A VR Travel Story That Makes You Want to Be Humiliated

Chapter 358: City Exploration (2)

Chapter 358: City Exploration (2)

In principle, there are usually two or more guards.

The reason is quite obvious: if one person falls in a surprise attack, the other person responds.

What if two people fall down at the same time? If you are that skilled, it would be meaningless to have two or three guards in the first place.

However, it is also inefficient to assign more people to simple security.

So usually two people.

Why is there only one guard in that room?

I couldn't figure it out. It could be for the same reason that the city's military force was strangely low, or it could just be that they didn't have enough money to hire guards.

Anyway, it was a perfect thing for suspicious people like us.

I remained silent and conveyed the plan to Flora with my eyes.

Because if we are like each other, we can communicate without saying anything.

– Stun it with magic.

– All I have to do is faint it?

– Okay. I'll take care of the rest.

No. Should I kill him?

I thought just stunning him would be enough, so I said just stunning him would be enough, but it didn't really matter if I killed him.

Should I change my words? While I was thinking about it, Flora's magic was completed. Fast!

Flora winked at me, and at the same time.


A stone the size of a fist was shot through the air and hit the demon man's head, shattering it.

The stone was smashed. Isn't he dead?

I rushed over and caught the body of the falling man.

I had planned to do this from the beginning. If you fall down wearing armor, the sound will be loud.

It's just that it looks like it's a bit more flustered.

"Eww... Ugh..."

Fortunately, the demon man was alive.

There was a large lump on his head, like a horn, and he was screaming in pain, but he was still alive. That's enough.

He covered the lump on his head with his hair and sat him with his back against a nearby pillar.

Even if someone were to find this demon man, they would think he was just sleeping and having fun while on guard.

After I finished cleaning up, Flora came to me.

"Well, I'm sorry."

"? Why Flora?"

"I was going to send you to one room," She said. I made a mistake."

"What? Why are you trying to send me to one room?"

"Huh? "Didn't Soira say that?"



Cancel what you said first.

It seems like we need to say the least, even if it's just between us.

Thump, thump, thump...

The extremely light weight of the two beautiful girls made a light sound as they stepped on the bleak stone steps.

Stairs leading to the basement found in the room entered after defeating the guard Southern Demon man.

Two adult men were walking aimlessly down narrow stairs that would have been wide enough.

If someone came from the other side, they would be caught, but that doesn't mean they can't avoid investigating such a suspicious staircase so openly.

As I was walking down the stairs I discovered while exploring the mansion, many thoughts came to mind.

For example, creature content. Whether it's a zombie, a ghost, or a monster full of proper nouns.

In genres where such creatures appear, they always go underground.

At first, you start out in an ordinary village or city, but then you head towards a famous mansion or hospital, and when you go down the strange stairs there, you come across a research center that looks like a dark place at first glance.

Aren't we following that same story now?

When you go down, there are a lot of test subjects of unknown origin, and at the end, the man transforms into a strange monster and a boss battle begins.

"... How about the story?"

There's nothing to do going down the stairs anyway. When I told her a story full of delusions, Flora looked at me with the eyes of a fool.

I was a little hurt.

"I guess it's just because it's underground and out of sight."

I guess so?

It was a story without dreams or romance.

But Flora's story did not end there. She must have been bored as well.

"Still, I think there's something here."


"The method of creating a secret passage seems familiar. This... "It's a secret passage for escape."

For escape.

I didn't ask how you know that.

Because I knew well when Flora saw the secret passageway for escape.

Neither Flora nor I opened our mouths and went down a little further, and this time a long passage appeared ahead.

An old, dusty passageway. However, magic power remained in the lighting magic tools stuck at a distance on the ceiling, showing that this passage was still often used.

As she walked along the aisle, Flora spoke slowly.

"This end probably leads outside the city. How do you feel?"

I estimated the location of the man displayed on the radar.

Considering the location of the mansion, the size of the city, and the distance from the man... It seemed like it might be so.

"I think that's right."

After hearing my answer, Flora took out her crystal ball from her arms.

She was that guy.

The light pulsating inside the crystal ball grew brighter with each step we took down the aisle.

I don't understand what is reflected in the crystal ball. Because I'm not a wizard.

However, I was able to predict what the light that grew bigger as I progressed through the passage meant.

It is confirmed.


A sigh flowed from Flora's mouth.

I didn't know how much meaning was contained in that low sigh.

Do you feel like you were betrayed by the man you cared about? The idea that you can finally get revenge? Or is it just tension in front of a powerful enemy who is a member of the Demon King's Army?

Maybe that was all.

I wanted to leave Flora, who was swirling complicatedly inside, alone, but unfortunately, the situation was not conducive to that.

"Flora. It's coming this way. What should I do?"

The distance to the man displayed on the radar began to get closer.

You must have seen everything you need to do at the end of this passage. It was quite expected.

There are two options given to us now.

Either go back down the passage, or keep going and grab the man.

If you think about it strategically, it was definitely right to go back.

As expected, if the person with the man was Esq, an official of the Demon King's Army, it would have been difficult for the two of us to deal with it.

Because I don't know how strong EQ is. If you're the weak-armed type, you might be able to win with just me and Flora... It was too much of a gamble.

It wasn't the right time for us to gamble.

However, if we caught the man now, if we could catch him without any problems without provoking Esq, we would be able to extract a lot of information.

It's a way to extract information. What. Because there are a lot.

As a bonus, you might be able to relieve some of Flora's frustration in the process.

Flora said after thinking about it.

"... Let's go back."


We immediately turned our backs and went back to the original room.

We acted carefully to leave no traces that we had come this far, so we didn't have to worry about getting caught.

The guard who didn't wake up from fainting even after leaving the room might be a bit harsh. There's no reason for us to worry about that, right?

The next day, Flora and I left the mansion.

Even when I was with men, I often had this much personal time, so I didn't feel particularly suspicious.

The reason I left the mansion was, of course, to share information.

It was necessary to share important information with Asil, such as finding a place where EQ was likely to be located.

Fortunately, Asil stayed at the hotel where we stayed. He's not the type to get excited and run around alone.

Although it was a little early in the morning, I thought I would be awake since I had little sleep thanks to "Deep sleep".

When I went to my dorm, I excitedly opened the door. It's our room anyway.

– Boom!

"It's me!"

Then there...

"To?! What, what?! Wait, wait..."

There was Asil posing in the mirror wearing a cute dress with fluttering frills.

As soon as Asil noticed us, she quickly waved her hands and tried to cover us, but Asil's body was covered with her hands.

Instead, her foot got twisted, and she landed on her butt.



When I saw that, I burst out laughing on the spot. How can I tolerate this?


No, but let's point out one thing. Let me point this out so that you do not misunderstand my personality.

I didn't really laugh when I saw Asil wearing cute clothes. Because every girl deserves to be pretty and cute. This was especially true for a beautiful girl like Asil.

The reason I laughed was because of the change in Asil's expression.

It was so funny to see the changing expressions from when the door opened with a bang to surprise, embarrassment, shame, shame, wandering, and astonishment.

And now I'm even crying... Uh, huh?

"No, no! You know. Because I'm not laughing at you!"


"Really. You weren't really laughing at it, were you? Matches well. Cute, cute!"

Flora looked at me with scolding eyes. It was a very rare thing.

No, really no!

In the end, she had to spend a lot of time trying to console Asil.

Fortunately, I was able to calm her down before she started crying.

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