A rare magical miracle in the world

Chapter 57 - 43 Miracle Awakening (Seeking Recommendation Tickets)

Chapter 57: Chapter 43 Miracle Awakening (Seeking Recommendation Tickets)

Translator: 549690339

“Thankyou for your invitation.”

At Grandfather Andrew’s invitation, Bailuo climbed up into their treehouse.

The Black Leather Book clearly stated that Tree Elves are rather amicable descendants of the Miracle Race.

Moreover, Bailuo was accompanied by Lilith, possessing absolute deterrence in strength, so he was not worried about the Tree Elves doing anything to him.

“This is my granddaughter, Lu Anya.”

“Hello, hello.”

Lu Anya was very beautiful. According to Andrew, she was the current chieftain of the Treant Race, and seated behind her was her brother, Anderson, an exceptionally handsome Tree Elf.

” Honorable Master of Miracles, hello.”

Like his sister, Anderson was also very polite, and did not hold any grudge despite the previous displeasure.

According to Grandfather Andrew, Tree Elves have a certain power to perceive the hearts of people.

They cannot know what others are thinking, but they can roughly discern good intentions from ill intentions.

Not a hint of malice emanated from Bailuo, which relaxed the Tree Elves and fulfilled the first task described in the Black Leather Book.

[You have gained their favor]

[But this is just the beginning. To truly earn the recognition of a race, first, you must do something for them.]

[A king is power, but also a duty.]

“Haven’t you had your meal yet?”

Grandfather Andrew used an archaic form of the common language, like suddenly hearing a complex and obscure English word, leaving Bailuo momentarily stunned.

After considering for a while, he finally matched it with ‘having a meal,’ which he remembered.

“Oh, right, my subjects and I have just landed on this island, and 1 came in such a hurry that I indeed haven’t eaten.”

Hearing Bailuo mention his subjects, the Tree Elves were actually a bit nervous.

Besides that, they were also somewhat curious.

“Didn’t you encounter the pirates on this island?”

Lu Anya, the Tree Elf chieftain, said, “They are many, and they carry sharp weapons. Although they are not as strong as us individually, if a real fight breaks out, it is definitely us who would be eradicated.”

“We dare not let them discover us, so we hide here.”

The Tree Elves’ Descendants were few in number. Compared to the endless stream of pirates, their rate of population replenishment was far too slow—it wasn’t an exaggeration to say that when one died, they were one less.

“Don’t worry, I’ve already eliminated them.”

A single sentence hinted at the immense strength possessed by Bailuo to everyone present.

To the Tree Elves, the 3000 pirates whom they definitely could not contend with were described by Bailuo so lightly, as if they were no more challenging than clay chickens and pottery dogs.

“You, you really are…”

Andrew seemed to guess some of Bailuo’s thoughts. He said, “May I ask what your purpose is? If there is anything we can do, we will do our best.”

Even if Bailuo requested a few beautiful Tree Elf girls, the Tree Elves would likely agree in order to survive.

“Oh, there is nothing that I want you to do.”

The Black Leather Book hinted to Bailuo that he should display the demeanor of a king, so he spoke grandly: “Our people, we are called the Yatun Clan.”

“The Yatun Clan has relocated here, intending to make this island our new settlement,” said Bailuo. “In doing so, the Yatun Clan and the Tree Elves will become neighbors.”

“I think you know what that means, Elder.”

In one place, yet two races.

Either they coexist peacefully, or they go to war, and one conquers the other.

“Do you wish to conquer us?”

“Elder, there are only 80 of us. Can that even be called conquest?”

Bailuo said: “I prefer to call it ‘harmony,’ harmonious coexistence.”

“Harmonious coexistence?”

It was the first time Grandfather Andrew heard such a phrase. He thought for a long time but could not grasp the meaning of ‘harmony.’

But coexistence, he understood.

“Do you mean…”

“I hope to combine the Yatun Clan and the Tree Elves into one, merging us into a single tribe called ‘Yatun,'” said Bailuo astonishingly. “As the Miracle King, I seek to gain more subjects. This is also the best solution for two races living on the same island.”

Though they would be called Yatun, the term Tree Elf would not disappear; it would be integrated into Yatun.

“Elder, what do you think?”

“You, you…”

To be honest, Andrew found it hard to agree since it was bullying to an extent.

It was nearly indistinguishable from strong-arming or even forced demolitions.

But given the current plight of the Tree Elves’ Descendants, if they did not wish to face extinction, they had no choice but to submit to Bailuo.

The previous display of power had indeed informed all Tree Elves’ Descendants of Bailuo’s might.

With a snap of his fingers, he could exterminate them.

The Tree Elves were at such a disadvantage. They were far too feeble compared to Bailuo. If Bailuo made a move, they would have no chance of resisting.

“I know this is excessive and somewhat imposing, but you must admit, it is merciful.”

Bailuo had not captured them or killed his way in, turning them into playthings. He had really been very, very courteous.

Any other Master of Miracles would not have been as easy to speak with as Bailuo.

This point, just by considering the ferocious pirates, was something Grandfather Andrew and Lu Anya could understand: “As long as we can survive, we are willing to accept your mercy.”

The Tree Elves chose to bow their heads, but Bailuo knew that their submission was forced and sorrowful.

They even prepared themselves for sacrifices.

Like being abused by Bailuo, being toyed with, mocked, or even more humiliating things.

“You’ve misunderstood.”

To clear up the Tree Elves Descendants’ misunderstanding, Bailuo immediately made a promise: “Tree Elves are descendants of miracles, I’ve heard that if Miracle Descendants encounter their destined king, they will regain their former glory and return to the Miracle Race.”

The three Tree Elves looked at Bailuo, and they subtly guessed his intention.

“I want to make a pact here, with you all.”

Bailuo said: “In the coming year, I don’t require any obligation from you, and I will even provide you with food and ensure the safety of your lives.”

“As long as during this period, you sincerely recognize me as your Lord, and do not do anything that betrays me or harms the interests of my territory and subjects.”

“A year from now, if I have not awakened your Miracle Power, I will provide you with a place to live on the island and will not infringe upon you.”

“Conversely,” Bailuo said, “if I have awakened your Miracle Power.”

“Should that come true, we will, without a doubt, serve you as King!”

Having said this much, how could the Tree Elves’ Descendants not understand his true intention: “Forever and always, through thick and thin, in life and death!”

In Grandfather Andrew’s view, Bailuo was like those who seek miracles, longing to obtain Miracle Power; he too had set his sights on the Tree Elves’ Descendants.

Bailuo wanted to try, he wanted to challenge himself, to see if he was the destined Miracle Master of the Tree Elves!

This, in itself, was of no harm to the Tree Elves’ Descendants.

If Bailuo succeeded, the Tree Elves’ Descendants would have reclaimed their identity as the Miracle Race, and they would naturally need to truly serve the master who revitalized the Tree Elves.


Bailuo extended his hand: “Welcome to joining our Yatun; from this day forth, you are members of our Yatun, and I will protect you with all my might.”

Andrew did not understand the meaning of Bailuo’s outstretched hand. After Bailuo explained, the old man shook hands with him: “Then from now on, I shall depend on you, Lord.”

They did not address Bailuo as King, for he had yet to awaken their power.

[You have obtained them, they now belong to you]

[However, they need abundant Miracle Power, so why not do something that can awaken this power?]

The Tree Elf had acknowledged a master, which meant that as long as Bailuo had not relinquished their contract, no one else could continue the mission of the Tree Elves.

In other words, Bailuo had obtained the exclusive rights to the Tree Elves, just like the previous Sherri and Lilith.

[Tree Elves’ Descendants (Unawakened)]

Contract: Bailuo Yatun

Level: Lower Tier

Category: Miracle Race

Faction: Northbound Land

Miracle Power needed for awakening: 1%

“What is this Miracle Power mentioned in the awakening requirements?”

Bailuo was somewhat surprised; he had not expected that the awakening of the Tree Elves would be in this manner.

A first encounter!

Regarding this matter, Bailuo decided to ask his uncle later, but for now, Bailuo still needed to focus on the Tree Elves’ Descendants.

“Now, as your Lord, I propose the first decision.”

Bailuo said: “I hope the Tree Elves will move from here and, together with the People of Yatun, establish a new home.”


This was a bit distressing.

Fortunately, Bailuo indicated the People of Yatun were not numerous, with a population roughly similar to that of the Tree Elves.

“Only, eighty?”

Lu Anya had not expected Yatun to have so few people: “Is the power of miracles really that strong?”

Lu Anya did not believe it was the People of Yatun who defeated the pirates, that was a force numbering in the thousands.

“One must not judge miracles by common sense.”

Grandfather Andrew thus admonished, and Lu Anya immediately realized her mistake, apologizing repeatedly: “I misspoke, please forgive me, Lord.”

Both Lu Anya and her grandfather spoke with an archaic style; sometimes Bailuo had to ponder a bit to understand their meaning.

“No problem, it’s normal for anyone hearing about such things for the first time to be skeptical.”

Bailuo said with a smile: “But I did indeed succeed.”

The Tree Elves were all of good temperament, belonging to a naturally gentle species.

Moreover, the phrase ‘they now belong to you’ from the Black Leather Book implied that the thoughts of the Tree Elves were probably very simple.

Once they had acknowledged him, they would never betray their words.

For Yatun, there were in total just 160 people on the island; being scattered would do no good while unity was strength.

Bailuo was confident he could make the People of Yatun treat the Tree Elves well; the only issue was whether the Tree Elves truly wished to align with them.

In this, it was a bit like marrying off a daughter and getting a wife.

The People of Yatun were the husband’s family, in their eyes, the Tree Elves were a race conquered by Bailuo, with Yatun at the core.

Conversely, the Tree Elves were an outside race, ultimately a bit different from Yatun.

These issues, Bailuo was not in a hurry to resolve now.

There was plenty of time, and with each development and challenge against strong enemies, the Tree Elves and the People of Yatun would eventually unite.

Furthermore, once the Tree Elves became Bailuo’s Miracle Race, they would truly become a part of Yatun.

If everyone belonged to Bailuo, why distinguish between us and them?

“I will notify you about the relocation tomorrow.”

Having said this, Bailuo stood up and departed; the Tree Elves immediately sent him off on his journey.

Once he had reached a sufficient distance, Bailuo had Sherri fly up, and they quickly returned to the fishing village, where he informed his uncle about the matter of the Tree Elves.

“You did right.”

His uncle said: “If they truly are Miracle Descendants, any effort to win them over is worthwhile.”

“But do you really know how to awaken their power?”


Bailuo skipped the source of the information and went straight to the point: “I need Miracle Power.”

“Miracle Power?”

Understanding dawned on his uncle who said gravely: “That’s not easy to come by.”

“Is it troublesome?”

“Not to say troublesome, but the source of the Miracle Power needed by different Miracle Descendants varies; some might need protection, while others’ wishes need to be fulfilled.”

“Quirks of every kind, difficult to unify.”

His uncle told Bailuo: “But no matter which kind, being kinder to them is always right.”

“This tolerance and care will be held in the heart of every Tree Elf, and naturally, the Miracle Power of the Miracle Descendants will abound.”

“It’s that simple?”

“It’s not that simple,” his uncle said: “The biggest hassle is, Xiao Luo, are you sure that this batch of Tree Elves’ Descendants is the only remaining Miracle Descendants in the world?”

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