A God Killed Me By Accident, But I Reincarnated As The 4th Son Of The Marquis

Volume 6.5 Chapter 84: The Island Is Going To Get Crazy.

Volume 6.5 Chapter 84: The Island Is Going To Get Crazy.

Volume 6.5 Chapter 84: The Island Is Going To Get Crazy. 

While he did, Scarlet held her stomach. I have to tell him not to go so fast next time. She felt her lunch and dinner coming up. As she returned to camp, a sweet smell emerged. 

Eh? Scarlet sniffed the air. As she continued, she arrived in front of the camp.

"You're back." Keith smiled, "The steak is almost done."


"Mmhmm. Today's dinner is honey dragator steak with mashed potatoes and bacon."

"..." Scarlet blinked a couple of times as she stared. That only lasted for a few seconds before she sat down beside him.  

"Here's your share." Keith placed the steak and potatoes in front of her. Scarlet stared at the slab of meat. It was perfect and had a rich sear on all sides. 

"Delicious." On the side, Scarlet looked up to see Keith and Aria had already taken a bite. The two's expressions were something. Why wait? Scarlet took a bite, and she understood why he acted like this. 

The dragator steak melted in her mouth. But when it did, the meat had a rich and delicate taste. It was sweet and savory at the same time; neither flavor overpowered the other. A balanced blend. 

"You want more?"

"Hmm?" Scarlet looked down and noticed it, "When did I finish it all?!" Nothing was on her plate! 

"...Thank you." Scarlet raised her plate. Keith grinned as he placed more meat on her plate. The four continued to eat for some time. But after a while, 

"You can go to bed, I'll be on the lookout."

"Are you sure? You faced the hornets a few hours ago."

"I'll be fine. Get your rest." Keith shook his head as he cleaned the plates.

"Alright." Scarlet headed into the tent. But after a few moments, the girl got up. She couldn't sleep, not with what had happened in a few days. She walked out to see Keith outside, sitting beside the fire. 

"What's the matter?" 

"I couldn't sleep." 

"Have some of this." Keith handed a cup, "It's tea. It'll clear your mind."

"Mmhmm," Scarlet sat beside him. There was a silence between the two. 

"Thank you for helping me."

"It's fine." Keith shook his head, "I got something as well." It was a win-win situation for him.


"...Can you listen to my story?" Scarlet asked.

"Sure." When Keith said this, Scarlet didn't hesitate as she started to talk about Selk. Something in her made her talk about everything. She didn't want to hide it from Keith.  

"Selk is such an interesting woman."

"Indeed." Scarlet smiled, "Thank you for listening to everything I said."

"If you want me to listen, I will."

"..." Scarlet said nothing as she leaned onto Keith's shoulders. 

"What are you doing?"


"If you're tired, you can go to bed."

"This is better." This is the same feeling. No, it was a more soothing feeling.

"Do you guys have to be like this?" Keith was about to cry. Right now, he was being stared down by a couple of people. 

Alfia scolded, "How could you run away like that without a word. Do you have a death wish?" 

A week and a half. Alfia couldn't believe Keith would be gone for that long. Herrick and the others were the same as well. This man wrote a note and left without a thought. It was so casual. 

"Relax, there's nothing wrong." Keith could only wave it off. That was what he wished he could do. The expression Alfia and the rest said otherwise. Should I mention the cocoon? He was keeping that on standby. When he returned home, he planned to tell them about it but was shut down. Those eyes told him to shut up and accept his punishment. 

"Um, Keith." 

"Hello, Professor Aidiun." Keith turned to see that Aidiun had brought someone to the island. It was someone the others knew really well.  

"Scarlet? What are you doing here?" Alfia frowned as she stared at the demon-kin. But it was a brief moment as Scarlet scratched her head, "Should I give you guys a minute before I say it?" Keith kneeling on the ground was something. 

"No, we're done! What do you need?" Keith quickly got up before the others had the chance to say anything.

"I want to join your island."  

"Eh?" That caused the others to gasp. She wanted to join the island? What kind of joke was going on?! Unlike the others who had joined due to Keith, Scarlet was a complete unknown. 

"Can you tell me the reason why?" Keith tilted his head. 

"It was fun hanging out with you. I just wanted something like that." Scarlet muttered. Those two days with Keith were by far exciting and fun. 

"I see." Keith thought about it before raising his thumb, "Welcome aboard." It was more fun to have another person joining. 

"Thank you so much!" Scarlet smiled. But as they did, the others didn't have the same attitude.

"What was going on?"

"Is it just me, or are they close?"


"I'm not a philander!" Keith glared at Jack. But as they talked, Aidiun coughed, "Keith, there's another person who wants to join as well."

"Another one? Who?" Before the man could say anything, something dashed from the bushes! It was quick and fast. Keith did not need to move as the shadow went past him, and the target was Herrick! 

"Hmpf!" Herrick blocked the hit and scoffed, "Do you think you can-What the?!" 

"Oh, Hi, Leona?" Melor waved. 

"Wait, what? You know her?"

"She's Herrick's fiancée."


"Ahh," Cadmus sighed as he watched the hecticness unfolding, "Let's just say this island is about to go crazy."

"Indeed." The other adults nodded to that.


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