A Transmigrator’s Story in the Hyuga’s Main Branch

115. Dawn Assault: The Siege of Kirigakure Begins (1)

115. Dawn Assault: The Siege of Kirigakure Begins (1)

A few days later, Hikari, Hiashi, and Takumi led a large group of their best fighters on boats, heading toward the main island of the Land of Water where Kirigakure was located, to start their operation.

The journey across the sea was tense, with everyone aware of the importance of their mission.

They traveled quietly under the cover of night to avoid being spotted by Kirigakure's lookouts.

The moonlight shone on the water, mirroring the serious expressions on the shinobis' faces.

As they got closer to the island, the leaders double-checked their plans. Hikari made sure everyone knew where to go and what to do when they landed.

Hiashi took care of keeping everyone in touch, setting up a system so messages could be passed quickly and secretly between the groups. Takumi checked the backup plans, ready for any surprises.

Their team was ready to fight hard and change quickly if needed. They planned to attack at dawn, hoping to surprise Kirigakure and change who was in charge in the Land of Water once and for all.

As they sailed toward Kirigakure, the fleet of boats maneuvered skillfully through the archipelago, navigating between islands shrouded in darkness.

The elite Hyuga members aboard used their Byakugan to scan the surroundings, ensuring they avoided any patrols or early detection by Kirigakure's forces.

Their keen eyesight was crucial in guiding the fleet safely through the tricky waters and keeping a vigilant watch over any movement on the nearby islands.

As they approached the main island, a dense mist began to envelop them, reducing visibility and blanketing the sea in a ghostly fog. The cool air became chillier, a stark reminder of the looming confrontation.

The mist seemed to rise from the sea itself, mingling with the salty spray as the boats cut through the water.

The main island, a rugged landscape dominated by mountains, loomed ahead through the fog. Its peaks were jagged, cutting into the sky with an imposing presence.

These mountains made Kirigakure a naturally fortified stronghold, difficult to assault due to its elevated and uneven terrain.

The looming mountains, combined with the thick mist, gave the island an almost mystical quality as if it were disconnected from the rest of the world.

Therefore, their lack of some kind of advanced sensing barrier that Konoha possessed didn't bring down their overall defense game in the slightest and in fact, made them even more enclosed and protected.

The cool, damp air, high and sharp mountain ranges, and the mist swirling around them added to the tension among the troops.

However, despite these challenges, the shinobi remained focused, their determination hardened by the anticipation of the battle ahead.

The strategic use of their Byakugan and their familiarity with naval maneuvers allowed them to reach the shores of Kirigakure undetected, ready to launch their carefully planned assault at the break of dawn that was about to commence.

Standing on the deck of the lead boat, Hikari, Takumi, and Hiashi concentrated deeply, pushing their Byakugan to its limits to scout the layout and defenses of Kirigakure ahead.

After a thorough examination, they exchanged a knowing nod, confirming their readiness. Hiashi then turned to Hizashi, who was standing slightly behind the group, his eyes also intensely focused.

"How is it, Hizashi? Can you manage something from here?", Hiashi asked, his voice tinged with anticipation.

Hizashi, after a moment of final assessment, nodded toward the trio before responding, feeling quite confident and yearning to prove himself,

"Yes, even though the village is well-protected by these mountains, it's within my range. I can see through the rock formations and target accurately. However, I need a few minutes to finalize my attack plan and trajectory."

Hikari responded with a supportive tone, "That's great, Hizashi-kun. Your attack will be invaluable for creating an initial distraction and inflicting early damage. Let's make sure it's well-coordinated with our main assault."

Takumi added his admiration, "Hizashi-kun, your contributions will be remembered. I never imagined you would develop such a jutsu on your own, especially as a member of the side branch, I was quite stunned when I saw it for the first time. You might just be the strongest side branch member there ever was..."

Hikari nodded, recalling his past encouragements to Hizashi to follow his unique path, which now seemed profoundly fruitful. Hizashi had developed what could be considered the strongest long-range jutsu in the history of the Hyuga clan and became the strongest supporting and auxiliary type shinobi inside of their clan on an Elite Jonin level of strength.

The jutsu, named "Hyuga's Piercing Arrows", allowed Hizashi to create sharp, arrow-like constructs from his chakra.

Utilizing his Byakugan's vast range and precise targeting, he could launch these arrows over great distances with pinpoint accuracy.

Each arrow was capable of penetrating deep into enemy defenses, making them especially effective for initiating combat and softening enemy positions before a full-scale assault.

As the dawn's first light began to breach the horizon, Hizashi focused deeply, channeling as much chakra as he could possibly muster at this singular instance, into the unique technique he had developed.

With his Byakugan's vision enhancing his perception, he visualized the energy coalescing in his palms, forming into multiple sharp, luminous arrows.

These arrows glowed a brilliant white, pulsing with the potent Hyuga chakra, their tips pointed and deadly, ready to be launched at a moment's notice.

Standing firmly, Hizashi extended his arms, his palms facing the distant mountains where Kirigakure lay hidden.

With a deep breath, he released the arrows, which shot through the air with a faint, whistling sound, almost invisible against the dawn sky except for their glowing trails.

The arrows traveled at incredible speeds, cutting through the mist and distance with precision, directed at key defensive points and high-value targets they had identified within the village.

As the arrows reached their targets, explosions of light and energy marked their impact, creating chaos and confusion among the Kirigakure defenders.

The precisely struck points suffered significant damage, effectively softening the enemy's outer defenses and causing disarray.

Simultaneously, Hikari, Hiashi, Takumi, and the rest of their elite forces launched their assault.

Jumping out of their boats and running on the water, squads of ninjas dashed forward, using the cover of the early morning light and the confusion caused by Hizashi's attack.

They moved quickly and silently, exploiting the openings created by the arrows. The element of surprise was on their side, and they pressed it to its fullest advantage.

The main force split into designated teams, each tasked with different objectives—securing strategic points, engaging key enemy units, and pushing deeper into Kirigakure territory to assassinate all the key personnel and groups on their list.

Meanwhile, Hikari and his team commenced their assault, the Yuki and Kaguya clan forces simultaneously initiated their attack from the opposite side of the main island.

Coordinated to perfection, their timing was synchronized with the Hyuga's offensive, maximizing the confusion and disarray among Kirigakure's defenders.

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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