A God Killed Me By Accident, But I Reincarnated As The 4th Son Of The Marquis

Volume 6.5 Chapter 41: Things Will Become More Hectic

Volume 6.5 Chapter 41: Things Will Become More Hectic

Volume 6.5 Chapter 41: Things Will Become More Hectic

"So explain to me, Keith. What are you planning this time?" Inside Alfia's room were Keith and Faelyn. The expressions the two girls made were indescribable. Alfia sat down in a chair and stared at Keith. While that happened, Keith commented, 

"Wow, your room is spotless." He had helped out with moving in her stuff. It was like the first day; it was clean and tidy. 

"Thank you, I clean it every week. And don't change the topic." Alfia's grin became wider. 

"Uh, I got the seed planted." Keith quickly answered. 

"And how did you get the seed planted now?" Alfia's eyes narrowed like a monster. Her ears twitched crazily. 

"..Can I not say?" Whatever he said was going to get him destroyed. He turned to Faelyn, requesting some assistance. Even she felt Alfia was a little too angry. That was why;

You're on your own. Faelyn wasn't an idiot. Why would she jump into that danger?!

Alfia grabbed Keith by the collar as she questioned, "Why is there another great spirit here?!" 

It broke. Her rage meter broke. 

It went full circle from raging back to smiling and calming, then to rage again!

"Ah, Diana said she could solve the problem, so Udine joined our island." That was the short version. 

"..." Alfia let go of Keith's collar. However, she didn't stop looking at him. It was quite a strange sight; her eyes were glazed. What made it even weirder was when Keith moved his hand back and forth in front of her face; there was no reaction. 

Keith turned to Faelyn, "Um, should I run?" It was a gut feeling. 

Faelyn shook her head, "Yeah, no. If you do, you're just going to get hurt." 

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" Alfia couldn't hold it any longer. She felt her head bursting! This man had always caused so many problems. But this one took the cake!  

It was quite a shock for Faelyn and her. Seeing Udine sitting at the table eating with them made them speechless. They couldn't say anything about this. The only thing she could do was glare at the cause. 

"Do you understand the severity of the situation?! Because I do!"

"I know. You've been saying it's dangerous for great spirits to be here." 


"Ep!" Keith quickly hid behind Faelyn. 

"..." You think you can hide behind me? It was odd since Keith was bigger than her.

"Keith?" Faelyn looked at him strangely. But he didn't care as he explained, "Adding another one won't make a difference! You already had a problem when you met with Diana. And you were just as angry with Nephele. Sooooo, adding another one won't break us."


"Keith, you better run." Just the fact that he said that was asking for trouble. The man didn't hesitate as he dashed out of the room. 

"Raghh!" What came behind him was a crazy roar.

"Thank goodness." Keith wiped the sweat off his head. But as he was about to walk away, 

"Pff, you really should be more careful." Keith turned around to see Gabriel. 

"Uh, haha." "Want to have some tea?"

"Sure." Keith smiled, and the two went to Gabriel's room. 

"We can come out from here," Gabriel opened the window, and the two walked on the roof. 

"Woah! We can sit here?" 

"Mmhmm. I come out for quite some time now." Gabriel smiled. As he did, he poured the tea for the two. Sipping on it, Keith made a deep sigh.

"Tea works well with cookies." Some cookies appeared now. As the two enjoyed the snack,

"So you heard everything Alfia said?"

 Gabriel nodded, "Everyone could have heard it if they walked across her room. But I stopped them from going near her."

"Thanks for that." Keith sighed in relief.  

"But for them to be great spirits." Gabriel was a little surprised. Naturally, he understood what great spirits are, and they are not to be trifled with. Now, three of them were living on the same island as them!

"Please don't tell anyone about this." Just thinking about it was enough to cause him to groan. It would probably cause so many issues. 

"I know. You don't have to worry about it. My lips are sealed." Gabriel placed a finger over his mouth. 


"Why are you laughing?" Keith grinned. 

"Everything about you is so amusing." "No, you mean hectic." He was definitely replacing some words with something else.

"There's that. However, it's really bright here every single day." Gabriel took a deep sigh.

"I wish these days will be like this."

"It's definitely going to change."


"Things will get even more hectic as more people join." Thinking it would die down? Who was he kidding? It was the opposite. The craziness was definitely going to increase.

"It's great to have you here." "I should be the one saying that."

The two laughed as they sipped on their tea.

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