World Evolution! Awakening Limit Grade Talent!

Chapter 41: Big sis giving unexpected surprise?

Finally, after a few minutes, Aiden's anger calmed down as his eyes turned normal without any swirl in them that he was unaware of, to begin with, and he was able to regain control of his emotions. Then he focused on the blue screen ahead of him to see what type of talent he had to face in the future.

He was also determined to train even harder than before because in these few weeks, only his strength and agility had increased by a mere 0.1 points, and he once again swore to kill Anderes Shade in his mind.

Coming out of his thoughts, he finally looked at the blue screen ahead of him.

[Character Information]

[Name: Anderes Shade]

[Age: 41]

[Race: Human]

[Talent: Shadow Affinity (A) dormant, Strength (C+) dormant]

[Potential: AA+]

[Mana Cultivation: Mortal Reality]

[Bloodline: None]

[Physique: None]

[Health: 82/82]

[Strength: 8.7]

[Agility: 7.2]

[Stamina: 6.2]

[Mana: 0]


[Intelligence: 7.1]

[Defence: 8]

[Skills: Marksmanship (C+), Basic Combat (CC+), Knife Mastery (C-)]

(Stats Limit of Mortal Humans: 10)

Seeing only Anderes' stats, Aiden could already tell he would not emerge victorious if they fought right now. Other than his stamina and intelligence, none of his stats are higher than his.

So he focuses on the most important thing his talent and potential because without good talent and potential Anderes would be nothing in front of him in the future he would increase his stats as for his potential, he didn't think anyone was going to compete with him.

Seeing his AA+ potential lower than his original potential but still pretty good, he focuses on the talent without even reading the names and ranks of the talent. He is already pissed knowing that the bastard had two talents and he originally without the system only had one talent.

Calming himself, he focused on the talent's grade and what type of talent it was, focusing on the blue screen in front of him. Seeing the (A grade) shadow affinity elemental talent and (C+ grade) strength talent, he is a little jealous of him, as even with his original S-rank potential, he has only awakened one (A+ grade) talent.

But he didn't think much about it, as with his celestial talent ability Copy, he can copy one talent per day, so having two talents is nothing in front of him.

There is also his Origin of Element, where he can unlock Affniites with different elements, but he didn't know how; the system had told him before he would eventually find out after world evolution.

He also asked the system if the shadow element is a rare element, and he came to know that the shadow element is a pretty rare element; not many people can awaken but still couldn't compare to elements like time and space, and there are many other elements he would eventually find himself system didn't inform his about them.


That is what happened to Aiden on the first day of school after the incident. Other than that, not many important things happened as he walked around during recess time or whenever he got the chance to find people with talents; he could only check two times before he started to have a headache, and he had to wait for at least twenty minutes to use it again.

So he can find at least 10 people in one day; usually, most of them have below-average talent, but he rarely finds someone with (A grade) talent, and up till now, he has not found any person in school who has (S grade) talent.

But this is not the most shocking thing that happened to him during this week. The greatest shock he had gotten was at home when he checked his sister's talent compared to her; his original talent could only be considered mediocre at best.

He recalled what he had seen at that time on the transparent blue screen in his find still shocked by his big sister's talent and potential.

[Character Information]

[Name: Alicia Cross]

[Age: 18]

[Race: Human (genetically modified) ]

[Talent: Lightning Affinity (S+) dormant, Earth Affinity (AA+) dormant, Illusion Affinity (CCC+) dormant ]

[Potential: SS]

[Mana Cultivation: Mortal Realm]

[Bloodline: None]

[Physique: None]

[Health: 81/81]

[Strength: 7.5]

[Agility: 7.7]

[Stamina: 7.2]

[Mana: 0]


[Intelligence: 8.1]

[Defence: 7]

[Skills: Cooking (B-)]

(Stats Limit of Mortal Humans: 10)

Seeing those stats, he was not very surprised, as his big sister worked hard while training for her competitions, and she even trained regularly at the house, pushing her limit motivated by her aunt May. She may not be on her aunt's level, but she is definitely top-level in fitness.

The image of his big sis's naked toned body with pure white skin appeared in his mind when they were having a bath together a blush appeared on his handsome face realizing what he had done he quickly stopped thinking about her as his handsome face turned to normal after few second and thinks to himself.

'I am definitely not a pervert how can I fantasize about my big sis like that.' They had decided to marry in the future but he was not a pervert he blamed the system for this thinking.

'It's obviously the system's fault after he started to get erections due to the system he had become a horny child' Telling himself It's not for imagining those things.

System who heard his inner voice and had been with all this time, had already come to accept that the child goddess had chosen for whatever reason he didn't know of was definitely a horny kid and also very shameless for blaming him for his own

He even balmed his own erection to the system as his phyisque had only accelearted the growth of his body and many other benifits but getting hard is definetely not one of them.

Goddess had ordered him to take care of him so didn't make a fatal mistake in his journey to become powerful but didn't interfere too much with his growth so he would ignore this shameless child.

But he didn't interfere anymore and he started to feel lonely and keep quiet he didn't who he was, he even didn't know if he was male or female, the goddess had only told him that she needed a soul to guide to the child all the time so she killed him and made use of his while making system, he didn't resent her for that as feel from deep inside himself that its only natural for to happen.

He couldn't even reject her order as his pride wouldn't allow him and his soul was also bound to her and this child by a contract he couldn't harm this child and he didn't have any intention of harming as he found this life very exciting and its only source of entertainment.

But he wanted to talk to him more it's only possible if the child ordered me as a master and overridden the goddess' command to talk when necessary so he hoped he would do that someday and he couldn't mention that he would have to follow his every command if he ordered bound by contract, still he had decided to leave his hints in his future conversation with the child without affecting the contract to get him to know that he could order whatever liked.

Aiden was oblivious to still system's inner thoughts and focused on his sister's information that he had found with his King's eye ability.

What shocked Aiden at first was that when he first noticed her race, it was not only human written; it was genetically modified written to human, he panicked a little seeing this and was very concerned about this, thinking if it would harm his big sister in some way, he directly asked the system, which may not answer all his questions, but it can answer a simple question.

And if it doesn't answer, he is willing to spend some stats points if possible for the safety of his big sister he can easily earn stats with more hard work in training but cannot risk his big sister's safety, Just the idea of something happening to his big sister due to his carlessness he would never be able to forgive himself.

So he asked the system, and thankfully it didn't ask for any stats points the system told him in his monotonous feminine voice that his big sister was safe; she was like every other human and didn't explain much, and at the end, it said it was a miracle some like her were able to be born.

He didn't understand why System called his big sister a miracle, but he was relieved knowing she was not in danger and she was like every other human, when he noticed her talent and potential, he understood why System called her a miracle at the end.

Because the system had previously mentioned when he first awakened his talent just after the incident, when a planet is having its first evolution, the highest potential someone could have is only S rank, so her sister having SS rank potential is definitely a miracle.

As he noticed his sister also had three talents and all of them were elemental affinities, he had never seen someone with two elemental affinities up until now.

He had only seen two talents in the case of one of the leaders of UEF and some rare individuals, but some of them didn't have even one elemental affinity, and even if they had elemental affinities, their grades were very low.

He came to understand after finding out about the cultivation from the system that it's the most important thing for someone to start their magical cultivation journey is elemental affinities; without it, there will be a limit to how strong they can become and wouldn't be able to cultivate.

And the speed of their cultivation would depend on the grade of their elemental affinity. He was not completely sure about this, but he was the most logical guess according to him, and just after thinking that the system had also agreed to his claim.

Seeing her (S+ grade) lighting affinity, (AA+ grade) Earth affinity, and lastly the most unexpected one, he can tell by the name that it's a very rare element, (CCC+ grade) Illustion affinity almost reaching the B grade, It was also the element that system used to help him.

Aiden was a little worried about his big sister at first as after the world evolution, he could copy many talents, but what about his big sister? If she awakened a low-ranked sister, she wouldn't be able to get stronger beside him.

He would protect her with his life, but he didn't know when something unexpected would happen.

He was not arrogant even with his overpowered abilities; it was a relief to him knowing that his big sister would become one of the strongest people on this planet, and also his breathing started to become just thinking about how lucky he was.

'Only by copying his big sister's talent, he could become one of the strongest on the planet.'

He was a little worried about this at first as he didn't have any elemental affinities as his (A+ grade) water affinity was locked after he awakened his celestial talent, and he would be vulnerable when the world's evolution began at first only depending on his stats but now he was even more excited.

And the idea of bringing someone to his secret laboratory where he would make his base after the evolution didn't even enter his mind if he didn't trust the person completely or if he was strong enough to kill them in a second.

So he wouldn't risk having a stranger with them to copy their talent at the beginning, but he guessed he still had to travel across the planet to find opportunities, treasure, and artifacts like a cultivation novel.

So he would have many opportunities to copy many different talents as he gets stronger, and he definitely wouldn't miss those opportunities, as his biggest advantage is that he can copy other talents if he cowardly tries to keep himself and his big sister safe; they would sooner or later become prey of those people who risk their lives to get opportunities to make themselves stronger than before.

He had already learned his lesson when having the conversation with the Anderes Shade that sometimes a calm and safe approach would do more harm than good to him and the people around him.

He is already determined to get his hands bloody after he was being threatened by his big sis life to join the genius program, he would kill whoever tries to harm his family and he already who the first one gonna be.

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