Absolutely Do Not Touch Eldmia Egga

Chapter 665

Chapter 665

Have you ever woken up in the morning and wished that all your memories from the past were just dreams?

I was like that now

Even on the day I was reborn, at that moment, I had never felt like this, but the ripple effect of the five demons was awesome in many ways.

“Haa… We can’t use those as guards either.”

If they were just guys who were thrown in as personal soldiers, I would have written that, but since they were clearly ‘guards’ carefully selected by Saint Deoni, I couldn’t just abandon them like that. After opening my eyes in the bedroom that Tie had introduced as my room, I stared at the unfamiliar ceiling for dozens of minutes, thinking, but in the end, I came to the conclusion that they were destined to be my companions for a while.

“Did you put it there on purpose?”

It was strange. No matter how worried I was, I was driving around in my own car, so how could the saint not know that they were a burden to me? I called them over and asked them just in case, but I only got a lukewarm response.

I had to move quickly to ask directly if there was anything I could do. With a deep sigh, I got out of bed and with the help of the sect members who were surprisingly skilled at their duties, I finished breakfast and gathered the demons into the office.

The demon tribe, consisting of three men and two women, were all relatively tall regardless of gender. They even had a size suitable for close combat, so just having six of them together made the office feel full.

“Where is the saint now?”

“They were stationed in Sore before we left, but they said they would be moving soon to make contact with the northern… no, eastern front.”

When the demon tribe that had not yet been drained of the demon king’s army answered, all the other guys nodded their heads. It seems that what only one guy said yesterday was just a formality. When asked about the current situation on the front lines, after a brief battle of wits, someone who knew the details repeatedly answered.

It was a good sign that they didn’t have bad relations with each other or tended to ignore anyone. Still, since they were dragged out to catch heroes, they had the basics down, so it seemed like it would be good to just watch them for a while and pick a quick guy to make him the leader.

But things can’t always be perfect. These guys had a fatal flaw that most demons shared.

I can’t ride a dragon…!


“It’s not something you have to be sorry about.”

I just tamed a car in a very unique way, and it is difficult to ride a domesticated horse, so it is difficult to ride a wild dragon overnight. It seems that I was able to get here quickly with the help of the gate and the dragon pilots.

“I guess I’ll have to find a horse first.”

After going through several recent incidents, it was comforting to know that I didn’t have to worry about money at this level. I can’t let my guard down because money is disappearing even if I just breathe, but I can hold out until I sell the dragon’s byproduct.

“Shall we look for a war horse?”

Tiega was standing quietly behind him, and when he heard the muttering, he reacted, but after a moment of hesitation, he shook his head.

Since I drive my own car, horses are ultimately a temporary means of transportation. If I want to escort them, I will have to put them on a dragon at some point, but I don’t want to buy a war horse that is being sold at a high price because of the war.

“I’ll just ask you firmly. Do you have enough money?”

“Yes, that’s no problem. Should I also prepare some travel supplies?”

“Uh, first, prepare it by calculating it up to Levien.”

Now, I am asking Tie as if it were natural, but if I think about it carefully, it is a preparation process that would not have been possible if I were alone. Every time I see Tie quietly opening the door and calling the people from the church disguised as servants and giving them instructions, and the people from the church following those instructions, that thought becomes more solid.

When I realize that this timing is the one that is benefiting from that competence, a question naturally arises.

In fact, isn’t the whole process of obtaining a mansion, going to the dwarven kingdom, encountering vampires, causing problems, and sending these guys away because the saintess was worried when she heard the news, all connected to someone called ‘Dream’ who serves in the Tiene Church?

It felt like someone was shouting in my ear, ‘This is so toxic, you’re not going to hire me?’

“Then… what should we do while we prepare to leave?”

What broke my thoughts that were about to start suddenly was a female demon with long hair tied back in a rare braid. As I was looking at the guys who were expecting my answer with similar eyes… a good idea suddenly came to me.

I haven’t tested the actual performance of the equipment yet, right?

“You guys, let’s spar with me until you’re ready.”

People and things are meant to be used as they are, so it’s time to make the most of what you’ve already created.

The Gaendal Party, which has recently become a symbol of the Capital Adventurer’s Guild, is so noticeable that word of their fame spreads without anyone knowing about it.

Even the party leader Gaendal, whose weapons are far from ordinary, naturally draws attention, and the dwarf Gindo, who is so large that he can ride a horse, has the power to draw attention, but what stands out the most is Yekaterina, who is said to be huge in everything she does.

Because Catherine herself and her weapons are so large, they create a sense of intimidation that they attract attention even when they don’t want to.

And it was the same even when returning after completing a long mission. Adventurers passing by or citizens who had been helped by them would come over and greet the Gaendal party when they saw Yekaterina on horseback from afar. It happened so often that Eldmia would call it a moving landmark.

“I always feel this way, but Kasha catches the eye so much. If someone saw her, they would think she was a lighthouse.”

Thanks to that, even though I finished work, I felt uncomfortable until the moment I entered the accommodation.

Even today, after returning after a long time, Lelie was still suffering from the attention from those around her, and even after taking a bath, she was unable to find peace and was constantly harassed by people. After ordering a lot of food at the Adventurer’s Guild Hall, she drank fruit wine while complaining.

At this, Yekaterina smiled lightly and said, “I guess I won’t be able to see it?” and bent her waist and shoulders. Gaendal and Gin burst into laughter at Yekaterina and Lelie, who were wearing arrogant clothes.

“Haha, he was born with a great physique, what can he do? There are bound to be more people who recognize him than those who don’t.”

“I think Mr. Long was similar to Catherine in his hometown.”

“That’s right. That’s one of the reasons why I have wide feet.”

Yekaterina’s eyes widened as if something had occurred to her as she wiped the beer foam off her beard, and she poked Lelie’s side, who was lying face down on the table, and asked.

“Come to think of it, didn’t Eldmia say she caught a dragon? To process the dragon’s byproducts, she needs the help of the dwarven generals, so shouldn’t she stop by the capital at least once?”

“That may be true, but… why would you spend so much time going to such a far place to make equipment? I think you’ll be able to fight well even without that.”

As usual, the Eldmia song began again, but Lelie’s reaction was different from before.

While working as a Gaendal party, we received many requests, but we did not work with just four people. We sometimes received additional people when necessary, and sometimes we had to fill the gaps in the existing members with third parties due to each person’s circumstances.

And every time that happens, I unconsciously think of Eldmia and compare it to her.

Strictly speaking, comparing Eldmia to other adventurers is very harsh. Even if we exclude the title of Hero of the Machine God, he was a Kirin-ah who had far surpassed the level of feats that a human who had just become an adult could accomplish.

However, the reason she keeps making comparisons is because the Eldmia she knows is from before he was revered as a warrior or hero.

Until then, I had been in the category of those who committed acts of aggression, so whenever I encountered people who were older than me but had lost their social skills or abilities, I would always think of them as a grumble. Of course, it was less than Catherine’s.

“I can’t be sure, but if we can safely rescue the demon cultists and join the royal army, I think it’s quite possible. No matter how much effort you put in and save, it’ll be hard to keep your equipment in good condition on a journey like that.”

It is a forced march that literally involves jumping into the middle of enemy territory and holding out for months. Even if the army is in such a harsh environment, it is clear that there will be no equipment left.

“However… I’m not sure if you can make equipment from byproducts like Lelie said. It’s true that good equipment will come out, but even if you fly on a dragon, it’s not something you can ignore.”

“What was that? Wasn’t there an iron carriage connected to the Empire?”

“You mean the train? Of course there is one, but it is only used for the purpose of exchange and trade between the imperial family and the royal family, so even if you are a warrior, you can’t use it easily… Ahh …

What stopped Gin from answering Catherine’s question without thinking was the sight of Eldmia, who had received a letter from the Iron-Blooded Princess of the Empire.

“Surely… it might be possible…”

“Right? You won’t hear any rumors while you’re here, right?”

They had been working very hard under the pretext of helping out the guild that was short on manpower, so they decided to take a break for a while.

Since there was nothing to do anyway since she was resting, the thought crossed Yekaterina’s mind that it might not be a bad idea to stop by and say hello to the housekeeper staying at Eldmia’s house.

“Now that I think about it, there was a lot of noise about the dragon’s byproducts, but I never got to see it. Can we at least take a look between us?”


Lelie, who was looking at Catherine, who was noticeably regaining her energy, with her eyes wide open, answered indifferently, shaking her shoulders.

Perhaps because she had become accustomed to such reactions, Lelie now saw Catherine as just excited to see the dragon’s byproduct.

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