of the representatives suddenly foaming at the mouth and collapsing?”

“What? Who?”

“I don’t know about that either. It’s not like those guys are walking around with name tags on their faces saying who I am and where I am… Huh? Here we go again! Here we go again!”

Unfortunately, the situation was not over yet.

As the sound of weapons clashing echoed again along with someone’s shout that was difficult to hear due to the distance, the mercenary group that had seemed to be disengaged just a moment ago began to move in unison and set up a shield wall in front of Lizzy.

If Eldmia had seen it, it would have been a professional sight that would have given her a standing ovation without hesitation, but Lizzie was not impressed.

Of course, he scolded Pimel half-jokingly and half-seriously.

“Damn Pimel, for the first time I’m starting to doubt your abilities.”

“This is a bit unfair, but it’s true that you’re strong.”

“It’s out of the question to be as strong as a warrior.”

“It’s not my fault that I can’t differentiate that much hahaha”

If there are ten master-level strongmen, you can list them in order of their strength, but you cannot tell that they are actually master-level strongmen. You can only tell who is stronger in the abstract, but you cannot tell at all to what level.

It was not a blind spot, but a blind spot in the mysterious power that Pimel possessed.

“If this can be done, it would be a great help to us···”

“Wouldn’t this be the top bidder in the garrison competition?”

“···I guess I’ll go back·”

Always be careful of fortunes that roll in without you even planning for them.

The adage that my mother had drilled into my ears was never wrong, but this time it was really hard to follow it.

“There is little time to worry”

“Are you still thinking about it?”

“That’s right…”

This incident involving the Majok-ryeong garrison is by no means light. It is even more so because not only Liji but all the other key executives agreed that it could be a turning point for the mercenary group.

“Not anymore. I must seize this opportunity even if it means a sword flying towards my heart and getting stuck.”

Perhaps this is the last chance for a broken rose to be treated like an ordinary rose.

“What are you guys going to do?”

Ridge, who had made up his mind, checked the helmet straps and asked the warrior’s companions who were maintaining silence. He asked whether they would wait as the warrior had told them to or accompany him, as it was clear that they were definitely not a group that had just walked along the road.

“···It seems that the warrior has a separate plan for you, so it would be better to act together for that purpose.

The answer that came out after a quick exchange of opinions among themselves under their hoods was meaningful. Doesn’t it sound like they are going along to protect the mercenary group?

No matter how rationally you act, the Broken Rose is a mercenary group, and in this regard, it is difficult to just ignore it for the sake of honor. Lizzy, who opened her mouth to say something for the sake of her subordinates’ morale, pulled back her hood and checked the group of warriors preparing for battle, then closed her mouth again.

“I guess that’s why you weren’t surprised when you saw me.”

“The warrior does not judge people by their appearance.”

If anyone had ever seen someone say something like that, they would have laughed and made fun of him for farting. Anyone who was part of the Broken Rose, a group of unwelcome bastards and mixed-bloods, would have agreed with that.

“It’s very credible.”

But since the opponent was a demon and the warrior was a human, those words just rolled off the tongue naturally. It must have been the same for the other mercenary members, because no one complained.

“You’re not going alone anyway, so why are you so worried?”

“You have a lot of worries, so dress up. If you live like that with your head empty, who will dress up for you?”

“It sucks, but it’s true.”

Instead, they just joked around and cast spells at their leader.

“Let’s go, you retard. It’s time to get smart.”

As Lizzie pulled out her sword amidst the familiar scolding and gave a short smile, the mercenary group began to move as one body in response to her command.

The effect of Rudra’s provocation on the dog was tremendous.

Even though I had expected a reaction since I was tripping over a dead child, I still did it. I thought at best, the guy would just start a fight and run at me.

“Being a warrior is not an indulgence, you murderer! Unit! Attack!”

But this crazy guy was so swayed by his personal feelings that he suddenly gave the order to attack his own unit. Even his subordinates, who had seen it with their own eyes, were dumbfounded and then rushed in with weapons. Even I, who had been proud of myself for having built up a certain level of tolerance after experiencing a series of unexpected events recently, couldn’t help but be dumbfounded.

“The lower rank is not an indulgence.”

The other two representatives are terrified and order a retreat, as if they have no intention of getting on the same boat as Rudra’s dog. The process of so many soldiers coming and going seemed like the ebb and flow of the tide, so I laughed for a moment.

“They say even a broken clock is right twice a day.”

Before you go meet your child, you should at least say something right.

He didn’t stop at giving orders, but threw an axe at Rudra’s dog, who was trying to charge him, and pulled out Este. When he calculated the distance, it seemed possible to retrieve the axe that had hit the dog and use it to fight the soldiers, but since he was surrounded 360 degrees, he decided to make the most of the situation.

I’ve never escaped from a completely surrounded state without using a needle, so it would be a good experience to try this opportunity. Thinking so, I swung my Este to cut the spears thrusting from the side and dig in, opening a path. After a short pause, blood spurted out from all directions.

Unless it is unavoidable, do not waste time by cutting off arms or legs. Unless you are cutting a long-range spear, focus on closing the distance while avoiding the soldiers’ attacks as much as possible with the mindset of cutting off the neck.

Stop relying solely on your dragon armor and ignoring enemy attacks. Since we have verified that dragon armor cannot be penetrated at a general level, you need to be careful not to develop complacent habits by considering the possibility.

That alone means there are dozens more things to worry about than when I first started the fight, but I don’t stop walking even as the soldiers rush in like a tidal wave. After planning a sword path to cut down the three people in front of me, I turned my gaze to check the axe I had just thrown.

Kakula’s axe flew towards its target, cutting through the air faster than I, who ran a full 20 meters from its original location in a matter of seconds. It was on its way to the target, slicing through three soldiers irregularly.


However, although it was clearly aimed at the head, it failed to achieve its goal and ended up only breaking the sword that the guy had raised for defense. The sword broke and changed its path, and the fragments of the broken sword cut into the guy’s forehead, causing him to cry, but even so, Rudra’s dog did not take its eyes off me with its bloodshot eyes.

As I watched that scene, I suddenly thought that if I had been a warrior of Ete, I wouldn’t have come to that point. Then, I felt as if the bastard’s sins had doubled or tripled, and strength naturally gathered in my arms and legs.

“This is a surprise attack! Rear! Block the rear!”

If a voice had not suddenly come from among Rudra’s troops warning of a surprise attack, he would have rushed in and cut off the head of the one that the axe could not cut off.


The other allied forces were busy running away, so it seems unlikely that they would hit Rudra on the back of the head now. Did the laughter bell move? He wouldn’t ignore my orders and act on his own, right? Levien? If you want to help, it’s okay, but if you want to support me from behind, there’s no other way than the Flying Dragon Unit, right? The sky is full of clouds.

Could it be that the broken rose moved because of that brief encounter?

“The mercenary corps is broken! Those fucking half-bloods are hitting me in the back of the head!”

···There is a league·

I wish I had never known. I had to fight back the sudden urge to check the broken rose flag

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