A Wolf's Howl, A Fairy's Wing

Chapter 34: Chapter 34 - Seraphina's predicament

Looking at the enraged, suspended beauty, Erik spoke up, grinning, "Why, Seraphina, how nice of you to join us. You look beautiful, by the way. Listen, I hope you didn't think I was doing anything untoward with Emma."

The burning fury in her eyes told him that was exactly what she was thinking. And he wasn't surprised, considering Seraphina knew nothing of Elora, and her screams of ecstasy likely echoed through the entire house.

He then indicated towards the short, winged beauty on his chest, who was looking at Seraphina with playful sadism twinkling in her eyes, "Have you met my partner, by the way? She's the one who made your current cage. Her name is Elora.

Anyway, since you barged into our room like this, I'm afraid we'll have to punish you a little by leaving you up there for the night. But don't let that stop you from getting some rest, alright?"

He smirked as he said that. Erik was perfectly aware that the low static constantly prickling Seraphina's skin would make it impossible for her to rest.

And since Elora was technically a third rank, even if she didn't have any offensive magic besides sigils, there was no way Seraphina would be breaking out of that.

Leaving Seraphina to her fate, he pulled Elora closer and whispered in her ear, "Clean us up and put some clothes on us, okay?"

Elora giggled, "Fine."

She snapped her fingers, and a green wave washed over them, spreading outwardly. When the wave was gone, they were both as clean as could be, with comfortable clothes on their bodies.

Erik gave Elora a deep kiss, and then she laid down on his right side, resting her head on his shoulder, much like Emma was doing on the other side.

They both closed their eyes but didn't go to sleep, as neither of them really needed much of it. Instead, they both began exploring their runes or glyphs and advancing in power, as Erik had originally planned.

Meanwhile, Seraphina continued looking at this scene with burning fury. At least, at first. As the night went on, she grew more desperate, and the fury in her eyes slowly drained away, replaced by regret over assuming the worst and a desire to be freed.


It was a whole ten hours later before Emma finally began to stir. Including the time Erik had spent having sex with Elora, Emma had slept for at least eleven hours, making up for much of the fatigue which had ravaged her body.

Feeling the ropes, she had a short moment where she feared that her newfound freedom had all been a dream, but when she opened her eyes and looked at Erik's wide chest next to her, the memories of last night came back to her.

Before sighing in relief, however, she did a quick mental check of her body to make sure she didn't suddenly feel a strange pain in her lower parts, but when she couldn't detect anything, she released that sigh through her gag as her trust in Erik began to rise to immense levels.

Noticing movement next to him, Erik halted the exploration of his runes and glyphs to look beside him with a smile, "Good morning, Emma. Do you know you've slept for at least eleven hours? I can't help but assume you got a good rest."

Seeing her mumble something with happy eyes, Erik quickly removed her gag, allowing Emma to speak up with a cheery voice, very different from the tired and somewhat defeated voice he'd gotten used to from her, "I slept very well!"

Then she turned her head away from Erik's eyes and seemed a little embarrassed, "I… Thank you. For helping me, and… not taking advantage."

Grinning, Erik took Emma's chin in his hand and made her look into his eyes, causing him to notice the small tears of gratitude sparkling in them,

"You don't need to worry when you're with me. Just serve me well according to our deal, and I will never harm or break my word to you."

Emma nodded with a happy smile, "I'll do whatever you require of me, sir!"

Erik was surprised at the way she addressed him but didn't correct her. Clearly, this night had an enormous impact on the girl.

Yet when he thought of what he did with Elora last night and the vampire woman who was still suspended just behind Emma's back, he couldn't help but chuckle, "I hope you'll still think that later."

Emma looked confused but then suddenly heard some muffled sounds behind her and wriggled her body to turn around.

Still suspended by chains of lightning, Seraphina had a pleading look in her eyes as she tried to get Emma's attention.

Seeing what was behind her, Emma's thoughts briefly halted as she had trouble catching up to what was happening while a single syllable escaped her lips, "Uh."

Meanwhile, Erik had decided to relieve Emma of her bonds, so she was free to stretch her arms while she turned around and looked at Erik with uncertainty, "S- Sir? Can I ask what's going on with Seraphina?"

Erik looked at her with interest, surprised she didn't immediately try to help Seraphina and intended to test her conviction, "What if I say no?"

She seemed to hesitate a little but then steeled herself, "Then that's fine, sir." Erik could still see the uncertainty in her eyes, however. It seemed Emma wasn't very happy about the situation but would still choose him over Seraphina.

Meanwhile, Elora had also stirred and propped herself up on her elbow as her heavy chest swayed in the morning air, "Oooh, look at you being a good little girl."

Apparently only now noticing Elora's presence, Emma yelped, "Ah! U- Uh, good morning, ma'am."

Elora grinned at Emma like a cat, looking at her new toy, "Ma'am, huh? I can live with that. But for now, I'm going back home." At those words, she disappeared into a cloud of light specks and entered Erik's body.

While Emma had seen this before, Seraphina looked on with astonishment, finally understanding where this woman had been all this time.

Erik then got up from the bed and walked towards Seraphina, who seemed to look at Erik with a strange combination of fury and defeat as she could feel his lustful eyes wander across her naked body.

After he had gotten his eyeful, he used Elora's link to the sigil to remove the strands of lightning keeping Seraphina's mouth sealed. "How are you feeling?"

First, stretching her jaw to get the stiffness out of it, she then looked at Erik with uncertain fury, "F- Fuck you."

Erik's lips curled into a wolfish grin, "Come now, Seraphina. You barged into the room without so much as a thought. Did you really expect us not to take precautions?"

Seeing no reaction from her as she continued to stare at him with fury, Erik just shrugged and walked past her "Oh well. Come on, Emma, let's get some breakfast."

Emma gulped a little with uncertainty but then walked after Erik while looking apologetically at Seraphina, "Y- Yes, Sir!"

Seraphina quickly yelled after him, "Wait! Y- You can't leave me here!" She had been trying all night to break loose but to no avail. Now, her body ached and wanted release from the strain and constant electric stimulation.

Unable to look behind her, she feared Erik had actually left her until she heard a voice, "Oh? I suppose I could free you… If you ask nicely and apologise for barging in."

At first, she sighed in relief that he was still there, but hearing his demands, she became stubborn again, "I- I will ask nicely, but I won't apologise for trying to save Emma from you! Even if it appears to already be too late…"

Seeing the pleading look in Emma's eyes and honestly being unable to find anything wrong with her actions, Erik sighed, "Fine. Go on then."

Seraphina groaned for a moment but eventually relented, "Will you please release me?"

Erik grinned in response and snapped his fingers, causing the sigil to disappear and Seraphina to land on her feet while swaying a little before she quickly and gracefully found her balance and stretched her body under a relieved moan.

Meanwhile, Erik ignored Elora's mocking of his supposed 'bleeding heart.'

Seraphina turned around and saw Erik look at her still naked body with a lustful smirk, while Emma looked embarrassed and stammered, "S- Seraphina, I…"

But the vampire held up her hand to stop Emma, "It's fine, Emma. You and I knew each other a long time ago, and I had more to do with your sister, anyway. You made your choice, and I don't blame you for it. I just hope you made the right one."

Having said her piece, she threw one last resentful look at Erik before slipping past them and started walking towards the room she had picked for herself the night before without ever covering up her nakedness.

Clearly, she was either too prideful to show shame or just very comfortable with her body.

As Erik enjoyed the view of her spectacular, swaying ass, he heard her voice again, "I'm going to put on my clothes. I'll meet you two downstairs."

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