A Divine Farmer

Chapter 188

Chapter 188 - Don't Even Think about Touching a Single Hair!

“Put the gun down!”

Most of the officers had already departed from the Xu family residence, fanning out to various locations to control and intercept the scattering criminals. Now, only a handful of personnel remained to manage the aftermath, clearly unprepared for this turn of events.

“You're the ones who should be putting down your guns,” Xu Shaoning sneered, his smile twisted and horrifying. It was clear he had lost his grip on sanity. “You have three seconds to drop your weapons, or I start killing. Sounds like a fun game, doesn't it?”

The police exchanged uneasy glances. Ultimately, they had no choice but to lay down their handguns and kick them toward Xu Shaoning.

It wasn't just Xu Shaoning's madness they had to worry about; the several armed waiters surrounding them could easily open fire, potentially causing significant casualties. They were powerless to stop it and unable to ensure everyone's safety.

All they could do was try to keep the situation calm and wait for backup from the police department.

The supposed live broadcast had long since been cut off. The male and female hosts cowered below the stage, shivering with fear. They had thought hosting this event would be a great gig, one that could make them instantly famous. Instead, it had become infamous, and they were inadvertently caught in the crossfire.

The wealthy patrons in the audience were also grumbling to themselves. What was supposed to be a pleasant charity auction had devolved into a heist.

What was Xu Shaoning thinking? After failing to rob his own goods, was he now attempting to take them hostage? Did he truly believe he could get away with this?

A myriad of questions swirled through everyone's minds, yet no one dared to voice them in such a volatile situation.

“I know you're all wondering why I'm doing this,” Xu Shaoning declared, looking around at the hushed crowd with a smug expression. “I was only after the diamonds. If you're looking for someone to blame, point your fingers at Zhang Xiaolong. If it weren't for him, I'd already have the diamonds and the jade.”

Following his gesture, the crowd parted to reveal Zhang Xiaolong.

Nobody wanted to get in the way at this moment. If Xu Shaoning decided to shoot Zhang Xiaolong and they got hit instead, they'd have no recourse.

“Zhang Xiaolong, are you still feeling smug?” Xu Shaoning cackled. “Sure, I've made a mess of things here, but no matter. Now I want more than just the diamonds and jade—I want you, the bastard who's been thwarting my plans, dead! But no… letting you die quickly would be too merciful. I'm going to make you watch as I torment that whore, Chen Yaru, before I slowly end your life!”

Chen Yaru felt a chill in her heart. She knew all too well what that look meant. Had Zhang Xiaolong not been right there, holding her, she might have collapsed in fear.

She was the first to unintentionally discover that beneath Xu Shaoning's graceful exterior lurked a twisted man. It was for this reason she had rejected his advances and developed a profound fear of him.

Now, this twisted individual had returned, brazenly declaring his intent to target her and her partner. To Yaru, this was tantamount to a fate worse than death.

“Do you really think you can get away with this?” Lee Donghua asked sternly.

“Absolutely, as long as you're all here with me,” Xu Shaoning replied, utterly unfazed. “Mr. Lee, you are, of course, one of my esteemed guests. And to everyone present, get your money ready. Take out all of it. Don't assume I'm clueless about your affairs. I did my homework on each of you when I sent out the invitations. If the amounts you've prepared are incorrect, I'm sorry, but you'll be staying here permanently, resting alongside the digits in your bank accounts.”

His words dropped like a bomb among the crowd, sending everyone into an internal struggle.

The money they could bring out certainly didn't mean the cash they carried, but rather their entire fortunes.

Most of those present were successful entrepreneurs. Even considering only their liquid assets, the total would be staggering.

Yet, if they didn't comply, it seemed they wouldn't be walking out alive.

“Shaoning, please stop this madness…” Xu Jindou attempted to intervene, but his son was not heeding his words.

“You're a disgrace. The Xu family's vast empire has been brought to ruin by you. What right do you have to speak to me?” Xu Shaoning looked at his father with eyes devoid of any familial warmth. “Now, I'll show you how a true member of the Xu family handles business. From this moment, anyone whose name I call should step forward, or I'll shoot them dead on the spot.”

The names he read out were both a badge of honor and a harbinger of doom. Those named were among the wealthiest tycoons in Qingyang and the surrounding areas. Yet, it also meant they were now at the mercy of Xu Shaoning's personal demands.

“Of course, I haven't forgotten the Yishui Su family,” Xu Shaoning declared, his gaze sweeping over the crowd. “Given Mr. Su Mingtang's ill health, perhaps the lovely Miss Su Mei would do me the honor of her company. If you'd like to ensure nothing untoward happens to her, I suggest you prepare ten billion. Though, you could opt for just one billion. But then, I can't promise that Miss Su Mei will remain unharmed. Haha, for a beauty like Miss Su Mei, I'm almost tempted to demand the billion myself.”

“Bastard…” Su Mingtang was so enraged that he began to cough violently.

Su Mei quickly soothed him, whispering reassurances, “Don't worry. I have faith that Zhang Xiaolong will save me.”

The seven individuals, including Lee Donghua and Su Mei, had been summoned to the stage. Xu Shaoning commanded the waitstaff to keep a watchful eye on them.

He then released the young nurse he had been holding and, gun in hand, gestured menacingly towards the crowd. “Chen Yaru, now it's your turn to step up!”

Chen Yaru's complexion was ashen. She was well aware of Zhang Xiaolong's capabilities, but with a gun at play, resistance seemed futile.

Zhang Xiaolong gently infused her with a touch of divine strength and supported her as they made their way to the stage.

Xu Shaoning's expression was a mix of amusement and scorn as he observed them. “How touching, you two are quite the devoted pair, unwilling to part even now. That will make it all the more satisfying when I torment you.”

“You wretch!” he spat, his demeanor shifting abruptly. “You could have been by my side, witnessing the rise of the Xu family to a commercial dynasty, but you dared to reject me. There's never been a woman who could refuse me—until now.”

“And to make matters worse, you turned around and threw yourself at this lowly farmer,” he sneered, the insult clearly striking a nerve as he aimed his gun at Zhang Xiaolong's head. “A mudslinger, a dung collector—Chen Yaru, just how low can you stoop?”

“Shut your mouth! Don't you dare compare your filth to Xiaolong. He's a hundred times the man you'll ever be!” Chen Yaru retorted, her anger flaring.

Xu Shaoning hadn't anticipated such defiance, especially not at a time like this. He paused, momentarily taken aback, then looked at Chen Yaru with a newfound curiosity. “Do you really think that Zhang Xiaolong wouldn't dare make a peep against me right now?”

Chen Yaru's expression shifted instantly; she understood all too well what was implied.

Xu Shaoning, seemingly smug at the unfolding scene, reached out to grasp at her elegant neckline.


A chilling gun barrel was suddenly pressed against his temple. Zhang Xiaolong stated icily, “No one lays a finger on Yaru, not a single hair…”

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