A Lucky Wife Born Again From a Farm Family

Chapter 212: Gu Yumei receives gift

Chapter 212: Gu Yumei receives gift

Chapter 212 Gu Yumei receives the gift

Everyone agreed, and the third grandfather went home and told the matter to the third grandma.

"It happened that there was a lot of meat left on the day the workshop opened, and it was all hung in the old well. It's all cooked tonight. Let's have a meal. If you don't eat it, the meat will go bad." The third grandma followed. Lao Yan started busy making dinner.

Gu Jinli called Mrs. Cui, Gu Jinxiu, Mrs. Chu, Luo Huiniang, Aunt Tian, Tian Xiaohua, and Gu Yumei who were not working at the stall to his home and taught them how to prepare spices.

Gu Yumei has long wanted to know how to prepare spices. She was very happy when Gu Jinli called her to come home and teach her how to prepare spices. But she was arrogant and insisted on taking Qiao, saying in a weird voice: "Our family is not short of money now, why do we have to make our own spices, can't we just buy a few servants to come back to work?"

Gu Jinli chuckled, looked at her and said, "Are you going to learn? If you don't learn, get out. My courtyard door is not closed."

Gu Yumei choked and almost cried in anger. She just said it casually, and she didn't mean to learn from it.

Although she was very angry, Gu Yumei wanted to learn how to prepare spices, so she stayed shamelessly.

Gu Jinli took out eight kinds of spices and said to them: "We will ship out 2,400 kilograms of goods on April 26th. It's too much. I can't handle it by myself. I'll teach you the recipe and we'll make the spices together." .

She pointed to amomum villosum and cumin and said, "Mother Rob's house prepares these two spices. One pound of amomum villosum and two taels of shank. Stir them evenly and put them in a small cloth bag. "

Then he said: "Mother Luo, Mother Hui, you can go to the workshop now and ask Mo Chunyue to pick out amomum villosum and kaempferol for you to take home, and mix these two spices according to the amounts I told you. Remember, don't Put more and less, otherwise the taste will be wrong.

Luo Huiniang was shocked when she heard this: "Is it that simple?"

Gu Jinli nodded: "It's that simple. Go and work with your mother. Remember to come to my house for dinner tonight."

"Okay." Luo Huiniang and Mrs. Chu got up, left Gu Jinli's house, and went to the workshop first. After letting Mo Chunyue pick up the amomum villosum and hawthorn, she mixed the two spices according to the quantities Gu Jinli said.

Gu Jinli said to Gu Yumei: "Your family is responsible for preparing cloves and cinnamon. Two liang of cloves, plus half a liang of cinnamon, mix the two spices together, stir evenly, and then put the prepared spices one by one in a cloth bag. Just put it on."

She pointed to the door of the courtyard and said, "If you remember, go to the workshop to get the spices and mix them home."

He added: "When your second aunt comes back, tell her the weight and let her match it with you."

Gu Yumei works too slowly. If she had to do it alone, she wouldn't be able to produce a few kilograms a day.

Gu Yumei frowned when she heard this and shouted: "Gu Xiaoyu, aren't there five, six, or eight types of seasonings? Why did you only teach us how to mix two types? Why didn't you finish the lesson? You are too thoughtful. You teach us how to prepare spices, but you teach half of them and hide the other half. Why are you so dark-hearted? If you want to teach us, just finish it. If you dont finish it, I wont learn!"

Gu Jinli smiled: "This matter has been agreed by several families a long time ago. My family is in charge of the tofu and spice recipes. If you are not convinced, go and tell Grandpa San and the others during dinner tonight."

How to teach and how much to teach is up to her.

And the method she used was the safest. One family controls the proportions of the two spices so that the spice recipe will not be leaked.


"If you don't do this job, your 10% bonus will be confiscated when the money comes to 26 cents in April." "You, you are threatening me!" Gu Yumei pointed at Gu Jinli and almost fainted in anger. .

Gu Jinli slapped her hand away and said: "Who do you think you are? Are you worthy of my threats? You really think of yourself as a wealthy lady. Everyone is so busy. What kind of sweet dream do you think you can do without working and just sharing the money?" ?

Looks like youve become so used to it that within a few days of settling down, youve forgotten the hard days of eating grass roots and tree bark when you were fleeing the famine?

Gu Yumei had no choice but to run to the workshop to get spices while crying.

Gu Jinli shouted behind her: "Remember the weights of the two spices. If you put the wrong weights and mix the spices incorrectly, not to mention splitting the money, your family will have to pay the workshop!"

Gu Yumei was even more angry when she heard this. After arriving at the workshop, she wanted to complain to her father, but her father didn't love her and her eldest brother so much recently, so she could only endure it and didn't say anything. She wanted to vent her anger on Mo Chunyue, but Mo Chunyue was not there. She had already picked up the spices and followed Mrs. Chu and Luo Huiniang to Luo's house.

She could only pick out the cinnamon and cloves and take them home.

Luckily her home is close to the workshop, otherwise she would have died of exhaustion.

Before she got home, she saw a girl wearing a long crimson brocade coat and skirt, holding a box in her hand, standing at the door of her house.

When Gu Yumei saw the girl, her eyes immediately focused on her skirt. The skirt was so beautiful. It must be brocade. She could still afford brocade. She looked like a young lady from a wealthy family.

Just, why would a young lady from a wealthy family come to her house?

Doesnt her family know any rich people?

Could it be someone sent by Lady Shang Xiucai?

Gu Yumei wanted to please Madam Shang Xiucai, and relied on her connections to find a good family to marry. Now she felt that this girl should be someone sent by Madam Shang Xiucai, and she immediately became enthusiastic: "Sister, who are you looking for? "

Gu Yumei put down her burden, smoothed her hair, straightened her clothes, held a cotton handkerchief, and said in a soft voice: "This is my home. What do you do for sister to come to my home?"

Is that what you said? I heard from my eldest brother that all the big families in the city talk like this.

Hua'er's face was smeared with thick rouge to cover the mark of Zou Yuwan's slap. Seeing Gu Yumei's pretense, she felt very disdainful, but she remembered Zou Yuwan's explanation and said to Gu Yumei: "You are the one A girl from this family. The thing is like this. My young lady came to stay at my grandfathers house for a few days. She brought some gifts from the county and distributed them to the girls in the village. This is for the girls. I hope you dont dislike it and give the gifts. Take it.

When Gu Yumei heard this, her eyes lit up. She looked at the painting again and asked, "Where is your lady from?"

This girl is actually a maid, and even a maid is dressed so well. How rich is this young lady?

Hua'er knew that the relationship between Gu's workshop and Zou and Lu's family was not good, so he did not identify himself clearly. He just said: "He is not a nobleman somewhere, he is just an ordinary family in the county. The master of the family is a small official in the county government."

Still an official lady!

Gu Yumei was so happy that she hurriedly slapped the courtyard door and shouted inside: "Brother Fa, come and open the door quickly. I'm going to kill you. Didn't you see the distinguished guest coming?"

Fa Ge'er, this idiot, knows how to stay at home and grind spices all day long. What to grind? We have already hired workers, why do we still need a small employer like him?

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