With My System, I Can Even Tame Gods

Chapter 170 Strange Token (2)

Lin Fan knitted his brows to think for a bit before suddenly pulling out a pair of gloves that he put on.

These gloves were similar to the mask that he was wearing, they also helped negate any poison that he touched.

He could have used these gloves earlier to pull out all these living people, but of course he would have had to do it one by one. It was much easier for him to use the moles to push out all the living people.

He started with the corpse of the bandit boss.

After all, it seemed more likely that the boss would have important evidence that he could use.

However, to his disappointment, he didn't find much on the bandit boss.

Since this bandit boss didn't have a Storage Ring, he didn't keep many things on him. Other than a few coins and a waterskin which seemed to be filled with wine based on the smell, he didn't have anything else.

That was until Lin Fan looked more carefully and found that there was something hidden in the seams of the bandit boss' clothes.

When he pulled apart the seams, he found that there was a small token that was hidden inside the lining of the bandit boss' clothes. However, no matter how he looked at it, he found that this was nothing more than a simple token.

This token had a very simple design in the first place, so there was nothing identifying about it based on the design. Even the material was very simple since he could tell with his Appraisal Eyes that this token was cast from normal iron.

The only thing that was special about it and could allow him to identify who it belonged to was the character that was carved into it. It was a character that read "Yong".

This was clearly the family that this token represented, but Lin Fan couldn't tell which family it was just based on this surname.

Still, this was at least a clue…

As for the rest of the bandits, Lin Fan disdained searching them since he figured that they wouldn't have anything that he would need. He might have searched them if he hadn't gotten anything from the bandit boss, but there was no need now.

But one thing he did do was head over to the corpses of the bandits that had died from the toad's poison.

He carefully swept his spiritual senses over them before reaching his hand into their mouth to pull something from the cap of one of their teeth.

It was a tiny little pod that fit perfectly into the cap of their teeth, but one shouldn't look down on how small this thing was. After all, this was the poison that had been put into these people. This was what had been used to kill all the other bandits that had survived the toad's poison.

Although he didn't know how this thing worked and if it would be dangerous, Lin Fan still decided to keep it so he could study it later. There was still a chance that he could get some clues from this.

Once he was finished with his search, he didn't spare another glance for these people.

He didn't bury them nor did he burn their bodies because people like them didn't deserve this kindness.

These were bandits that had made a living off of stealing from others and killing people, so he would give them the fate that they deserved.

Once he was done searching through the cave, he headed back out to the camp that he had set up.

When he came back, he saw that the mercenaries were already looking much better even though they still had pale faces. At the very least, they had regained their strength and could walk by themselves again.

When the people at the camp saw Lin Fan stand up, they all stood up as if they were prepared to follow him, but Lin Fan just gestured with his hands for them to sit down.

Seeing the doubtful looks on the faces of the mercenaries and the two girls, Lin Fan said, "The bandits are already all dead and this area is safe since the beasts know not to approach because of the bandit camp. We'll camp here tonight before we head back to the town."

The mercenaries all looked at each other with doubtful looks, but they still accepted Lin Fan's plan.

He was the one who had saved them, so they could at least trust him that much. Though the main reason why they accepted this was because they really were forcing themselves to even stand up.

If they really had to move, the most likely ending was that they would collapse before they even got far.

At least in this place, they would have a nice place to sleep because of the tent that Lin Fan had set up.

When it came to decide who would be on night watch, the mercenaries, Lu'er, and Lan'er all volunteered, but Lin Fan rejected this. He knew that they were all tired and it wouldn't go well if they were on night watch, so he said that he would take care of night watch alone.

His cultivation was much higher than theirs, so it wasn't a problem if he were to miss a single night's sleep. Unlike them who had already missed several nights' sleep and were malnourished from being starved.

If he left the night watch to them, who knows what would happen…

It was better to be safe than sorry while camping out in the wilderness, so Lin Fan decided to do it himself.

After the mercenaries had settled in the tent, Lin Fan jumped up into one of the trees and sat there as he watched over the camp and the surrounding area.

Some time passed and the only ones left awake at the camp were Lu'er and Lan'er who were currently sitting at the fire exchanging strange looks.

The two of them had been silent the entire time and had been giving each other looks that Lin Fan didn't understand, but he didn't say anything since he figured that they had a lot to process after this ordeal. They would sleep when they were tired, there was no need for him to say anything.

But to his surprise, they were much bolder than he thought.

They did something that completely caught him off guard.

As he was sitting there in the tree, he suddenly heard a sound nearby and immediately turned to look in that direction.

He found that it was Lan'er and Lu'er who had suddenly jumped up into the tree with him.

He couldn't help feeling that they were acting very strange as well as looking at him with a strange look, so he asked, "What's going on? Do you two need something?"

Lan'er and Lu'er looked at each other again before Lan'er took the lead and said, "Young master, we want to repay you for saving us."

Lu'er followed up, "Young master, please let us repay you for saving us."

Lin Fan slightly knitted his brows when he heard this, but he still said, "There's no need for you to repay me. You're Yue Lan's subordinates and Yue Lan works for me, so it's natural that I would save you. Just go back and sl…"

Before he could finish, his eyes that had been looking at the two girls suddenly popped wide open as they filled with disbelief.

That was because the two girls had pulled down the top half of their dress and exposed their chest in full. Lin Fan was able to see every part of it, from the white skin to the pink tips…

After being in a daze for a bit, Lin Fan suddenly turned away and asked, "What are you doing?"

Lan'er and Lu'er both smiled before they came closer and said, "We're repaying you, young master. Please just let us do this."

But before they could do a thing, Lin Fan suddenly raised a hand to stop the two of them from coming any closer before saying, "Stop, I don't need you to repay me like this."

Perhaps if this was before, he might have been tempted by these two girls, but it was different now. Now that he had built a close relationship to the girls that were currently in his harem, he felt that one night stands like this would cheapen that relationship.

If he got to know Lu'er and Lan'er better, perhaps he might have considered this, but it had only been less than an hour since they had met and they had only spoken a few words to each other… So he couldn't help feeling awkward doing this kind of thing with them.

It wasn't that they weren't beautiful, these two were indeed rare beauties even if they couldn't match up to the same level as the girls in his harem.

He just felt that it wasn't right.

But the two girls didn't give up when they heard this and they came closer, taking his hand in their hands and putting it to their chest with smiles on their faces.

Lin Fan was stunned when he felt the soft feeling of their curved peaks. While they weren't big enough to fill his hand, they were still very soft to touch, with the exception of the pink tip right in the center.

However, after a moment of being dazed, Lin Fan quickly pulled his hand away and jumped off the branch he had been sitting on, jumping onto another branch nearby to create space between them. Then he said with a firm look, "Enough already. I already told you that I don't need you to repay me, so stop this now."

Then without waiting for a response from the girls, he jumped out of the tree and landed in another tree nearby.

The two girls were just left sitting there on that branch with desolate looks on their faces.

They turned to look at each other and Lu'er couldn't help saying, "This wasn't like what the mistress described…"

Lan'er also couldn't help saying, "Could it be that we aren't charming enough?"

Both of them just looked at each other in blank dismay as they couldn't figure out what they had done wrong.

As for the culprit who had put these thoughts in their heads…it was naturally Yue Lan.

It wasn't just these girls, it was also the other girls who worked for her…

After learning about Lin Fan's desire, she had already come up with a plan to help him along. So she only recruited beautiful girls as her subordinates and she had been secretly training them.

As for what the training was…it was to serve Lin Fan at night…

Lin Fan who had just escaped couldn't help letting out a sigh of relief.

He really didn't know what had gotten into those two girls back there, but he was just relieved that they didn't chase him.

After all, it was easy for them to chase him if they really wanted to continue.

After taking a moment to catch his breath, he couldn't help raising his hand up to his face and taking a sniff…It really did have a fragrant smell…

Lin Fan shook his head and focused his mind.

He was on night watch, he had to focus on watching over the area…

But he also couldn't help thinking of the spring scenery that he had seen earlier.

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