Absolute Dominion

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

For a moment, Cha-Ryun found herself at a loss for words.

“So, If I follow your instructions, do you think I’ll reach nine-star mastery?”

Cha-Ryun’s voice was laced with doubt and resignation, but Jeok Lee-Gun remained confident.

“With your abilities, it’s more than possible.”

‘With your abilities…’

It was a reassuring compliment.


Cha-Ryun drew her sword once more.

Fine. I don’t care anymore.

She initiated the seventy-seven paths again. Once again, Jeok Lee-Gun intervened directly, correcting her posture and breathing.

Cha-Ryun resolved to trust him, and she decided to follow his guidance. She adjusted her internal energy as instructed, changing her stance accordingly. The surprising thing was that the difference between the eight-star level and the nine-star level wasn’t as vast as she’d imagined—the gap was small.

And then, something unbelievable happened.

As Cha-Ryun completed the seventy-seven paths, Jeok Lee-Gun smiled widely.

“Congratulations, you’ve reached nine-star mastery.”

This can’t be real!

“You’re messing with me, aren’t you?”

“I don’t lie, remember?”

“Is this for real?”

Cha-Ryun swung her sword again, trying to understand what had changed.

Am I really at the nine-star level?

Could she have reached the level her father had spent his entire life striving for, just by performing the sword technique twice? It didn’t make sense. She was confused.

Jeok Lee-Gun began to explain patiently.

“Think of it like this. There’s a room with a closed door. Only those who’ve reached the nine-star level can enter. That room is where people who have reached nine-star mastery live. You’ve just opened the door and taken your first step inside.”


“That’s all it is. Although you’re inside the room, you don’t know much about it yet—but you’re definitely in that room now.”

“Then… I’m not truly at nine-star level yet?”

“No. You are definitely in that room. This concept is very important in martial arts. There is a distinction between those who enter the room and those left outside the door. You are definitely in the former group.”

“So… I’ve entered the room?”

“You just haven’t gotten used to it yet—that’s all.”

It was Jeok Lee-Gun who had brought her into that room. Though he could guide her there, the process of growing accustomed to the room was something she had to do on her own.

“Once you’re inside, you won’t go back—don’t worry. You’ll slowly grow more familiar with it over time.”

Then, Jeok Lee-Gun added with a sly grin.

“Since we’ve already started, shall we aim for ten-star mastery next?”

“Are you trying to get me killed? Trying to reach any further will definitely bring out inner demons—are you trying to make me go mad?”

As Cha-Ryun joked sarcastically, Jeok Lee-Gun pounded his chest.

“Why worry? With me here, nothing will happen to you.”

“Who are you, really? Are you a martial arts master? A real master?”

Jeok Lee-Gun suddenly put on a sad expression.

“As I’ve mentioned before, I’m a genius in martial arts. The sad part is… that I can’t perform martial arts myself because all my meridians are blocked.”

Tears welled up in his eyes as Jeok Lee-Gun lowered his head in sorrow.


Cha-Ryun landed a sharp punch right into Jeok Lee-Gun’s stomach, showing no mercy.

“I’ll unblock those meridians for you!”

Thud! Thud!

Jeok Lee-Gun staggered backward in shock.

Cha-Ryun placed her hands on her hips and frowned.

“Where did you learn how to act like that?”

“Hehe, see? That’s why I like you— you’re really sharp.”

And you say you don’t lie?

“Come on, tell me the truth.”

“I’m telling you the truth. Since I’ve trained in martial arts properly, I’m capable of teaching someone at your level with ease.”

How much of what he says am I supposed to believe?

Looking back at the stone slab, Cha-Ryun noticed that the test was still ongoing. Quite a few people had already been eliminated, and the numbers in the arena had decreased significantly. The test was proving to be much more difficult than it appeared.

The two of them returned to the stone slab.

As they looked at the recently emptied slab from which another pair had just been disqualified, Jeok Lee-Gun spoke.

“Do you think you can execute the seventy-seven paths while stepping on those footprints?”

Cha-Ryun had practiced the Red Silk Sword Technique countless times since childhood. She could do it with her eyes closed, when she was sick, or even while holding a conversation. But the footprints on the stone slab were erratically placed. In order to perform her martial arts, some adjustments would be necessary.

Jeok Lee-Gun’s voice broke through her thoughts.


Cha-Ryun’s focus sharpened instantly. It was as if the footprints she needed to step on appeared in her mind. She could see herself executing her sword technique while stepping on them. It was something she couldn’t have imagined when she first saw the stone slab.

Have I truly reached nine-star mastery?

It felt surreal, but she couldn’t deny the strange confidence building inside her. Something was urging her forward, telling her not to worry—that she could do it.

“I can do it, but…”

Cha-Ryun glanced worriedly at Jeok Lee-Gun.

“Don’t worry about me. I’ll match my pace to yours. Just focus on your footwork.”

Alright. I trust you.

Together, Jeok Lee-Gun and Cha-Ryun approached the judges.

“I am Jeok Lee-Gun of the Floating Clouds and Flowing Water.”

“I am Cha-Ryun of the Righteous Sword Sect.”

There were whispers among the participants. They muttered, wondering what ‘Floating Clouds and Flowing Water’ even was. In the distance, Cha-Ryun even heard some of Jang In-Gyeol’s jeers, along with Lim Ha-Gi’s mockery.

In the past, she would have been bothered by such things, but now she was different. She focused only on the stone slab. Yet, as soon as she stepped onto the slab, her heart pounded as if it would explode.

Jeok Lee-Gun’s lips curved into a smile as he spoke.

“Do you know what the code name for this mission is?”

“Code name? Mission?”

“It’s called the Twin Radiance of the Dragon and Phoenix!”

“The dragon and phoenix… are supposed to shine together?”

Alright, then. Let’s do it, let’s shine together.

The two of them leaped onto the stone slab at the same time.

Cha-Ryun’s mind was focused on executing the Red Silk Sword Technique. She placed her feet precisely on the footprints she had envisioned.

In contrast, Jeok Lee-Gun’s footwork appeared ordinary—so ordinary that it was impossible to tell what technique he was using.

At one point, Cha-Ryun briefly made eye contact with Jeok Lee-Gun. It caused her to lose focus for a moment.

Her foot tangled up, but Jeok Lee-Gun’s body gently moved in, his hand lightly pushing against her back. With that simple touch, Cha-Ryun’s body lifted into the air. It felt so natural, as if it had been part of the plan all along.

While floating in the air, Cha-Ryun felt a distinct difference from the usual sensation of launching herself into the air. A soft, unfamiliar energy wrapped around her, cradling her body.

Once again, Cha-Ryun’s eyes met Jeok Lee-Gun’s—his eyes, looking up at her, were smiling.

I feel at ease.

After completing a wide spin, Cha-Ryun resumed her footwork. Even she was amazed at how light her movements felt. Her heart felt light, and her steps reflected that, moving with grace and speed. It was as if she were dancing alongside Jeok Lee-Gun.

The heart understands, and the body follows its commands.

The essence of martial arts that Yang Hwa-Young had once spoken of came to mind. The true meaning of those words, once obscured like mist, began to make sense. She hoped this feeling would continue forever.

At that moment, she suddenly realized she was standing at the edge of the stone slab.

Huh? It’s over already?

She couldn’t even remember how she had made it through that long path. She had been in a state of selflessness.

Thunderous applause erupted from the audience. In the distance, she saw her family standing and clapping. Her gaze found her father, his face filled with joy—a smile she hadn’t seen from him in a long time.

Jeok Lee-Gun winked at her and made a remark.

“It was splendid—the Twin Radiance of the Dragon and Phoenix.”

It’s thanks to you… thank you.

The two of them stood side by side in front of the judges.

Cha-Ryun’s heart was still racing with excitement.

Yeom Chung, who had been discussing with the other judges, stepped forward.


What? Really?

Cha-Ryun was so overjoyed she almost hugged Jeok Lee-Gun. Instead, she jabbed her fist into his stomach— it was her way of showing affection in front of so many people.

In her heart, she truly wanted to embrace him, but that was too much to do in front of such a large crowd.


They both laughed brightly.

Cha-Ryun had never expected to pass this trial.

In the distance, Jang In-Gyeol frowned. He hadn’t imagined that the two of them would make it through. Jang In-Hwa, sneaking glances at Jeok Lee-Gun, gave him a flirtatious look behind Lim Ha-Gi’s back. Jeok Lee-Gun waved his finger side to side, signaling his rejection, making Jang In-Hwa chuckle.

Not far behind them stood Lim Ha-Gi and Sama Young, along with Yang Su-Chang and Seol Byeok-Hwa. They too had expressions of surprise.

Everyone thought that Cha-Ryun’s martial arts were much stronger than expected, overshadowing Jeok Lee-Gun. Even the head examiner, Yeom Chung, would have likely chosen Cha-Ryun over Jeok Lee-Gun if asked who performed better. Jeok Lee-Gun’s footwork was just that ordinary.

An hour later, the second trial was over.

The victorious participants gathered in front of Yeom Chung, greeted by a tremendous outpouring of cheers and applause. Meanwhile, the faces of those from the sects of participants who had failed were filled with disappointment. Most had already left the premises, unwilling to stay any longer.

Yeom Chung stood in front of the participants and began to announce information about the next trial.

“The next trial will be in two days. The third trial will be an extraordinary experience, unlike anything you’ve encountered before. You may look forward to it.”

With that, the participants who passed dispersed, heading back to reunite with their sects and families.

Cha-Ryun still found it hard to believe. She quickly ran toward her family.


Hyang Lee rushed to her and threw herself into Cha-Ryun’s arms, and they spun around in circles. Hyang Lee was so happy, it almost seemed as if she herself had passed the trial.

“You’ve done well.”

Jeong Lee-Chu’s face was filled with pride. He looked like he might cry at any moment. Lady Ahn was equally overjoyed.

“My sister-in-law is the most beautiful!”

Seo Baek grinned heartily as he joked.

Shouldn’t you be saying that my skills are the best?

“You did well.”

Hwa-Ryun hugged Cha-Ryun tightly. Cha-Ryun could feel the genuine happiness emanating from her sister’s embrace.

Afterward, Cha-Ryun went to check on Jeok Lee-Gun.

He was standing some distance away, chatting with Mu Young.

“Go ahead and head back home. I’ll catch up soon.”

“Don’t be late. We’re going to have a celebration dinner tonight.”


As her family left, Cha-Ryun approached Jeok Lee-Gun. Mu Young respectfully greeted her with a bow. Although she didn’t know who he was, Cha-Ryun still returned the bow politely before Mu Young disappeared into the crowd.

Before she had the chance to ask who he was, Jeok Lee-Gun spoke first.

“Let’s go.”

“Where are we going?”

“To conquer the world.”


“I need to find someone to help us with our conquest. I just found out where they are.”

“And why do I have to come with you?”

“It’s closely related to you too.”

Jeok Lee-Gun’s serious expression added weight to his words.

“You’ll regret it if you don’t come.”

Ah, with him saying it like that, there’s no way I can refuse.

“Where in the world are we going?”

The carriage had been traveling for over two hours now.

Jeok Lee-Gun refused to say anything beyond, “you’ll see when we get there.” Even when Cha-Ryun asked the driver, the old man merely smiled without giving a reply. It was clear that Jeok Lee-Gun had instructed him to keep quiet.

Cha-Ryun turned her gaze outside the window. It had been such a long time since she had left Wuhan, and the unfamiliar scenery filled her heart with excitement.

At the same time, it felt refreshing.

Jeok Lee-Gun, seated across from her, was gazing outside as well. The wind blew through his hair, giving him a contemplative look.

There was something unfamiliar about the serious expression on Jeok Lee-Gun’s face as he seemed lost in thought.

When he looks like this, he’s actually quite handsome. If a man’s face looks this good, that’s more than enough. Any more handsome and he’d be out gallivanting around town, getting into all sorts of trouble. Then again, he already thinks he’s the most handsome man in the world with that face of his.

Jeok Lee-Gun glanced slyly at Cha-Ryun.

Please don’t ruin the moment by saying something ridiculous. You actually look decent right now…

“I feel like eating meat.”


“Is there a starving ghost living in your stomach? You’re always hungry!”

“I’ve just had a lot on my mind lately.”

“Because of the conquest of Hubei?”

Even as Cha-Ryun said it, it felt awkward. The idea of conquering Hubei—was that really something to throw around so casually?

“That, and a few other things.”

“Then what else?”

Jeok Lee-Gun turned his head back toward the window. The image of him standing alone in the training grounds suddenly flashed through her mind.

“Do you miss your parents?”

“A little.”

Was it because of his father?

Conflict with parents… honestly, Cha-Ryun couldn’t understand something like that. She had grown up receiving so much love that she couldn’t even think of fighting with her parents. But many of her peers lived with such conflicts.

Am I just lucky?

Cha-Ryun reached her hand out of the carriage.

The wind brushed between her fingers as it passed by.

It feels refreshing. I wouldn’t mind just escaping to somewhere far away like this.

With him?

That would be fine too. For now, she just loved this refreshing feeling.

The carriage, having completely left Wuhan, finally stopped by the roadside in a remote area.

“We’ve arrived at the destination.”

“Thank you. Please wait here.”

“Take your time, no need to worry.”

From the look on the driver’s face, it was clear that Jeok Lee-Gun had paid him well for this trip.

Cha-Ryun stepped out of the carriage and surveyed the area.

“There’s nothing here. Where exactly are we?”

The landscape was barren, with nothing in sight except endless mountains.

“You’ll know soon enough. Come on, let’s go.”

Jeok Lee-Gun led the way down a small path into the mountains.

Cha-Ryun followed him silently up the mountain. It had been a long time since she had climbed a mountain. She realized she had really been cooped up at home for too long.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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