100,000/Hour Professional Stand-in

Chapter 108.3

Theres no saying where the feeling of fondness I harbor for you will lead to, said Ji Fanyin. It might lead to something indescribably ugly and hideous. You might regret it.

All of the thoughts, plans, and words that Chen Yunsheng were formulating in his head suddenly shattered along with what Ji Fanyin said.

I always thought that she didnt like me. At the very least, not in the way a woman likes a man.

Even so, do you want to give it a try? asked Ji Fanyin.

Chen Yunshengs mind was still hazy from the emotional impact he had suffered, but his body was far more honest. He blurted out without thinking, Of course!

It was only after answering that he forced himself to calm down, and he further clarified, Ive said it before. We have to take risks. We cant tie ourselves down just because theres a possibility of failure. Im not that kind of person.

Ji Fanyin looked at him with a tilted head. Without the slightest change in her expression, she said, Wait here for me.

She turned around and walked away.

Chen Yunsheng replied with an Orh as he nervously watched by the mansions entrance as she walked away. He wondered if this was how a pet dog watching his owner leave for work felt.

Rationally, Chen Yunsheng knew that he had only waited at the doorway for two minutes, but every second in these two minutes felt incredibly long. It was similar to how the clock hand seemed to slow down whenever class was about to come to an end.

It was when he had counted up to 214 that Ji Fanyin finally returned. She peeked out from the back of a wall, revealing just her head and her shoulder. She blinked her eyes at him and said, Close your eyes first.

Chen Yunsheng did as he was told.

He wouldnt naively think that Ji Fanyin was going to kiss him, but he couldnt help but think of a meme he had seen in his previous life.


He could hear Ji Fanyins footsteps slowly closing in on him. There was a tinge of amusement in her voice as she said, Lower your head.

Chen Yunsheng lowered his head.

Then, he felt something passing through his head and falling around his neck.

This feels like a necklace?

Just as Chen Yunsheng subconsciously reached for the item, Ji Fanyin said, You can open your eyes now.

Surprisingly, he didnt look toward his chest the moment he opened eyes. Instead, his eyes fell upon her face to study her expression, hoping to figure whether his earlier botched confession had made a mess of things.

Unfortunately, he couldnt read her at all.

As expected of a film empress.

The deflated Chen Yunsheng turned his attention toward the item hanging in front of his chest. He could clearly feel an irregularly-shaped metallic coldness in his hand.

What necklace is this? It seems to be peculiarly shaped.

Chen Yunsheng lowered his head to take a look. It was a key strung up by a leather string.

Taken aback, he asked, Whats this?

Why dont you give it a try? Ji Fanyin asked.

What do you Before Chen Yunsheng could finish his sentence, Ji Fanyin had already closed the door on him.

Chen Yunsheng alternated his gaze between the key hanging around his neck and the tightly shut door in front of him. Baffled, he took off the key necklace and stared at it.

Is this a gift? I guess it isnt too surprising for someone of big sis wealth to give away a house just like that. But I dont even have the address, so how am I supposed to try the key?

It took a long while before an utterly bewildering interpretation of the situation finally struck him.

It cant be that this is the key to the door right in front of me is it?

With eyes widened in incredulity, Chen Yunsheng slotted the key into the keyhole beneath the electronic lock. As if divine favor was shining on him, he got it within a single try. All he had to do now was to twist it in order to open the door.

The thought of it made his legs wobble, and he landed on his bum. He touched his own face and it felt it burn. A silent scream escaped from his throat.

It! Is! The! Key! To! Her! House!!!

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