Wizard World Irregular

Chapter 74 Training With Fae Magic

Chapter 74 Training With Fae Magic

As soon as Ethan returned inside his room, he made sure to lock the door first.

This is done so that no one would accidentally barge in, while he was testing the magic he acquired from the Fairy, Ruby.

As soon as the blue-haired boy took out his wand, he felt a familiar presence and his environment once again changed to that blue world, where the Mermaid Princess, Illumina, was waiting for him.

“Congratulations on absorbing some magical energy,” Illumina said with a smile. “Because of this, I am able to communicate with you again. Let’s see… Fae Magic this time huh? Although not as strong as Moon Magic, it is still a potent magic.”

Ethan was surprised when Illumina appeared in front of him once again. The only thing he wanted to do was test his Magic, but seeing her again put a smile on his face.

“Illumina, do you know about Fae Magic?” Ethan inquired.

“Of course I know Fae Magic,” Illumina replied. “There are also Sea Fairies, who live in the Sea. Although very different from the Fairies who live on land, their source of magic is one and the same. Now, let’s talk about more important matters before your Magic Power disappears.”

The Mermaid Princess then made a gesture for Ethan to come close to her.

Knowing that Illumina wouldn’t do anything bad to him, the young man obediently stepped closer, and allowed the Mermaid Princess to press her fingertip to his forehead.

A moment later, Ethan felt as if he was being force-fed information regarding Fae Magic.

This included spells that were exclusive to Fairies, which Ethan didn’t know about.

“What you need to learn right now is how to maximize the magic that you’ve absorbed,” Illumina explained. “Just like how Moon Magic specializes in Creation, Fae Magic is the magic used to play tricks, fly, and cast illusions. If you use any other branch of Magic aside from the Origin Magic you absorb, your Magic Power will decrease at a rapid rate.

“However, if you use Magic that is compatible with the power you absorb, not only will their efficiency increase, their magic consumption will also decrease. This means that if you cast Water Magic or Fire Magic, your Mana will run dry after throwing ten Water Balls or Ten Fireballs.

“With Fae Magic, you can cast Faerie Fire twenty times, maximizing the powers that you have temporarily gained. Do you understand what I am trying to say?”

Ethan nodded. “I understand. So, this means that whenever I absorb Magic Powers, I should only focus on spells that are in that branch of Magic, correct?”

“Yes, and No,” Illumina replied. “Although maximizing the effects of your spells is good, there are some spells that can be very useful as well. It really depends on the situation. For example, the spell, Amplifico, is a very useful spell that boosts your body’s overall performance. But, this spell is not Fae Magic.

“I’m just telling you that, if you plan to use other spells, to make sure that these spells will be helpful to you because the amount of Magic you have is very limited.”

Ethan realized what Illumina was trying to tell him, so he nodded his head to inform her that he understood.

“Now, let’s practice magic,” Illumina said with a smile. “In this world, the drain on your Magic is very little, so you can use this place to train Spell Casting.”

Ethan closed his eyes for a brief moment as he recalled the spells that Illumina had imparted to him.

After checking them all, he decided to try the spell that interested him the most.

Ethan lightly tapped the wand on his chest before chanting a spell.

“Faerie Fuga!”

A moment later, a pair of butterfly wings sprouted on his back, which made him feel as if he could fly in the sky.

Without wasting another second, the handsome young man jumped high in the air, and flapped his wings.

“I’m flying!” Ethan exclaimed as the wings on his back carried him over the sea, circling around Illumina with a big smile on his face.

Illumina giggled after seeing Ethan’s child-like behavior, but she found this side of him very endearing as well.

After a few minutes of flight, Ethan once again tapped his chest, and chanted the spell called Duplici, allowing him to create a clone of himself.

When the spell worked, Ethan looked at this double who was doing the same things he was doing.

‘Can I make more than one clone?’ Ethan thought before lightly tapping his chest to cast the cloning spell for the second time.

To this surprise, the spell worked again, creating a second clone that mimicked whatever he was doing.

Testing the limits of the spell, he chanted the spell for the third time. However, this time, the spell didn’t work.

“Some spells have limitations on them,” Illumina commented after seeing the disappointment in Ethan’s face. “However, this limitation can be overcome if you have stronger magical powers. But, know this, the Drain on your Magic will be greater the more clones of yourself you make. How about you try casting Faerie Fire next?”

Ethan nodded and pointed his wand to the sky.

“Faerie Ignis!”

A purple fireball shot from the tip of his wand and flew towards the heavens. His two clones also mimicked this move, sending their own illusionary fireballs into the sky.

“Fairies use illusion magic to fight,” Illumina stated. “So, when you are fighting against them, it is highly possible that they will cast many spells at once, but the majority of them are only an illusion.

“But, this doesn’t mean that it makes their attack any less dangerous. Even though they can fire a dozen illusionary fireballs, one of those fireballs is real, which will deal serious damage if it manages to hit its target.”

After she gave Ethan a few pointers, on how to effectively maximize Fae Magic, he resumed his training.

With each spell that he casted, he started to formulate the strategy that he was going to use against his opponent. He knew that it wasn't going to be easy. But, since he had no choice on the matter, the only thing he could do was do his best.

There was only a week before the Clash of Manors would take place, and he intended to do his best to make his Manor Mates proud of him.

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