A God Killed Me By Accident, But I Reincarnated As The 4th Son Of The Marquis

Volume 6.5 Chapter 75: It Was Because Of Me

Volume 6.5 Chapter 75: It Was Because Of Me

Volume 6.5 Chapter 75: It Was Because Of Me

Keith grabbed his cart and went to the site. It was going to be the usual. It seemed the rumors were only in the academy. From how the others reacted as he greeted them, it didn't spread here. 

As he continued to go forward, the shadow continued to follow after him. One shot. Just one shot. That was all she needed. As she slowly inched closer to him,

"That's quite enough, Scarlet." Scarlet froze as she turned to see Alfia with a cold expression. 

"We need to have a little talk." A frown formed as she stared at the demon girl.


The two figures left the street and headed to a nearby shop. Their eyes locked on one another: Scarlet's calm expression contrasted with Alfia's dark one. Minutes passed in silence, each second amplifying the tension in the air, a noticeable drama unfolding between them. 

No one dared get close to them, not unless they wanted to suffocate from their pressure.

After a few more minutes, Alfia made the first move, "Tell me, why are you targeting Keith like this?" 

"Me? Targeting Keith? What on earth are you insinuating?" Scarlet's calm facade only deepened Alfia's frown. 

"Don't play dumb. I know it was you who spread those malicious rumors." 

"How was I the one who caused all of those rumors?" 

"For starters, I always felt you had something against Keith." It was subtle, but it was something the elf felt. When Keith and Scarlet interacted, it was friendly and cordial. However, Alfia thought the opposite. 

Keith, yes. 

But for Scarlet, there was something off with her. 

A dark light was in her eyes as she conversed with the guy. 

"Hmm? I don't think Keith and I are close. Of course, I would be slightly wary." 

"Also, there's the picture of Keith and I when we returned from training." Alfia noticed when this photo was taken. It was the time when Keith helped her with spirit training. Not only that, Scarlet was there when she returned home. 

"So, it could be a coincidence." 

"True. However, there are some demon-kin in the newspaper club." She was the princess of the demon kingdom. One word from her was enough for her to do all of this.

"..." Scarlet was silent for a few seconds before a laugh came soon after. A dark and cold laugh, "Haha, to think I would be caught like this. It was an oversight on my part. I never expect you to be this sharp." 

"Enough with those words; tell me why you're doing this to Keith?" Now that she found the culprit, it was time to find the reason. 

"I know you have some conflict with humans. However, Keith had never tried to harm you." Keith had only talked nicely about Scarlet.

"I don't have any conflict with him. However, I loathe him." The tone of Scarlet's voice changed. 

"!" Alfia's eyes widened. 

Scarlet continued, "Don't you think that kind of person is dangerous?" 

"Dangerous? Keith?"

"The idea of races helping one another and getting along. I find that kind of idea revolting." A disgusted look formed this time. Just saying it was enough to make her gag in horror.

"Huh? How does this-"

"That delusionism he has is utterly disgusting. His optimism and kindness to all the other races: it's nothing more than a farce!"

"A farce? How do you know it's a farce?"

"We all live a farce to protect ourselves. Keith is wearing a delusional one. And it doesn't help that he's strong as well."

"It's not-"

"Let me ask you a question, what would happen if a person like this actually decides to make a move? Do you know what happened?"

"..." Alfia faltered. What she said held some kind of truth. She and the rest might be okay with Keith as they'd been together for quite some time.

The rest? That was a different story. 

Scarlet got up, "I will give you one piece of advice. Don't get so close to a person like that. It's going to hurt you. Get caught in their play, and you will be trapped."

Alfia's eyes narrowed at her. But that didn't stop Scarlet from scoffing.

What is wrong with her? From how she talked, something had to happen to make her like this. 

"Ahh!" Keith sighed deeply as his body slid down from his chair. The class had ended. 

As he did this, Alfia and the others stared. Does he not have any bones? It looked like he turned into a slime. Herrick poked his body, "You feel squishy."

"Stop that." Keith slapped it away. He was not some kind of animal. 

"Are you that tired?" Never once had they seen Keith tired? 

"Nope." That puddle quickly returned to a man as he stretched his hand, "I'm not tired at all. Actually, I need to get some stretches in." As he moved his body more, 

Crack, crack, crack! 

Cracking came everywhere from his body.

"..." Are you sure you're not tired? Those cracks were saying something entirely different! Noticing their expressions, Keith tilted his head, "What's the matter, you guys?"  

"We should be the one to ask that!" 

"You do understand people are treating you like the plague!" The students continued to look at Keith like the enemy. And it didn't help when the upperclassmen joined in. Well, they had already joined in when Keith had been eating with Angelica and Sakura. 

"It really doesn't matter." Keith stretched back and forth. He didn't care about that as he walked away. 

"How could he be so calm with this?"

"It's Keith."

"..." Should I tell him about it? Alfia still hadn't told Keith about it, as she didn't know the repercussions. Who knew what could happen? What Scarlet said had some sense. Keith was strong and was able to defeat anyone in his way.

However, she also knew what type of person he was. He was calm and caring. He was such a goofy guy as well. That was why she knew he could never do anything like Scarlet said. 


Keith continued to walk when he spotted Scarlet sitting on the ledge. He was going to call out to her but then noticed her melancholy expression. Is she thinking about someone? From time to time, Keith noticed Scarlet would have that expression. 

"Oh, Keith." Scarlet turned around and noticed him. 

"Hello, are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Was thinking about something." She continued to grasp onto the pendant in her hand. 

"Was it your friend?"

"Hmm?" Scarlet's expression changed when she heard that. That was when Keith apologized, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry. I just had a feeling that you were thinking about someone."

"...No, it's fine." Scarlet's expression clearly said something different. That was when she asked, "Keith, do you want to know who I'm thinking about?" 

"If you want to speak about it, I don't mind listening." Keith sat beside Scarlet. 

"She's a dear friend of mine. She had always been by my side."

I see. No wonder she was so downcast. But the following words she said were,

"However, she's in a coma."


"And do you know why?"


"It was because of me."


Why did I say all of that to him? Scarlet's expression was befuddled as she remembered. After revealing all of that to Keith, she didn't say anything else and let him walk away. 

Does he really not know I'm the culprit? She thought for sure Alfia would reveal the truth. More so, 

Is he really that dense? She also thought Keith would have an inkling that she was the one who caused all those rumors. Yet, he didn't say anything?

His expression when I talked. Throughout the entire conversation, Keith's eyes never wavered. They had locked onto hers. It showed so much concern and compassion. 

He's a wolf hiding in sheep's clothing. Scarlet quickly shook her head, disappearing those thoughts. That will never change. 

Sunlight shined down onto her body. 

I cannot let that happen again. Never again. 

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