Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 108 He Is No Gentleman. I Hate Him

Chapter 108 He Is No Gentleman. I Hate Him

“W-Why are the two of you looking at me like that?” Ethan couldn’t help but feel intense pressure coming from the two beautiful girls, who were glaring at him.

“It should be Nicole,” Luna said firmly.

“She was my first suspect from the very start.” Chloe agreed. “I knew that girl couldn’t be trusted.”

Ethan didn’t know what the two were talking about. But, he had a feeling that Nicole did something that angered the two girls in front of him.

“T-The two of you calm down for a bit,” Ethan said. “Let’s eat while the food is still warm.”


Chloe and Luna continued to glare at Ethan, making the teenage boy very uncomfortable.

However, since he was feeling really hungry, he still went ahead and started to eat despite being stared at by the two beautiful ladies, who were cursing Nicole in their hearts for being a thieving cat.

Half an hour later, Ethan was finally done with his meal and excused himself to return to his room.

For some reason, he felt really tired after yesterday’s duel, and the party that lasted all night didn’t help either.

Although he had just woken up from his sleep, he decided to take a nap to recover his strength.

Ethan didn’t know that one of the reasons he was feeling extra tired was due to Nicole’s spell, which she had used the night before.

This spell would forcefully release the magical powers of a person, which allowed their magical circuits to be seen by others, similar to an Ultrasound.

But Nicole’s experiment didn’t bear any fruit because Ethan had spent all of his Magical Powers in the duel, leaving nothing behind for her to trace.

Even so, the pink-haired beauty didn’t believe that Ethan didn’t have any magical circuits because it was completely impossible for someone to cast spells, if they didn’t have them in their body.

A minute after Ethan placed his head on the pillow, he easily fell into a deep sleep and went to dreamland.


Meanwhile in the Eques Manor…

Nicole had just finished taking her bath, and was drying her hair.

She was standing in front of her full body mirror, and couldn’t help but glance at her forehead, where Ethan had kissed her.

“He sure has guts,” Nicole muttered. “Still, the Ethan that kissed me seemed different from his usual state. Also, those crimson eyes…”

Nicole was unable to forget those beautiful crimson eyes that were brimming with magical powers.

They also had a powerful appeal to them, making her unable to avert her gaze.

She was quite confident in her ability to resist Charm Spells because her family ensured that she would be immune to them.

However, she had to admit that looking at those charming and charismatic eyes made her heart skip a beat.

A moment later, the corner of Nicole’s lips rose up into a smirk.

‘He should be in trouble right about now,’ Nicole mused. ‘I saw Chloe leave half an hour ago, and if my prediction is right, she will definitely suspect me. But, as long as I don’t admit anything, her suspicion will remain a suspicion. Teasing them is really a lot of fun.’

The pink-haired beauty suppressed a giggle as she thought about Ethan’s cousin pulling on his ear, or pinching his waist, after discovering the kiss mark she had left on the handsome teenager’s neck.

‘That is your punishment for kissing my forehead without permission,’ Nicole thought. ‘You shouldn’t casually kiss girls, Ethan, or else you will find yourself in a lot of trouble.’

Nicole didn’t know that although Ethan didn’t casually kiss girls, he had already kissed two ladies, and over a dozen of fairies.


Inside Lily’s Room in the Jaeger Manor…

The cutest First Year in the Dud Manor heard a tapping sound on her window.

There she saw her Black Raven, which she had asked to deliver a message to her family a few days ago.

“Thank you for all your hard work,” Lily said as soon as she opened the window, allowing her Raven to fly inside her room.

The Raven landed on top of the table, and squawked once, which made Lily smile.

“Just wait a bit, okay?” Lily filled a small bowl of water and placed it on top of the table. She also took out a few nuts from a jar beside her bed and placed them in the sauces that she had also put on top of the table.

The Raven drank a bit of water before presenting its clawed foot to Lily. A small cylinder was attached to its leg, which carried the reply to the letter she had sent several days ago.

Lily sat on her chair and read the reply her Father sent to her letter.


Dear Lily,

To this day, I still oppose your wish to study in Brynhildr Magic Academy. If not for your mother convincing me to let you spread your wings, and see the world with your own eyes, I would have done everything in my power to stop you from leaving.

Even so, I am glad to know that you are doing well in the academy, and are being cared for by your Manor Mates. Jaeger Manor, is it? What an interesting place. I didn't know that Wizards, and Witches had different specialties. The only thing I knew about them is that they are pesky critters who like to stick their nose where it isn’t needed.

Naturally, your mother is an exception. I don't regret making her my life-long mate.

So, my dear girl, don’t be in such a hurry to find a partner in that Magic Academy. Most of them are simply sheep. They may be good looking, but they don’t have any substance. All talk and no bite.

Our Tribe has better options, and all of them wish to become your suitor.

In fact, I received several offers after you left. Included in this letter is the list of the young men who have shown great interest in you. Naturally, they have my approval, which is why I listed their names on a separate page.

Lastely, that boy named Ethan seems to be an interesting young man. While I don’t know much about Wizards, and Witches, I definitely knew something about Duds.

Although some of them are downright useless, there are some exceptional ones that surpass most Wizards and Witches.

My Great, Great, Grandfather was good friends with Fortis Dud.

He had nothing but high praise for that individual, and even wrote it in his will that if there came a time when a Dud appeared in our tribe, they were to be left alone, and no harm should be inflicted to them.

As my daughter, I’m very sure that you can easily defeat him in your duel. Your only true opponent is that Kurt boy from Terra Manor. As long as you don’t underestimate him, you will definitely emerge victorious.

I look forward to hearing about your triumphant victory when the event is over. Your mother is also waiting for the good news here in our home.

Lots of love from far away, King.


“Father… that Dud defeated me,” Lily said softly. “He is no gentleman. I hate him.”

Lily still couldn’t forgive Ethan for using that nasty spell against her. If not for the fact that she didn’t want to smell like rotten eggs and cabbages for days, she would have definitely fought with everything she had, even using her true powers in order to defeat him.

Unfortunately, what was done was done, and she couldn’t turn back time.

“I’ll make you pay for this, Ethan,” Lily stated. “Just you wait.”

Lily didn’t like keeping grudges, but this time, she made an exception. If Ethan fought her fair and square, she would have accepted her loss.

However, such a humiliating way to lose wasn’t something she could accept. Because of this, she planned to make the handsome teenager suffer, in more ways than one.

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