Yuusha Yori Saikyouna Kuro Kishi

Chapter 7

I spent one night in the bedroom and the workroom at the castle, finished breakfast and put on the armor I left the castle with Alice. In this capital the town spreads around the castle. The districts are divided in North, South, East and West. The East is the nobles district, the West is the commoners district, the South is a shopping district and the North becomes the school district. As the name suggests, the place where a noble lives is in the noble district, the place where a commoner lives is in the commoner district, the shopping district has various kinds of shops and the school district offers a variety of schools. (TLN: Not sure about the last part Wanna give it a shot?) In the Southern District, I went to the mall. Here is the capital only doorway, there is the castle wall gate, It was the capitals district where I entered for the first time. The inn where a traveler stays at and the guild are in this south district. Naturally there is also groceries, clothing, weapons shops that handles weapons and armors, there are a lot of general stores handling with magic items and daily necessities, furniture. Besides, there is the shop of merchants who came from the others countries, is the capitals most crowded district. It is so crowded (Chie) I say while looking around. Well, there is almost not one day when it is not crowded (Alice) Alice that walked at my right side dressed in maids clothes said. It is 10:00 a.m. in the current time. The Crown Prince goes to the junior high school in the school street. Even in this world, elementary, middle, high school and University , attends school in 5 days in a week. In one week: Light day, Fire Day, Water Day,Wind Day, Earth Day, Darkness Day, Null Day it is the seventh day. The days to go to school are from the Light Day until Earth Day. 1 year in this world are 365 days, from January to December. To be honest, I was astonished that this part didnt change at all compared with the Earth. This world probably seems to be moving in same time as the Earth. I have understood it a little here. What Amaterasu-sama said,It is the security condition of the capital as of now. That time, Amaterasu-sama said that I was sent 4 years before Yuusuke is summoned. In other words, Amaterasu-sama said that the capital is a safe place for now for what he knows. If I think I little bit I understand, Its to say that I have been transferred to a different world and also have time-travelled. That means, 13-year-old me and Yuusuke exist in the earth now. When being called to be sent to 4 years ago, I should notice. Why was a Hero summon performed though there was me who was given power to be able to fight the demon king on equal terms? I did not put too much confidence in myself, but was worried about that. Yuusuke was possibly summoned by worthless national expectation. Yuusuke seems to have been deceived. Oh, I understood various things when I thought about that. In short it was already decided that I would be involved with Yuusuke at that time. Because 17-year-old me had come and become the Black Knight already 4 years before. In other words, it is present me. And the peaceful situation of the capital will be terminated in 4 years. Something like that is a very complicated feeling. It is delightful for public order to be cancelled, but I have to be involved with Yuusuke. Aah~ Nh? Is something wrong, Black Knight-sama? Alice asks me who have sighed unintentionally. I have acted useless in front of Alice. NO, its nothing Is that so? Alice said while looking puzzled. Yes. I think Ill buy plain clothes for one that, do you know a good store? I said to change the subject. My purpose today was buying clothes and information gathering in the town. Time is precious. Alice looked puzzled, but stopped minding it and guided me to a clothes shop.

Being guided by Alice, we arrived where the clothes shops. Itll be better to have entered the inside right away. I am being stared atIt is a similar fear Its because of the color of the mantle,isnt it? Alice smiles wryly while looking at my mantle. Certainly, this clothing store is generally available to the commoner and travelers. In such a place, a person bringing the bright red mantle which shows a person is near the royalty and the royalty puts on will be rare and will be scared. The person using an armor black from head to foot which buys daily necessities for himself. It is too doubtful. That isnt like it, Im not interested in expensive clothes particularly and because I usually have on the armor all the time,I just wants easy clothes, pajamas and robe. If possible, Id like the clothes like the ones I worn under the armor now and the clothes that look like pants. By the way, at the time of armor installation the ones of the boots have changed in the armor. (TLN: Help! ) But Black Knight-sama must be sometimes dressed up, too Because she knows my gender, Alice is worried about me. Im sorry, but Im not interested in a dress at all. I also put on almost all practical clothes such as jersey at home, I lived a life in which I was unrelated to the fashion. As a result, It was cried by the whole family. But than I buy clothes with pocket-money, I bought a fake sword or a video games and manga comic books. I believe that is a good idea. My older brother told me I was wasting money, as expected from an Elder brother saying. Ninja goods being buried in the room. Oh, please put that. Alice, because I am hiding my gender, It isnt the situation that Ill dress myself up, because when I go out, I put on an armor and go out. That is right Though she seems to have understood, Alice drops her shoulder in a feeling to be disappointed at the same time. Is this that? It is the same as the maid who often come out in novels and comics, Is it the that to which you say that Id like change a partner and enjoy myself? If its so, its bad, but I dont like to do that. I go towards the shelf in which mens clothes are put. Because I think that it is strange to hide sex distinction if I choose the womans clothes. The color choices are plain colors such as black and brown. The eyes that rose dissatisfied of Alice stick from behind, but I do not mind it. Four plain clothes, I choose two black as night-clothes, and next is a robe. The robe is just to make sure, I buy it to cover my face when I work in a place that is hard to move when I remain a Black Knight. After all the color that is quiet not to attract attention is good. The back is mobile and light. Excuse me Ye-Yes! I call the salesclerk who was near to hear which is the best. The salesclerks who have answered is a woman of red long straight hair in her the early twenties . The person came to me in a hurry. Even if I am not timid so much Oh, uh! Was there something? The salesclerk says it with a shaking a voice. Somehow, I am sorry, Salesclerk-san. Uh, Im looking for a robe, and if possible one that is easy to move, and its a strong. When I said so, the shop assistant chose while twitching. How about this one?! It is a robe knit out of the wing of the griffon! There is magic resistance too and Light and strong! The dark brown robe which she took out while feeling scared. It seems to be light and surely strong when I receive it. Thank you verymuch.So, this one. Certainly! The shop assistant who says so and opposes a cashier with the clothes I had chosen. However. Kyaa! Zutten! The Salesclerk-san and I trips and rolls. Clothes and the robe fall below. Seeing the scene, the people around look pale. No, such even if you dont look pale Alice goes to the Salesclerk-san who fell down with me. Uh, Excuse me I am sorry!! The salesclerk who completely shakes. I hold out my right hand to such a salesclerk. Do you have an injury? Huh? The salesclerk who would think that I was angry looks up at me with a blank face. I talk kindly. Dont be afraid so much, are you all right? Ye-yes The shop assistant who takes my hand and hold it out cautiously and stands up. Meanwhile Alice collects clothes scattered about a floor and takes it to a register. Oh! We have another ones! The shop assistant who tries to change the clothes taken to a register in a rushed state. No, I do not mind it particularly Will it be all right? Salesclerk-san is asking with an expression that seems to be uneasy. Yes,the clothes arent torn, and I seem to have caused it so Salesclerk-san is upset by the words. Su-such a thing No, I do it because of me I soothe to calm Salesclerk-san. Then from the depths of the shop GAHAHAHAHA! You are quite a major attractions! ! With exciting laughter the alone man is to keep being present. Red short bed hair and a sloppy short red mustache. Moving aside the wrinkle between the eyebrows, look is bad, but it is not the face like the atrocious person. With the structure of a muscular structure which a gymnastics athlete lose face, with a height of 190 keameito, and the age of an uncle who is in his 50s. Hello, Byron-san Aah, is it Alice? Alice seems to be friendly with this uncle. I will introduce BlackKnight-sama.Thisone is Byron Ozli-san. He is the store manager of this store. Bayron-san, this person is the Black Knight-sama whom I serve (TLN: Oh God, Help me out with this name! ) I introduce myself after Alice introduced Byron-san. Somehow Byron is fine for me comfortably. He is laughing broadly displaying his White teeth, Byron-san holds out his right hand. Nice to meet you Byron-san. There are circumstances and I cant give the real name and I am sorry I take off the gauntlet and shake hands. My gender isnt reveiled particularly if it is my hand. Because the way of talking is also polite, its OK, isnt it? Then Mr. Byron has an expression to which something was astonishing. When they looked around, the other guests who were in the store, a shop assistant and people outside the store were a similar expression, too. Did I do anything? Being insecure I look at Alice who is smiling. When Im wondering. GAHAHAHA! I am pleased with this Customer -BATSUN! BATSUN! While Byron-san claps my shoulder with the left hand, and is laughing excitedly again. Did I do anything? When you came over on a black unicorn, I thought whether it was a dream! And I was amazed that he was at the store today to come in with a scarlet mantle. I caused any problems I thought, you permitted shop assistants misconduct in a store and worried conversely. Moreover you answered to the handshake of low birth like me with a bare hand intentionally! As is expected, it is the gentleman chosen by the Legendary Unicorn! No, Do you think that you are ordinary? While being pushed towards the atmosphere to which Mr. Byron says that he was moved for some reason. I reciprocate. However, What did you think of again?Byron-san, who is behind me and turn around and grab my shoulders. And said towards curious spectators. Hey everybody! It is the knight that was chosen as a legend!Its the person with the highest capacity! (TLN: I practically made up this one, but I hope it is close to the real meaning, for those gentle souls who knows japanese: ) Hey! If Alice says such thing at this place now! Did everyone hear? Its admitted by the strongest knight, Knights assistant and member of the Imperial family of the empire, too, and a Knight has come to buy clothes at my store intentionally! In the words of Byron-san. Black Master! Come to my shop by all means this time!!! Master, come tom y vegetable store later! Please also come to the weapon shop!I have in stock a good weapon!! People said one after the other. In the same period, I came to be known as the Black Master at west commoners district and in the south shops district. But I am a woman (TLN: The Danna which Chie is called can also mean Husband, but I am using Master instead.) Several minutes later, the uproar finally settled and Im paying the bill at the register. It is one silver plate and five silvers in total The money in the world is copper, copper plate, silver, silver plate, gold, gold plate. As for the value, copper is 10 yen, a copper sheet is 100 yen, Silver is 1,000 yen, a silver board is 10,000 yen, gold is 100,000 yen and a gold plate is one million yen. The form: copper, silver and gold are the same size and shape as a ten yen coin, a plate is a rectangular plate with size of a 500 yen coin . It become 15,000 yen when I convert to the yen. I take out two silver plates from the brown bag which I got from Amaterasu-sama. A silver plate entered closely when I thought that it was heavy.(TLN: ) I had received 100 yesterday when I counted it before sleeping. Now if I dont think gold and gold plates is not good. I think the person of the shop to have been certainly in trouble. Byron-san, Isnt there a strange thing in the situation of the capital recently? I said it while receiving five silvers for the change. Byron-san seems to be a person who is popular and trusted in the shopping district. Naturally he knows a lot at this mall. Well Byron-san crosses his arms and thinks. This is the talk which isnt only in the capital. Quite a lot of nice young men are missing Young men? How old are these people ? There was a kid just ten years old and a man ans his late twenties Dont men and women ask about that? Aah. The majority was caught by slave dealers and thieves of the dark guild I think.(TLN: HELP! ) Slave dealer? Slavery In the definite empire for more than 100 years, it was abolished. It seems to be the way in the Holy Country and the Kingdom, but in the empire it was abolished. The reason is because the royalty avoids discrimination. There is the difference of the social position that I called a noble and a commoner, the royalty and the noble protect a country, They keep aninterdependent relation once that the commoner works for the country. There are nobles who lookdown on commoners among them and there is the commoners who dislikes nobles, but it is extremely a part. Because its such country, the slaves are unnecessary. Despite this, a slave dealer? The slave surely is prohibited in the empire,but Is it from three years ago? There was a rumor going around that an auction was held somewhere in the capital. Auction?! The information that any the bust has hateful. Besides that regarding the young men, investigated by even the Imperial Army, but they cant get a lead. The location would be the slums The slum is a place with many low shop and people on the shopping district. There is the dark guild there, too. There is also the possibility of a skillful sorcerer is there. His specialty is to put barriers. There may be interference of a noble too, and a considerably influential one Nh?Why do you think so? What a noble who wouldnt relate to politics? But I dont know well Byron-san and Alice shook their heads. I dont say that I say that it is a noble, and anyone can be concerned with politics Is that the case? Byron opens eyes wide for the answer Alice declared. Because a commoner has many people who do not know nobles well, there will be no help for it. Alice continues explaining it. When I say about the ranks, na archduke is a position of the head of the royalty,part of the imperial Family, such as younger brothers of the emperor, the king or the Holy family. A duke is the person who participates in Imperial House, royalty and St. tribe orImperial familywhich equalsthat.BlackKnight-sama is in this position. Oh, It is great! While Byron looks at me, I say. Myself am considerably dissatisfied. Alice continues explaining it more. A count is a noble with a territory. A viscount is a noble with land. A baron is the last of the upper level nobles who can become a senator. Others are called a low-level aristocrat. By the way, the older brother is the status of a baron. Conrat is a baron. That boy has come a long way, I burned hands in that naughty boy, now hes the most successful person of us Plebs! Conrat was a naughty boy? (TLN: I could have put mischievous boy, but I think I want Conrat to be naughty! Fufufu) That so serious Conrat? I cant imagine it. Yeah, that delinquent is now a Baron Delinquent? Even the younger sister is saying delinquent, I cant imagine it more and more! This is interesting! Alice, can you tell me more this time as well. Yeah, Ill be glad to. I look forward to it again. By the way, lets go back to the talk. Oh, It is such a place at rank, as I mentioned earlier from Archduke to the Baron, the most excellent people are chosen and a political assembly is performed.Therefore, nobles can not always intervene in politics. Huh, was it so? Byron-san said while admiring. In fact, it is not unusual for that a human being with a strong influential voice communicates secretly, and a crime is performed when I stand on a while ago and think. It is natural to think that a some man of power is assigned to the background of large-scale crimes such as the slave auction. Because that fellow is a wirepuller It is the common template. When I think to here, you can have focused, but there is no evidence as expected. The way which is most is to catch in the act. There is a limit with me alone. The help of Conrat is needed here. Alice, we will return to the castle immediately. When I return, wont you bring me where Conrat is at? I dont mind, but isnt it a vacation day for Black Knight-sama? Alice asks whether I have to rest. Its necessary to take days off tightly certainly, but its such current state. Speaking frankly, I want to deal immediately if I follow for some time for three years. I dont mind, you have not to go from such thing if this situation is being overlooked, it is necessary to deal with it early. Certainly If there is also something at our way, I make a contact with the castle. To be honest, the proposal is saved. Possibly because a commoner may know that the armed forces dont notice. Thank you very much. When you do that, theyll be saved. I said so, and Alice had a load with me and came back to the castle hastily.

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