A Chance To Become An Adonis

Chapter 159:How can I keep going with my baseball career!

Chapter 159:How can I keep going with my baseball career!

Chapter 159:How can I keep going with my baseball career!

The only person who knows that it was him is the butler. Once the butler is gone, Gao Jinhai knows he won't need to worry about the Lu family doing anything vicious against him. Worst case, I will only have to apologize to them for being an accomplice.

The sooner he explains how the butler embezzled money from them, the better.


When Lu Chen and Zhang Jian arrive in front of the nurse's office, the nurse looks at them for around half a minute before screaming like no tomorrow, "What the hell happened to you children?!" 

She had to look at Lu Chen and Zhang Jian a second time to check if her eyes weren't deceiving her. And her eyes did not.

Lu Chen is covered in blood from head to toe, looking like he went through torture. While the gym Lao Shi is carrying a paled face and beaten up Zhang Jian. His face, all lifeless and defeated as well.

Just from the sight of the two alone, the nurse can tell that the two students have gone through something lethal.

Before Lu Chen can tell her what's wrong, the nurses quickly order, "You especially! How are you not unconscious?! Quickly get on the bed now! We have to call the ambulance as fast as possible. You’re gonna need a transfusion with this amount of blood!" With the amount of blood covered on Lu Chen's body, the nurse knew Lu Chen needed a blood transfusion.

The nurse turns to her next patient, Zhang Jian, "Put him on the other bed. I will treat him later after I finish treating you." Lu Chen is her priority right now.

The gym Lao Shi quickly lays Zhang Jian on the bed. When he did, Zhang Jian's body had become like a snake. Sprawling on the bed made it seem like he doesn't have any bones at all! 

Everybody saw me! Just remembering the sight of all the students seeing him being carried off is still vivid in his mind.

The amount of mental and spiritual pain he felt is a hundred times worse than the physical pain he received from the thugs. He wanted to hide in a hole and never come out ever again!

But nobody is focused on his struggles right now, as Lu Chen is patient number one. Feng Meifeng gently helps Lu Chen to the bed. She was about to lay him down, but Lu Chen said to the nurse, "Can you bandage my head first? Most of the blood on my body is not from me." Most of the blood covering his body had come from the thug in the beginning. The nurse looks skeptical at first. How could all that blood come from someone else? Did you get into a fight?

But seeing the blood spewing out his head made her move. She grabs the bandages from her first aid kit, ready to wrap his head.

Before she could start wrapping Lu Chen, Feng Meifeng interjects, "Umm, can I tend to Lu Chen's wounds? I have some experience in tending to injured people." When Feng Meifeng proposes, the nurse looks at her with one of her brows raised. 

Feng Meifeng quickly waves her hands around, flustered out of her mind. She quickly explains, "I'm not saying that I'm better than you, miss. I just thought it's better to have two people rather than just one. And student Zhang Jian looks rather pale and injured as well." Feng Meifeng didn't want the nurse to think she was mocking her. She just wanted to be the one to tend to Lu Chen's wound.

The nurse looks at the bloodied up Lu Chen and then at the dirty yet unbloodied Zhang Jian. Then back to Feng Meifeng.

Do you think I'm stupid? This student is clearly more injured than the other one. If Feng Meifeng wanted to assist her, then treating Zhang Jian would be a great help. Lu Chen, on the other hand, is a no-go. There is too much risk involved.  Lu Chen's injuries are more severe than Zhang Jian, so if Feng Meifeng does anything wrong, there will be repercussions. Never mess with a rich kid. That's the thought going through her mind.

When the nurse was about to ask Feng Meifeng to tend to Zhang Jian's wounds, painful wailings interrupted her.

"Oowwwww! My body hurts so much! I don't think I can raise my arm at all! Did those thugs break my arm?! How can I keep going with my baseball career!"

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