A Wolf's Howl, A Fairy's Wing

Chapter 107: Chapter 107 - A shadowy figure (partial 18+)

A little over an hour had passed since Viljar left the Gunnulf residence, Erik's old home. Shadows stretched long and thin across the snow-blanketed ground, cast by the dimming light that still lingered in the sky above the silent, mostly empty houses.

Outside, in the cold, late evening air of Frostvik, the soft sound of snow crunching underfoot sounded in the air.

An unknown figure, cloaked in the anonymity provided by the dim light, moved cautiously from one shadow to the next. Each step was deliberate, avoiding the patches of snow that looked too crisp and might betray their presence with a louder crunch.

The figure was clearly adept at sneaking.

They paused at the edge of one building, their breath forming small clouds of mist that dissipated quickly into the cold air.

With a quick glance over their shoulder, the figure darted across the open space between the houses, their movement a mere whisper against the snow. They reached the next building, pressing themselves against its wall, feeling the rough texture of wood beneath their fingers.

For a moment, they stood still, listening for any sign of discovery, but the village remained silent, almost as if it were holding its breath along with them.

When they were sure nothing was happening, they released a breath of air into the cold night. They were nervous, even though they tried to stamp down on that feeling as much as possible.

They were here for a reason, and nerves would only obstruct them.

They snuck around the walls of the house they were currently pressed again until they found the front door. A quick peek through the window told them there was no one directly on the other side, causing a grin to appear on their face.

Yet, when they reached for the door handle, they remembered what had happened the last time someone tried to open that door and hesitated.

However, the hesitation didn't last long as determination, backed by a dash of insanity, flickered in their eyes. The figure didn't want to wait any longer, and they doubted there would be a difference between the house's defenses now versus later.

Either the defenses had been lowered because of the earlier events, or they hadn't been. Either way, it was time to find out.

The figure touched the doorknob, turned it, and held their breath in anticipation.

When, again, nothing happened, they released their breath and chuckled. "You'll soon find out what a mistake you made! Soon, you won't be able to escape me, Erik!" they mumbled excitedly.

Slowly, the figure opened the door and passed into the house like a shadow.

They marveled at the electric light, casting a soft glow across the hallway. "The boss was right. They actually have electricity here." The figure mumbled.

It took a mere moment before the figure shook themselves free of useless thoughts and looked around to take in their surroundings. "Interior looks about the same. Which means that…" they turned in a particular direction, "bedrooms are that way."

Before they could continue on their way, however, they suddenly heard a noise coming from somewhere else. They turned toward the sound with lightning-fast reflexes but only saw a slightly ajar door.

The figure frowned and looked between the door and the direction of the bedrooms and quickly made a decision by moving towards the door. "I think that door leads to the basement. I should at least check out where that sound comes from, as I don't actually know where Erik is." They mumbled.

They snuck closer to the door and slowly opened it from its ajar position to wide open while inwardly thanking their lucky stars that it didn't creak.

On the other side of the door was a set of stairs leading down to another door, again, slightly ajar, where bright light was escaping.

As the figure crept slowly down the stairs, the sounds became more explicit, and soon enough, they realized what they were hearing.

Wanting confirmation, they snuck up to the door and peeked through the crack. When they saw the scene on the other side, a wide grin appeared on their face.


The basement of Erik's childhood home was a rugged and utilitarian space. Stone walls enclosed a wide area filled with equipment like various kinds of wooden dummies for practicing strikes; some armored, some not.

The walls featured a selection of weapons with dull edges for easy access and mats covering the floor for groundwork and sparring.

Heavy punching bags hung from the ceiling beams, swaying slightly. In one corner, a forge and anvil were placed. This now cold and dusty equipment was once used to maintain and craft the training gear.

Clearly, this space was intended for training purposes.

Right now, however, something very different was happening on the training mats in the middle of the room.

Pulling on a chain and thrusting his hips forward, a naked Erik growled, "Ready to beg yet?!"

On the other end of the chain, and connected to his hips, was a confidently and lustfully grinning Elora, despite her situation.

Just like Erik, her divinely beautiful body was on full display. Her heavy, disproportionately large breasts retained their form, despite swinging back and forth with Erik's thrusts, which smacked against her tight bubble butt.

Her wings were gone, hidden, so as not to interfere in their fun. Around her neck was a collar with a metal chain connected to it, which a grinning Erik firmly grasped.

They were both on their knees, with Erik facing Elora's back while continuously pistoning his nine-inch member in and out of the crimson-haired beauty's soaking cunt. At the same time, he occasionally pulled on the chain to drag Elora upwards and lightly choke her.

Not hearing a response from the fairy, he growled again, this time accompanied by a more forceful pull of the chain. "I asked if you're ready to beg yet?!"

With her airway slightly blocked off by the collar and chain, Elora released a choked giggle before sputtering, "N- Never!" The confident grin never left her face.

Despite their apparent focus on the debauchery, a much calmer conversation was happening through their link.

"Did you notice our visitor?" Elora asked with a mental smirk.

Inwardly chuckling, Erik responded. "Of course. I assume you have a fun idea? We could do with a spy in the Enclave, after all."

"Who do you think you're talking to!" Elora responded with a mental giggle. "Here's my plan!"

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