Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 95 Seeking Advice From The Professionals [Part 1]

Chapter 95 Seeking Advice From The Professionals [Part 1]

After the battle between the Jaeger Manor, and the Terra Manor ended, Ethan returned to the Dud Manor and locked himself up inside his room.

There he meditated and entered Illumina’s world in order to better understand the series of events that happened during the battle between Lily and Kurt.

“In terms of raw power, speed, and magic, Lily surpasses me by leaps and bounds,” Ethan said softly. “Can I really not use Partial Resonance in my fight against her, Illumina?”

“Yes,” the Mermaid Princess replied firmly. “Only if you want to lose the ability to use magic for the rest of your entire lifetime, then you can go ahead and try. I won’t stop you.”

The teenage boy sighed because how could he possibly do that.

Ever since he discovered that he, too, could use magic, albeit with limitations, he felt as if a brand new world had opened up to him.

For him to risk it all in a magical duel, no matter how important it was would be foolish of him.

“Then, can you tell me if there is a way to defeat her?” Ethan inquired.

“Ethan, you’re not a baby,” Illumina replied with a smile. “The time for spoon feeding is over. If you wish to win, you should use your own hands, and your own will to make it happen.”

Ethan could tell that the Mermaid Princess didn’t really plan on lending him a hand this time around. However, he still decided to take a chance and ask her for advice.

“I know that you only want what is best for me, Illumina, but can you at least give me a hint about how to raise my chances of winning against Lily?” Ethan inquired. “Even if it’s just a small hint, please!”

“You’re such a baby, Ethan.” Illumina sighed helplessly. “Have you forgotten that Lily is still a living, breathing, human? She isn’t a God, you know? If you really want to find answers then how about you go to the Library or ask your Professors for advice?

“If they were in Kurt’s place during the match, I’m pretty sure that they could have thought of a few ways to deal with Lily.”

Ethan suddenly felt enlightened after hearing Illumina’s advice. He had completely forgotten that the Professors of Brynhildr Academy were talented Wizards and Witches.

Although he didn’t know if all of them were proficient in magic combat, there were Professors like Professor Lionel, as well as Professor Violet, who specialized in fighting.

Without another word, Ethan left his room and went to find the Knightly Professor in the Training Grounds of the Academy.

The sun had already set, and the stars could be seen in the sky. But, Ethan knew that Professor Lionel didn’t rest early, so there was still a chance that he could find him before he returned to his room to rest.

As if Lady Luck was smiling on him, he found Professor Lionel in the Training Grounds, and he wasn’t alone.

Another Professor, whom he was also looking for, was there.

“Sir Lionel, Professor Violet, I’m glad that both of you are here!” Ethan ran towards his two Professors with an excited look on his face.

“Ethan? What’s this?” Professor Lionel replied with a smile. “Did that battle get your blood pumping that you decided to come here to the Training Grounds to train for a bit?”

The Knightly Professor was currently seated on a chair, and holding a mug of mead in his hand.

Professor Violet, on the other hand, was holding a glass of wine, and eyed Ethan with a mischievous look on her beautiful face.

The two seemed to be having dinner together because their table was laden with food, which was still warm.

Clearly, they decided to dine outside, instead of the Great Dining Hall of the Academy, where everyone usually ate.

“I didn’t come here to train, Sir Lionel,” Ethan answered. “I came here to ask for advice.”

“Advice?” Professor Lionel eyed Ethan with a solemn look on his face. “Ah! I think I have an idea about what you want to ask. But, go ahead and humor me. What is it that you want to ask for advice for?”

Ethan took a deep breath first in order to organize his thoughts. When he was sure that he was calm enough to talk, he proceeded to ask his question.

“Earlier during Kurt’s and Lily’s battle, if you were in Kurt’s place, what would you have done in order to defeat Lily?” Ethan asked.

“I knew it!” Sir Lionel chuckled before looking at Professor Violet with a smile. “It seems that our student here is now grasping for straws for how to fight his rivals in the tournament.”

“Awww… poor Ethan.” Professor Violet smiled sweetly. “Are you afraid that Lily will beat your handsome face to a pulp? There, there, don’t worry. The Medics will patch you up really well. Just be on guard if they attempt to feed you a purple looking potion. No matter what happens, don’t drink that, okay?

“That’s a Charm Potion. It will make you infatuated with the first person you see after drinking it. It’s very effective against Ordinarius and Duds, who have weak magical powers. However… you’re something of an outlier. Sometimes you have magic, sometimes you don’t. I’m very tempted to cut you up and discover your secrets.”

The beautiful professor with purple hair eyed Ethan from head to toe and even licked her lips, making Ethan feel as if she was some kind of snake that had seen her prey.

“I know that this might be shameless of me, but I really need some advice right now,” Ethan said in a serious tone. “I really want to win my fight with Lily, but I don’t have the combat experience, or magical expertise to pull it off.”

“Um? Can’t you just use Partial Resonance and end it in an instant?” Professor Violet asked. “Even Lily will not be able to survive such an attack.”

Ethan shook his head. “I can’t use Partial Resonance in my fight against Lily. That one time was just a fluke.”

“A fluke?” Professor Lionel arched an eyebrow. “Then, how about that Oberon’s Descent you used against Langston? Was that also a fluke?”

“I-I think so,” Ethan stuttered. “I don’t know what came over me back then. It just happened out of the blue.”

Professor Lionel and Professor Scarlet glanced at each other and smiled.

“Why don’t you join us for dinner, Ethan?” Professor Lionel said as he took out a chair out of thin air and placed it beside the table. “We can talk as we eat. I’m sure that the food will be more enjoyable with more people.”

Ethan happily accepted the Knightly Professor’s invitation because truth be told, he was feeling very hungry as well.

Professor Violet eyed the handsome teenager with a critical gaze before sipping the wine in her cup.

When she said that she wanted to cut Ethan up to better understand him, she was being half serious about it.

Just like all the Professors in the Academy, they were all surprised when Ethan was able to use Magic during duels, and still be a Dud after it.

Even now, Professor Violet could sense very little power coming out of Ethan’s body, as if his magical powers were like a candle, that could be snuffed out at any given moment.

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