A Wolf's Howl, A Fairy's Wing

Chapter 45: Chapter 45 - Conviction

Through his improvements, he eventually began landing some hits on Katya. Nothing which really wounded her, but enough to once again raise the Iron Sentinel's impression of him through his quick learning ability.

Now, Erik stood across from Katya, panting and with various bloody smears all over his body but with unwavering determination in his wolfish, amber eyes and a bloody grin on his face.

Luckily, his regeneration was faster than most others, so his cuts and bruises had already healed.

Yet he would consider himself lucky this woman was more interested in sparring with and teaching him than actually defeating him. Otherwise, he suspected he would have already been turned into a bloody smear on the ground.

He panted, "I'm not…done yet…!"

Katya grinned, genuinely enjoying her time with Erik. She had some red spots on her body and some gashes in her clothes, but mostly, she was in much better condition than Erik.

Katya laughed, "I don't know if your goal here today was to impress me, but you surely succeeded!"

Suddenly, her lips curled into a cruel grin, "Regardless, I would like to see how you handle true despair."

She began a startling transformation.

It looked much like Erik's, but Katya's werebear form had regular knees and much thicker fur and limbs, unlike his werewolf form.

Her form was clearly built for defence and power, not speed or agility.

Her clothes were also clearly made from a special material, as her shirt and pants perfectly accommodated her new form.

It didn't look very good, but Katya likely wasn't much bothered by that.

Her fur was the same colour as her light brown hair and bristled with the sheer power hidden behind it.

Her transformation took even less time than Erik's, being completed almost instantly.

When it was done, she roared into the early afternoon sky and charged Erik with an excited, animalistic grin.

That was when he knew he was fucked.

What happened next was a display of absolute savagery.

Erik had become entirely unable to defend himself as the woman-turned-bear thrashed him around the garden, leaving him with heavy wounds.

Yet, he stayed determined and never gave up, even managing to get some minor hits in, earning him more respect from the woman.

After some time, Erik was panting heavily and down on one knee, unable to find the strength to continue getting up as blood streamed from various wounds.

Yet, he could feel the adrenalin and endorphins pumping through his system as that bloody grin had never left his face. Was he a masochist? Perhaps not, but he certainly loved this feeling of fighting and improving.

Katya walked up next to him. She crouched down and looked him in his defiant amber eyes with glee. "I've decided! You're coming with me to become my apprentice! Ha! I've always wanted one of those!"

But instead of the elation she expected, Erik shook his head and panted, "I can't…do that…I need…revenge…! If you're not…going to kill me…then…let me leave!"

Katya raised an eyebrow, "Oh? Revenge, huh? That's fair. Revenge is a noble pursuit. But you can do that later after you train with me for a while."

Clearly, this woman was not used to getting rejected.

But Erik couldn't afford to go with her. He was still hiding too many things, and he had no idea what her reaction would be to those. Not that he was really interested in telling her anything, regardless of her response.

So he shook his head again, "I…really can't…how about…I come to find you…after my revenge…?"

Katya chuckled, "It's cute that you think you have a choice in this. You really don't, however. Besides, the council wants you for interrogation and identification. But don't worry, with me in your corner, it'll be a breeze."

In response, Erik closed his eyes. Thinking this was his way of accepting the situation, Katya smiled and began to get up when her eyes suddenly opened wide. She tried to grab Erik, but he disappeared in a flash.

This was his second lightning rune.

It was a short-range burst of speed that required a built-up charge from fighting for a while. It had been ready to use for a while, but he was saving it for this moment.

He reappeared about 20 meters away, but Katya didn't calm down, not even registering the fact he shouldn't have another lightning ability. She continued to stare at him with wide eyes. "Stop it, you idiot pup! Why go this far?!"

Erik grinned as chaotic energy began leaking from his being, making the air around him crackle and pop.

As blood began leaking from his mouth, he spoke, "Without conviction, what do you have in life? I will get my revenge, and I refuse to wait for it. I'd rather be dead than wait."

Because that is what Erik was doing. He was overloading his runes, which would soon make his body explode.

The thing was, this wasn't an act.

He might not actually prefer death over waiting a little longer for revenge, but he did choose death over leaving his fate up to the council. And so did Elora. After all, she, too, would die when Erik did, at least without severing their bond first, but that was easier said than done.

Not that she would have if she could.

Together till death do us part.

For many, these were just words they said during a marriage ceremony. But for them, it was a lifestyle conviction.

Therefore, if things didn't go as planned, he really was prepared to die today. A little sudden? Perhaps. But this was not the first time they had gone through something like this.

True conviction is not born from mere ideals, after all. It is born from experiences.

Katya saw Erik's eyes had the willingness to die here and now, together with Elora.

The Iron Sentinel knew she wouldn't reach him in time to stop him. She didn't want her newest apprentice to die like this, but she also couldn't just let him leave. The chances he would actually come find her later were minuscule.

Her expression was severe, and her eyes focussed, "Damnit pup, don't be an idiot! I like your conviction, but there's a thin line between determination and folly! Just come with me. What's the harm in waiting a little?!"

But Erik didn't stop.

At that moment, the backdoor of the mansion opened, and an excited, if exhausted, Seraphina walked out, dragging a struggling woman behind her.

A woman who looked an awful lot like Elora. Except without her wings.

She yelled, "Boss, Boss! Over here!"

Erik and Katya both swivelled their heads to Seraphina. Katya looked curious and quickly determined Seraphina's eyes were clear and not enslaved, before she refocused on the more immediate problem of Erik.

Yet she frowned when Erik looked at the woman dragged by Seraphina with despair, "Elora!"

She immediately understood this woman was important to him and smiled deviously. "Alright, so you are prepared to die. But are you prepared to take this woman with you?

Even if I don't kill her, the council might just punish her in your stead, and I have no reason to defend her."

For a moment, Erik looked indecisive as he momentarily halted his implosion but kept it hovering just above meltdown. Elora yelled, "Don't listen to her, Erik. Do what you have to!"

Katya immediately cursed under her breath, then yelled, "Foolish girl, do you want the both of you to die?!"

Elora looked at Katya with hatred and resentment, making Katya wonder how much she had seen of their fight, "I'm sure a bitch like you wouldn't understand our love! He would die for me as I would die for him!"

Katya facepalmed, "Ugh, now I have two people with the typical conviction of idiots!"

She looked at Erik helplessly, "I gotta say, this is waning my interest in you a little."

Looking thoughtful for a moment, under various gazes of the people present, Katya eventually sighed, "Still, if I can redirect such conviction, you might turn into a fighter that rivals myself."

She turned to Seraphina, content that Erik was apparently waiting for now. She was curious precisely what had happened to Seraphina and how she ended up with that woman in her hand, but that could wait for later.

Her priority was the other wardens and enforcers that were sent there. "How is everyone else? And what can you tell me of that woman?"

Seraphina grinned as she looked at the wounded Erik, clearly finding some enjoyment in his current state, then turned back to Katya. "They're all fine, boss. Enzo is currently waking the others.

As for the woman, I'm not sure. I know that man cares about her, and her name is Elora, but that's about it. When I came to, I saw your fight and decided to search the house for the Ashcroft sisters and this woman. But I found only her."

Seraphina laughed arrogantly, "She was hiding inside the mansion's panic room. I guess she didn't think I knew of it."

Katya nodded thoughtfully and turned back to Erik. "So, your name is Erik, huh? My name is Katya Ironova. Listen, we have clearly reached an impasse here. But how about I suggest a solution?"

Seeing Erik stare at her with conviction and determination but with no answer, she took his silence as a willingness to listen.

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