Zombie Apocalypse: Creation

Chapter 267: Chapter 267: Tianci's wedding

"Tianci, you ready?" Shuli asked as she walked inside the dressing room.

"Y-Yeah, just give me one more minute."

Tianci was in her wedding dress as she nervously stood in front of the mirror.

"Come on, you said that last time. If you aren't coming out, I'm going to go tell them you ran away."

"Okay, okay, I'm coming out."

Tianci quickly followed Shuli out of the dressing room.

"Just be calm, okay? Take a deep breath before you walk up."

As Tianci took a deep breath, it only made her more nervous to the point that the other Tianci came out, as indicated by her red iris on the left eye.

"Okay, you're all ready to go."

Shuli nudged her forward as she didn't notice the change in Tianci's eye.

When Tianci finally got to where Xiaoyun was, it was already five minutes past the original wedding schedule.

But the guests were more than happy to wait as they felt honored to be invited to the wedding.

Many of the guests were a close circle of Xiaoyun, such as Yezi, Lingang, and their partners.

Still, the guest list was very small as the wedding had less than thirty people, as Tianci wished.

"Finally, you're here... Um, Miss Tianci wanted to join?"

Wuli, the marriage officiant, quietly asked as she noticed the red iris on Tianci.

"Tianci is too nervous to walk, so I'm controlling the body right now." The other Tianci's voice whispered.

"Ahem, look like our wedding couple is finally here."

Wuli cleared her throat as she announced the wedding would officially begin.

As the music began playing, all the guests below the stage watched the two couples walk up the path all the way to the front.

"Today serves as a symbolic and happy day, where we move on from the past and move onto a brighter future..."

After a short speech, Tianci finally calmed back down as she looked over to Wuli in gratitude.

"Tianci, do you accept Xiaoyun as your husband?"

"Yes, I do."

"Xiaoyun, do you accept Tianci as your wife?"

"Yes, I do." Both Tianci's voice appeared as they said it at the same time.

Xiaoyun was a little surprised by the other Tianci's voice, but he quickly recovered as Wuli announced the next part.

"You may now exchange rings."

As Tianci lifted her hands, Xiaoyun took out the wedding ring he had prepared and put it onto Tianci's ring finger.

Next, Tianci puts one onto Xiaoyun's hand.

"You are now husband and wife."

The two looked into each other's eyes as their face got closer and closer until their lips touched.

The guests below burst into cheer as they began to clap for the two couples.


"Who would have thought, Mr.Hero over here got another wife." Yezi joked as the main character of the night got to their table.

"Don't call me that. It feels weird." Xiaoyun pointed out.

"But that's what everyone calls you in the town... You know, I didn't expect you to make that much gasoline to let us throw down burning logs."

Yezi replied as his face was a little red from drinking so much.

"To be honest, I didn't expect I could endure the pain for that long——"

Before Xiaoyun could finish, Tianci suddenly pinched him on the side.

"Ahem, no more talking about business today."

"Yeah, let's cheer." Lingang lifted his cup as everyone at the table stood up.


Xiaoyun and Tianci both drank down their cup as everyone finished their wine or beer.

"Tianci, you okay?" Xiaoyun asked as he didn't expect Tianci to drink down the entire glass of wine at once.

"Me? I'm fine. I can just dissolve the alcohol in my blood." The other Tianci's voice replied.

"Well, I hope everyone enjoys their time here."

The two moved onto the next table as Yezi's table began eating their food.


When they finally got back home, it was already seven o'clock.

Tianci and Xiaoyun immediately went upstairs and back into his room as everyone else sat down in the living room.

Almost all of them were drunk besides Wuli, Shuli, and Nami, who didn't drink as Leyan reminded them they were still pregnant.

Leyan herself didn't drink either, as she took care of the three babies during the whole wedding.

"I'm going to sleep... I'm too tired."

Yuqi and Yueyue both had too much as they could barely walk up the stairs.

"Let us help you."

Wuli and Shuli both ran over to support the two before they fell down the stairs.

"I'm getting a little sleep too... Lily, let's sleep together today."

With Nami and Lily both leaving, only Kate, Anna, and Leyan were in the living room.

As well as the three babies that Leyan had just put down to sleep in the cribs.

"Man... when am I going to find my prince?" Anna wondered as she murmured in a heavy, drunken accent.

"If you want to find a prince, you're going to need to move out," Kate replied as she sat down next to her.

"But Mrs.Leyan's cooking is too good... I don't want to cook myself."

"Well then, you only got one option," Kate replied as she drank down the remaining bottle.

Anna immediately understood what Kate meant, but she quickly shook her head.

"No thanks, god mentioned that men should only have one wife." Anna pointed out.

"Really? When did you become religious?" Kate asked curiously.

"What do you mean? I have always been attending church before the outbreak." Anna argued back.

"I mean, if the Mormons had polygamy and they were considered Christians."

"They are not real Christians——"

"What are you two talking about?" Leyan finally decided to ask, as they had been speaking German the whole time.

"Anna was wondering if she was ever going to find a prince for herself," Kate replied as she stood up and threw the bottle into the trash can.

"I'm sure you'll find a good husband... how about you, Kate? Are you planning to find a prince of your own?" Leyan asked curiously as she put the three babies into their crib.

"Me? I'd rather jump off a roof than marry Xiaoyun." Kate replied without thinking, as she was getting a little too drunk.

"I never said Xiaoyun... But why would you say that?" Leyan murmured the first part as she asked the second part out loud.

"His cock is way too big... It just looks painful to put it in."

"Wrong, he's is the perfect size." Anna suddenly chimed in.

"And why's that? Aren't you still a virgin?"

Kate suddenly turned her head over to Anna completely as she stared into her eyes.

"Isn't that what those videos show? That's normal size, no?" Anna replied in German again.

"Wrong. Those videos are just actors. I had seen enough to know it." Kate argued back as she reverted to German again as well.

"Um, you two should go to sleep,"

Leyan suggested as the two started to sound more and more angry. But the two seemed to ignore her words completely as they continued to argue.

"Hmph. I know you're just a virgin like me. You're making up your experience."

"Wrong again. I had done it so many times I lost count in college."

"Yeah? Then how come you still have your hymen?"

Anna exposes Kate's secret without a second thought.

"You spied on me?" Tianci asked in anger.

"You forgot when we showered together to save water back in the old house? You're the one that decided to clean down there."

"Shut up. I was just cleaning my sweat. Why would you even look at that in the first place?" Kate questioned.

"You were right in front of me, and the shower barely had enough space for the both of us."

As the two got more and more heated, the babies were woken up again as they began to cry louder and louder.

"You two need to go back to your room right now. You're waking up the kids."

Leyan's sudden anger immediately made the two sobered up a little as they could hear the sound of the baby crying as well.

"Sorry, sorry."

The two quickly ran back to their guest room in shame as they realized what they had been talking about the whole time.

"Where did everyone go?"

Wuli and Shuli asked curiously as they traveled down the stairs.

"Back to their room... You two can go to sleep. I'll take care of the three babies."


After Leyan fed the babies and put them back to sleep, she started heading back to her room.

But as she walked up the stairs one step at a time, she could hear Tianci's moaning sound getting louder and louder.

"Maybe I should sleep in Nami's room today... she's at Lily's room downstairs anyway, right?"

As she walked towards Nami's room, she could hear the moaning sound over the wall getting louder and louder.

"No wonder why Nami went downstairs, and those two knocked themselves drunk..."

Leyan lay down on the bed as their moaning sound kept echoing in Nami's room.

"Wuli and Shuli aren't drunk... how are they going to sleep through this?"

Leyan wondered as she slowly got used to hearing the sound and soon fell asleep after being awake for the entire day.

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