A Journey Through the Universes

Chapter 142: Laughter

Chapter 142: Laughter

Tetsuya narrowed his eyes slyly How about visiting Madara?

Zetsu looked at Uzumaki with incomprehension I thought you wanted to leave him alone and just follow Uchiha.

I wanted to, but changed my mind. Leaving Madara alone is too risky. I don't dare underestimate the strongest Uchiha.

Zetsu asked with interest Then what are you up to?

Tetsuya shrugged his shoulders Either Madara succumbs to my persuasions and helps us revive Kaguya, or I kill him.

By "killing" Tetsuya meant sealing evil in the seal, but Zetsu doesn't need to know that. It wasn't that Tetsuya didn't trust the will of the Hare Goddess much, but no one had ever died from being too careful.

To seal Madara in the seal of evil and absorb the chakra of the reincarnation of Indra and Asura, or rather, it turns out, the chakra of Hagoromo himself ... Sounds pretty tasty and Tetsuya internally struggled with himself because of this.

The fact is that Tetsuya sympathized with this charismatic antagonist trying to bring absolute peace to the Shinobi lands. Of course his methods are terrible, but the message is quite kind and even correct.

That's why he decided to give him a chance to "improve", but if nothing happens, Tetsuya won't be particularly upset either, for the reasons shown above.

Zetsu tilted his head inquiringly to the side and folded his arms on his chest Do you think you can defeat Madara? This old Uchiha forced Hashirama Senju, the past "God of Shinobi" to give his best.

I am sure that I have reached the level of my father's strength, or rather even surpassed him. Madara is now old and left without his eyes, which, for a moment, now serve me. He has no chance of beating me, but I'm not going to underestimate him. He may not be able to defeat me, but he may well run away and hide.

It's good that you understand this. Follow me, I'll lead you to him.

Sangoku no Hakaba. "Cemetery of the Mountains"

Deep under the mountain, in one of the abandoned mines, which was also the ruins of the Ootsutsuki clan, an old man sat on a wooden semblance of a throne. His long, snow-white gray hair hung down to the middle of his back. Despite his age, the old man had a large head of hair that had lost its healthy shine, hair.

Old wrinkles covered his face, showing the inevitability of time. The skin sagged on the painfully thin body, at times clearly showing the skeleton.

Three wooden "tendrils" came out of his back and went to the top of an unusual tree bursting with vitality.

Kusarigama was lying next to the old man, waiting for her blade to sprinkle the blood of her master's enemies.

The old man sat quietly and peacefully in silence, closing his eyes, but at one point he opened them when he suddenly felt a powerful source of chakra nearby. Hashirama?! he exclaimed, but when his eyes found the source of the chakra, grinning, he added No. My eternal rival is long dead. You are his son and successor, Uzumaki Tetsuya.

He said all this in a calm tone with a grin on his face, but the truth is that all these emotions were put on. Inside, the old man was extremely shocked and alarmed. His brain was trying to figure out how he had been discovered and how he could avoid the failure of his great plan.

Tetsuya smiled, bowed and humbly said, "It is an honor for me to know that the legendary Uchiha Madara knows me.

Madara slowly got up from the throne Really the son of his father. I feel your strength. he said with a wild smile and at the same time gave the command to all Shiro Zetsu to "wake up"

The army of White Zetsu woke up underground and began to invisibly surround the mine.

In addition, Uchiha began to collect chakra for a powerful genjutsu, but before he could perform the technique, Tetsuya dropped the illusion from his eyes and said Your "Eye of the Moon" plan has failed.

Madara's heart sank when he heard about the plan and saw the rinnegan at Tetsuya.

Anger, disappointment, misunderstanding, anger, embarrassment and resentment overcame Uchiha. Pursing his lips, Madara, trying to remain calm, said one word How?

How could he fail? How did his perfect plan fail? How did his goal and dream, for which he did so much, fail? How? HOW!?

Madara had no illusions. He knew that he would not be able to defeat the man in front of him and even if he managed to escape... the plan failed, rinnegan was lost, and he would soon die without nourishment from the Hashirama clone.

Tetsuya calmly looked at the old man I saw the past and the future. Even if I hadn't interrupted you, your plan would have failed anyway.

Madara was silent.

The plate that you, Uchiha, have been keeping for so long was really created by Rikudo Sanin, however, after the death of the sage, it was changed by one being for his own benefit. You've been manipulated from the very beginning, Madara.

The old man's fingers twitched involuntarily.

All the white Zetsu that are now surrounding the mine are actually victims of Mugen Tsukiyomi. The technique is designed to suck the life and chakra out of unsuccessful people, and turn them into slaves, Shiro Zetsu... not for world peace, as you thought. Your plan was a failure from the very beginning. The technique with which you wanted to bring peace to earth will destroy humanity.

Madara's gaze became indistinct, and her thoughts were beating like animals in a cage.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, my plans for the future closely overlap with the plans of the person who has been manipulating you all this time. Kuro, show yourself.

Slowly, a black humanoid appeared out of the ground next to Tetsuya.

Madara's drifting gaze sharpened sharply and dug into Kuro Zetsu's body. Like a vulture, the old Uchiha looked at the humanoid.

Nice to meet you, Madara. Zetsu said with a smile in a haughty tone

You... Madara said with a dry mouth, looking at a creature suspiciously similar to his servants, white Zetsu

It was a pleasure to manipulate you. Zetsu broke into a fanged and mocking grin While you manipulated subordinates, servants, villages and looked at them with arrogance, your puppets, I've been looking at you the same way all this time, only at you, already at my puppet.

A shadow fell on Madara's face, and his body shook. The old Uchiha experienced a strong emotional blow.

Now that rinnegan has been obtained, thanks to you, your value has dropped. You are nothing more than a feeble old man living out his life, I don't even know why Uzumaki wanted to talk to you. As for me, you are just used garbage that is no longer worth attention.

Verbal venom oozed from Kuro, possessing almost physical damage.

The old Uchiha froze, became like a statue.

Not only Madara, but Tetsuya was also shocked by the humanoid's performance. Uzumaki did not understand why he was doing this, because there was no point in "destroying" Uchiha like that. Moreover, it was hurting them, Tetsuya wanted to negotiate with Madara after all.

Uzumaki decided to intervene before Kuro continued Despite the words of my ally, I would like to offer you to unite and achieve your dream in another way

But Tetsuya's words were not heard by the old man. More precisely, they were simply ignored.

The seconds raced by at breakneck speed.

Kuro, Tetsuya, and even the white Zetsu underground looked strangely at the frozen Madara, who seemed to have lost all spirit.

When Tetsuya was ready to break the silence, Madara suddenly broke into the widest crazy smile.

Then he burst out into a frenzied laughter, which caused fear, but more pity.

The old man laughed for almost a minute, looking at Kuro and Tetsuya with a wild and monstrous look.

Then Madara's eyes changed. The sclera was covered with red capillaries, the iris turned red, showing three tomoes. The sharingan was involuntarily activated.

Tetsuya frowned as he watched Tomoe twirl in the dance.

Slowly the three tomoes "melted" turning into a characteristic pattern.

Madara re-awakened mangekye sharingan.

Usually, to awaken mangekye, you need to experience the heartache of losing a loved one, but he managed to circumvent this rule.

The spiritual pain of "death", the destruction of his dreams and ideals was so strong that the rule was broken.

Although it is still possible that mangekye managed to awaken because of a partially fulfilled rule, because at that moment his dreams and ideals "died". And Uchiha himself possessed the chakra of Asura and Indra, already awakened mangekye, eternal mangekye, and rinnegan.

Madara didn't stop laughing hysterically, but it doesn't matter. The important thing is that the mangekye sharingan pattern lingered in the old man's eyes for only a few seconds.

The next moment, the pattern disintegrated. The sclera acquired a bright and rich purple color, and the characteristic pattern for rinnegan was already pulsating in Madara's eyes with renewed vigor.

Tetsuya looked into Uchiha's eyes with some surprise. Zetsu also looked at the fruits of his actions in amazement.

The frenzied laughter stopped. Only the mad smile on Madara's face reminded of him.

My ideals and dreams are rotten. My life is a play, and I'm the main clown in it. Madara was saying with a mad look looking at Kuro Zetsu But before I die, I will personally erase your miserable existence.

Madara, we can still agree

Don't talk nonsense! I will destroy this abomination in any case! I will wash away the shame and "repay the debt"!

Tetsuya stepped forward, covering Kuro I'm afraid I can't let that happen...

Step back, son of Hashirama!

I can't do it. Uzumaki Madara shook his head, I repeat, you will be able to realize your dream with us in an alliance, only

SUSANOO!!! Madara shouted with a burning look

THE ELEMENT OF WOOD: THE THOUSAND-ARMED TRUTH! Tetsuya echoed him, touching his palms at chest level

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this is a translation. pls add the site where we can find the raws. plus mentioning who the author is and that you are translating it. otherwise. youbare stealing the authors work

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The name is journey through the universe but he doesnt leave the world hes in so you should change the name

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The story is not bad in itself, the problem is that the author (or translator) changes the names of the characters. For example: Kohta is called Cat, Rei is Ray.... There are also very embarrassing parts of the story, it's exactly Mc in the way he acts and talks with other characters, he looks like a beta SIMp with OP skills.

<figure data-hvi="true" data-report-pdt="readerend" data-report-pdid="23102006005984205" data-report-l1="1" data-report-did="23345958706186900">

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