Wolf of the Blood Moon: A Blood Magic

Book 2: Chapter 8: New Skills

Book 2: Chapter 8: New Skills

Scarlet Asger

Name: Scarlet AsgerSpecies: Human/Blood Lycan HybridMagic: Blood Age: 19Level: 46SP: 72 Stats: Physical: 117Mental: 116Magical: 117 Physical/Level: 2Mental/Level: 1Magical/Level: 2 Free Points: 0Mana: 1101/6786Free Points/Level: 2 Active Skills: Blood ClawsSkill Level: 6Description Blood SiphonSkill Level: 6Description Life DrainSkill Level: 7Description Partial ShiftSkill Level: StaticDescription Blood SacrificeSkill Level: 5Description Blood BoilSkill Level: 6Description Blood BankSkill Level: 5Description CleanSkill Level: StaticDescription RepairSkill Level: StaticDescription RechargeSkill Level: StaticDescription Passive Skills: Blood RegenerationSkill Level: 2Description Blood ThirstSkill Level: 5Description Predator VSkill Level: StaticDescription

Without wasting any time, I open the descriptions for Blood Claws, Blood Siphon, Life Drain, and Blood Regeneration. But then Im faced with disappointment when I find that all of their descriptions are still the same.

The actual descriptions for the skills tend to change less and less the higher the level of the skill, Tar says, appearing in front of me and lying on the grass next to me. At some point the descriptions might even only change at every fifth level.

Well thats annoying.

Well, anyways, time to check out the skills store.

Skill Name:Achievement Requirements:Descriptions:Classifications:SP Price: Blood ShadowUnlocked through killing a demon wraith while below level twenty-five, through killing a demon at least fifty levels above you, and by having blood magic.

This skill can be used to create a clone made out of shadows and blood. It uses the users own blood and their shadow in the process of the skills use, and when the clone is destroyed, the user loses the blood and takes mental damage as backlash.



30 Blood PoisoningUnlocked through killing a demon at least fifty levels above you, through killing a being at least one Class above you, through killing various demons whose levels far surpass your own with indirect means, and by having blood magic.The user may corrupt a very small portion of their blood before separating it from their body and using it to infect other living beings.



30 Blood RetributionUnlocked through killing a demon at least fifty levels above you, through killing a being at least one Class above you, through killing an original variant demon, by killing a demon at a higher level than you while almost burning all of your blood in the process, and by having blood magic.

Any damage dealt to the user while this skill is active is returned to the one who dealt the damage in the form of blood burning.

Activation of this skill costs a 20% of the users total mana.

Each activation lasts for ten seconds.



30 Blood ManifestationUnlocked through killing a demon at a higher level than you by at least ten levels, by killing at least 500 demons, by having manipulated the blood of over fifty creatures including your own, and by having blood magic.

The user may summon weapons of blood that they may control through their will.

These weapons will stay summoned for one minute and will cost ten mana per weapon.



20 ...

Another epic skill? Tar grumbles, sounding put off by how many high rarity skills Im getting.

I raise an eyebrow at the tanuki without actually looking at him before focusing on the new skills. Which include the one new epic, and several new rares that I find after expanding the list a bit.

Okay, there are some holes I can see in these skill descriptions that make me unsure of which ones to buy.

I see what you mean, Tar says as I switch back to using my wolf ears now that the pain from them is mostly gone, having healed long before my side wound.

For one, the shadow clone doesnt specify if I can directly control it or not, just implies that I should be able to. And I dont like that uncertainty. Even if Im pretty sure I will probably be able to control it.

For two, blood poisoning is rather lax in its description overall. Will I be able to manipulate the poisoned blood? Will I be able to control it with my mind or use it in other skills like blood claws? Or will the blood just drip down onto the floor and become useless until I level the skill more?

And the last problem is with blood manifestation and the other two or so rare skills that basically give me ranged blood attacks which I need if Im being honest. Will I be able to use my own blood to create the weapons? Use demon blood? The corrupted blood from blood poisoning? Or will it just summon the blood for the weapons?

All of it is rather unclear, and it really bothers me.

That aside though, Ill definitely be getting Blood Manifestation, if for no other reason than me needing a ranged attack that isnt an overtime effect like blood boil or life drain. So without any hesitation, I spend 20 SP on the rare skill. Then I focus my gaze on the three epics.

But which of these three should I choose? And should I only buy one and spend the rest of my SP on leveling my current skills, or should I buy one and then wait to get five more points to buy a second epic?

Id buy one epic and spend the points to level up whichever skills you believe need leveling the most, Tar suggests. And right before Im about to focus on the skills store again, notice the sound of approaching human footsteps.

Guess the others are getting closer.

Focusing on the store again, I think Blood Shadow is probably the most useful to me right now. Because Blood Poisoning isnt very useful outside of combining the poisoned blood with summoned weapons, if thats even possible, and blood retribution is something I have to activate. So Id have to plan on getting hurt.

Not a pleasant idea right now.

Blood Shadow would give me a great decoy to use in plans along with a second hand to help me in battles, assuming the shadow can move and fight without me actively directing it of course. But even if it cant, the decoy part still works.

And its not like I cant purchase the others later.

So I purchase Blood Shadow. Then I move on to my status again to focus on my skills and begin debating on which one or ones to level up. Only to get interrupted when I hear the footsteps reach the other side of the clearing, following which I hear someone shout, Scarlet!

Guess I can decide on which skills to level up later.

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