A Soldier's Life

Book 1 will be $0.99 in some markets on Novemner 1st

Book 1 will be $0.99 in some markets on Novemner 1st


Congratulations! We selected the following title(s) for a Kindle Deal on Amazon.ca. Amazon will handle the price updates during this period.

- A Soldier's Life: Book 1 will be discounted to CDN$ 0.99 in a Kindle Daily Deal which runs on Nov-01-2024.

Please do not update your title(s) price prior to the Kindle Deal date, including using Kindle Countdown Deals and/or Free Book Promotions. If changed, the title(s) will be removed from the Kindle Deal.


The Kindle Direct Publishing Team


Congratulations! We selected the following title(s) for a Kindle Deal on . Amazon will handle the price updates during this period.

This story originates from Royal Road. Ensure the author gets the support they deserve by reading it there.

- A Soldier's Life: Book 1 will be discounted to $0.99 in a Kindle Daily Deal which runs on Nov-01-2024.

Please do not update your title(s) price prior to the Kindle Deal date, including using Kindle Countdown Deals and/or Free Book Promotions. If changed, the title(s) will be removed from the Kindle Deal.

If you have any questions about your Kindle Deal, contact us as soon as possible: /contact-us


The Kindle Direct Publishing Team

Here is the link to it on US market (I am not sure if the US is one of the markets. I thought I approved Australia, but maybe they don't want my book down /amazon/B0CV8MMBFT

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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