A Divine Farmer

Chapter 182

Chapter 182 - The Purpose of the Charity!

“I hope our arrival hasn't been a disappointment to Young Master Xu,” Chen Yaru said, her voice laced with a sting that betrayed her insight into the man's true nature—a wolf in sheep's clothing.

“Yaru, what are you talking about? I'm more than happy to have you here,” Xu Shaoning replied, unfazed, his smile easy and accommodating. “As for Zhang Xiaolong, Mr. Zhang, though we are competitors in the market, I believe we are all individuals of quality and foresight. The market will only expand with our collaborative efforts, not shrink through vicious rivalry. So, while we are adversaries, we should also be friends.”

His speech was so gracious and well-mannered that it earned Xu Shaoning rounds of applause from many.

Yet, upon closer listening, it was clear he had drawn a line between them, casting Zhang Xiaolong as a rival, hinting at a jealousy that went beyond mere business competition.

Previously, Chen Yaru might have agreed, but after yesterday's events, she realized that even this was just another layer of Zhang Xiaolong's facade, an act so repulsive it was unbearable.

“Xu Shaoning is correct. The market benefits from the presence of individuals with generosity and dignity. I don't see us as adversaries,” Zhang Xiaolong replied, his tone even and unswayed. “Whether in business or life, our true competition is with ourselves. Staying true to one's conscience is the cornerstone of a successful entrepreneur. I'm convinced that only those who adhere to this principle can truly strengthen and grow their business.”

With a brief exchange of pleasantries, they went their separate ways.

“You're becoming quite adept at dishing out insincere pleasantries,” Chen Yaru murmured to him.

“Where's the insincerity?” Zhang Xiaolong chuckled. “He's not our rival because his character no longer qualifies him to be one.”

Chen Yaru paused, a moment of realization dawning on her as she grasped the subtext of his words.

Indeed, as Xu Shaoning had implied, only they could discern the true meaning. Zhang Xiaolong's courteous remarks were laced with subtle mockery, and she was certain Xu Shaoning could detect it as well.

Lee Donghua, of course, was also present at the Charity Auction and made a point of exchanging greetings with Zhang Xiaolong.

Xu Shaoning and Lee Donghua's endorsements had many people shifting their focus to Zhang Xiaolong.

?Someone soon recalled that he was the same person who had delivered drinks to Old Master Lee. The memory of that beverage lingered for those who had tasted it, though at the time, they only knew it was provided to a representative of the East Light Group and didn't follow up on it.

?The drink had become quite a hit, but no one had made the connection to Zhang Xiaolong until now. Reflecting on the taste, many agreed that if the drink had even a fraction of that flavor, its popularity was no surprise.

With this realization, the number of people approaching Zhang Xiaolong increased.

Furthermore, Zhang Xiaolong was seen standing with Lee Donghua, indicating a special relationship. Building rapport with Zhang Xiaolong could serve as a bridge to Lee Donghua, so those with various intentions were eager to seize this opportunity.

“Xiaolong, the Charity Auction is a great chance for you. What items have you prepared?” Lee Donghua inquired.

Lee Donghua knew Zhang Xiaolong's financial situation well and doubted he could offer anything exceedingly valuable, considering his business was still in its infancy and had a weaker foundation.

Yet, if he could present an item that would turn heads during the live broadcast, it would be an excellent promotional move.

Elegant Dragon Drinks was currently a hit, but Soaring Dragon Company was just beginning to make its mark. To gain recognition in the business world, they needed more such opportunities.

“I've prepared something. It's not overly expensive, but I believe it's quite impressive,” Zhang Xiaolong replied with a smile.

“Oh?” Lee Donghua's interest was piqued.

If Zhang Xiaolong considered it impressive, it surely must be a gem.

With this thought, Lee Donghua was eager to see the item.

As new guests arrived, the Xu family's spacious villa courtyard bustled with activity, with clusters of guests engaging in conversation everywhere but the swimming pool.

The Xu family's residence was adorned with an air of festivity, as if they were preparing to host a grand celebration.

At that moment, on the temporary stage set up in the center, the surrounding neon lights flickered brightly before dimming once more. Two spotlights shone down, and a male and female host stepped onto the stage, signaling the start of today's Charity Auction.

?”I'm sure everyone here is well aware of the reason for today's grand event. It's an honor for us to be hosting such a gathering in the midst of this lively spring,” the female host began with an emotive tone.

“Indeed,” the male host chimed in, “we would like to first welcome the initiator of this Charity Auction, the renowned entrepreneur and philanthropist from Qingyang City, Mr. Xu Jindou.” He continued, “Mr. Xu Jindou has been a model of integrity and a dedicated philanthropist since he began his business career. Over the past few years alone, he has contributed tens of millions to various charitable causes. He is, without a doubt, one of Qingyang City's most significant philanthropists. Please join me in welcoming Mr. Xu Jindou with a warm round of applause.”

?Bathed in the glow of the spotlights, Xu Jindou, the true helmsman of Xu's Strong Dragon Group, ascended the stage with confident strides. It was clear that he was a seasoned businessman, yet his eyes held an unfathomable depth that added an air of mystery to his persona.

“The host put it beautifully,” Xu Jindou began. “The purpose of organizing this charity auction is to contribute to Qingyang's charitable efforts. I am well aware that my individual contribution is insufficient to sustain the grand scope of charity work. However, I hope that through my efforts, I can be the catalyst that inspires more conscientious businesspeople to join the cause, heralding a new spring for charitable endeavors!” His stirring words were met with enthusiastic applause.

“It's nothing but a quest for recognition!” Chen Yaru couldn't help but mutter to Zhang Xiaolong, “Every time the Xu family makes a donation, they have to broadcast it far and wide. Charity seems to be just an accessory to them, a means to promote their own fame. If they were truly committed to charity, they would simply donate the money without all this fanfare…”

“Nevertheless, it's excusable,” Zhang Xiaolong replied, showing a level of understanding. “Regardless of whether they're seeking publicity, they are still making donations. Ultimately, that will contribute positively in some way.”

“If that's the case, Mr. Lee is likely donating much more than him,” Chen Yaru said with a hint of scorn. “I just wonder what his angle is this time. It couldn't possibly be…”

A sudden thought struck her, sending a shiver down her spine.

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