A Certain Middle-aged Man’s VRMMO Activity Log

Chapter 28

Dance of the Fairies, Middle Stage

According to the Official Homepage, at long last information about the events Second Half will be announced soon, sending this world into a tizzy of impatience and activity.

Depending on the content of the Second Half, if you dont try to become a little stronger it could be unfavorable for you; thats the sort of threatening atmosphere thats been hanging about.

The management hasnt announced anything detailed yet, just a single statement: Try to get along with your Fairy.

Because of that a small portion of those that have been treating their Fairies like slaves thought, Isnt the way weve been treating them up until now bad? That kind of thinking began to come about.

Theres no doubt that forcible working the Fairy hard wouldnt NOT have a bad effect on the relationship.

Even so will they be able to fix the relationship in time ?

Well its totally better than not trying to improve it all, though.

Ive been commuting to the dungeon in the forest everyday since then to thoroughly train myself.

Because Im alone Lesser Lizards and Dark Wolves are formidable opponents, even so Ive been able to win against them somehow.

Well, along with the wins Ive also taken several death penalties.

But the return from the investment was acquiring strength so it was the correct move.

Like that [Kick] leveled up to LV50, and with a welcome upgrade, [Kick] changed to [Kicking Assault]1.

I learned a new Art, , which is a technique for attacking your opponent with a sliding tackle.

In soccer Id get a red card for doing it just once (heh).

Not to mention my shoes have a cutting edge accessory attached to them.

Ive also acquired a new Art when [Hunting Bow] broke through LV30.

Its an Art called which gives a 3 person clone effect and releases 3 arrows.

However the clones arrows only have 0.8 times the attack power.

You can focus them all on one point or fire the 3 arrows each at separate opponents.

Just, firing them at separate opponents was quite difficult when I tried it out on the Field the first time.

Thanks to the new Arts Im finally gaining strength, moving around in the dungeon is also getting easier, and thanks to that my efficiency is getting better.

[Thief] Skill has also gotten stronger, and s effective range has grown to ensure safety in a larger area.

Of course I need to avoid being negligent or getting cocky.

Ive just about finished my purpose for going into this dungeon.

My Skills have leveled up more than enough, my combat potential has grown, and Ive trained in order to better my player skill in handling combat as well as training how to handle the specialties of the Dungeon.

Like that you can say Ive already reached the point where I dont need to play in this dungeon anymore.

The last thing to do is visit that place those Dark Fairies and Earth Fairies are always gathered around.

. as always theres a large number of them.

Even though Ive heard people saying you can use [Fairy Language] to talk to Fairies its not really like that at all I was thinking of trying to talk with them, but through the group of verifiers2, giving detailed instructions in the middle of combat, inspecting Fairy Status, and making it easy to exchange information with your personal Fairy have been verified to be effective, but no ones been able to chat with Fairies.

If I could at least have a conversation with them I could find out why theyre gathered here like this.

Just in case I used the leveled up [Thief] Skill and checked both right, left, and about my feet, but there really isnt anything here.

I wonder if this is just their hangout just when I was coming to that conclusion1 Dark Fairy critter(?)3came and *tsuntsun* poked me in the cheek.

Are you trying to tell me something?

Even though I think its probably useless, I said that; just thinking out loud, not actually talking to it.

When I did, the Dark Fairies and the Earth Fairies suddenly huddled together; some kind of discussion conference?

This behavior isnt anything Ive heard about before several dozen seconds later they made a shape, and the shape was

An arrow?

Yes, an arrow. Specifically they made a shape.

What an unexpectedly skillful trick they have, these little guys Im impressed.


When I confirm it, though I just wanted to say it out loud, they *burun burun* nod their bubble-like forms.

Up, so its up, huh Using [Farsight] I slowly and carefully look over the low ceiling in the dark .

They bothered taking that shape to talk to me so it there has to be something; it would be weird if there wasnt.

This dungeon is the first dungeon so most of the players have finished it long ago and moved on to others, so for the most part people dont come anymore.

And it was after people stopped coming to this dungeon that the Fairy event started, so theres probably very few people who know about this connection with the Fairies; that might be why its still here.

Theres a small switch on the ceiling.

In other words theyre gathered here to tell you about that switch.

This just smells of treasure this place makes you want to say that.

For the most part, maps dont show the gap to enter secret areas.

Also this dungeon hasnt had traps so far. If theres a pitfall the [Thief] Skills Art will find it.

Just in case I use on more time, but there really arent any traps around.

I still feel uneasy, but since the Fairies bothered using their bodies to expand into a symbol I cant just ignore it.

I move right below the switch and pull out a Heavy-Bludgeoning Arrow; Ill throw it with my bare hands.

After a few times of throwing it at the switch Im sure I heard a *click!* so I put it away.

*rumblerumblerumble* with that sound a tunnel appeared to my left well, that tunnel is only big enough to let one person crawl through at a time at best

Though at this point I honestly dont want to go through.

Even though its the long-awaited chance, and even if you say I should continue since Im in for a penny, in for a pound4Im going to have to crawl like an inchworm through that tunnel.

The tunnel isnt all that long.

Right away I arrive at a tiny room; this obstinate method of hiding it is kind of mean.

Or this room is probably an addition they added with the event update.

After all, without the Fairies help I wouldnt have been able to find the switch to begin with.

Anyway, in that small room there are two treasure boxes.

The first is a wooden chest and the other is made of gold(?) that shines.

But Im absolutely not going to open the gold treasure chest. Why?

Because according to [Thief] Skills and this is the greatest danger yet.

Its probably a trap that pulls in the greedy and then *chomp* instant death.

Its a common trap type from long ago; Im going to completely ignore THAT.

That aside, the wood treasure chest isnt guaranteed to not have traps as well.

Slowing drawing closer I use to carefully secure it.

Theres that game I know where the treasure chests are your greatest enemy and its come to dominate my way of thinking.

Getting a trauma from failing to disable a trap and getting annihilated is laughable, so its better to do it carefully without a doubt.

After a few minutes of checking all the surfaces for traps Ive confirmed there arent any, so I carefully go and reveal the contents of the wood treasure chest inside theres just 1 ring and some money.

The money is a really small amount, just 320Glow, and as for the ring

A Worn-Out Ring

A large Fairy seems to be depicted on it, but it is hard to tell.

Its a ring that has become worn out; it cannot be equipped.

Unique Cannot be sold;

Discarding it is Unadvised.

Like that its an item I havent got a clue about at the moment, but Unique means it carries some worth for something, so since I cant toss it Ill take it with me.

The large Fairy depicted has a human-shaped appearance, and above it is a setting inlaid for a gem.

If I put some sort of gem into it will an effect come out?

However, at the moment a gemstone item cant be found.

Its likely that it will come out in the Second Half.

I enter the tunnel again, and when I make it back to the passage the Fairy brigade isnt there anymore.

So does this mean their task is complete?

At least, I no long have anything to do keeping me in this dungeon anymore either, so lets hurry and leave.

After that I leave the dungeon safely, and when I finish replenishing my arrows and putting out a food vending machine I log out; today Ive also fought well.


[Hunting Bow]Lv38 [Kicking Assault]Lv5[Farsight]Lv43

[Wind Magic]Lv43[Craftsmanship]Lv39

[Cooking]Lv40[Stealth]Lv31[Physical Ability Reinforcement]Lv12


Reserved Skill(s)


EXP 14

And so, Key Item acquired.

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