Why Harem Intrigue When You Can Just Raise a Dog Instead

Chapter 36

The rooms numerous eternal lamps[1]had almost all burnt out save for the lone candle on the table. In the hazy candlelight, Yan Junweis expression was somewhat uncertain. After listening to Emperor Zhouwus simple recount of what happened, he closed his gaping mouth and sighed in disbelief, So Your Majestys soul actually transferred to that ABaos body. When I speculated about this possibility, I thought that I had spent too much time building castles in the air and let my imagination run away with me[2]! The ways of the world are mysterious indeed!

This was a fated meeting between Sangyu and Zhen decided by the heavens. Emperor Zhouwu slowly started to talk. His expression carried a faint smile as though he was recalling a serene memory. His eyes brimmed with unmistakable tenderness.

It was Yan Junweis first time seeing him with such a gentle and loving expression. He was shocked speechless. Even in his treatment towards Gracious Consort, His Majesty was merely a trifle more generous and good-humoured than usual. When had he ever shown such an infatuated expression like he was showing now? It seemed as though Her Ladyship Virtuous Consort had the Emperor firmly wrapped around her little finger.

So Her Ladyship Virtuous Consort actually knew about the Shen familys schemes from the very beginning? As expected of Meng Changxiongs daughter! A wild goose never lays a tame egg[3]! He had intentionally offered praise but after seeing the Emperor reveal a face glowing with pride[4], he couldnt help but laugh, It seems like Her Ladyship Virtuous Consort really treats ABao well!

Very well indeed, murmured Emperor Zhouwu. At that moment, he was presumably over the moon with joy as the scorching fires of love warmed his whole body. It was especially heart-warming during this winter night.

Thats right, immediately send people to the Muddy Shores to find and rescue Imperial Duke Meng and Han Changping. After those two were ambushed by the Barbarian forces, they were forced to enter that place. Thinking of his father-in-law, Emperor Zhouwus heart chilled. His gentle and soft expression was replaced by a dignified and imposing air. After all, it was Zhen who was too hasty. Han Changping is young and hot-headed. How could he be qualified to replace Imperial Duke Meng? If he returns safe and sound from this ordeal, Zhen will remove him from his post as Right General and send him to train under Imperial Duke Mengs command to gain experience for a few years.

This subordinate will immediately dispatch people to go find and rescue them. Everything else can wait until they come back safely, agreed Yan Junwei. He made a few hand signals to the subordinate outside the door. The subordinate nodded his head and promptly disappeared into the darkness of the night.

Also, when the imperial edict issued by Shen Huiru reaches the frontier, send someone to assassinate Xie Zhenghao. With an important battle before them, the army cant be without a Commander-in-Chief. The Vice Commander will naturally step up as the Commander-in-Chief and there will be no one available to return the Capitals summons. The armys Vice Commander is Meng Liang, Imperial Duke Mengs right-hand man. With him in command, we might not necessarily win this battle but we definitely wont lose. Its presently midwinter during the twelfth moon[5]and the Barbarian troops lack clothing and provisions. The war situation will be at a stalemate for a period of time. Even if the Barbarians dont fight, theyll suffer defeat by their own hand. Emperor Zhouwus eyes were slightly closed as he slowly ran through his analysis, his expression stern.

Your Majesty wont spare Xie Zhenghao to confess Shen Zhongliangs[SHRs father]crime of colluding with the enemy? asked Yan Junwei hesitantly.

Shen Zhongliang. Hmph! Is he even worthy of this name?[6] Emperor Zhouwu gave a mocking smile and tapped the table with his slender fingertips. The world belongs to Zhen. Zhens acknowledgement is enough to charge him with the crime. Even without witnesses or physical evidence, Zhen can still execute the Shen family clan all the same. After eliminating Xie Zhenghao, go to his manor to investigate his correspondence with Imperial Preceptor Shen related to their plans to collude with the enemy. If evidence of their correspondence has already been dealt with, then fabricate a few letters. As long as they are even slightly plausible, its enough to bring before the court. If Zhen says they are real, who would dare to say otherwise?

Yan Junwei agreed and stood in silent tribute to Imperial Preceptor Shen. Everything was going well for him yet he insisted on seeking wealth and insurance'[7]. This time he hadnt obtained the wealth and status he sought yet he had already implicated the lives of his entire clan. If that Shen familys father-daughter pair had cooperated with each other and protected the Emperors mortal body while keeping to their station, then when His Majesty awoke, wouldnt the Shen family have ascended to glory just the same? Humans, they just couldnt resist temptation. Its too late to repent!

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Only after systematically issuing his orders did Emperor Zhouwu feel exhausted. Upon seeing this, Yan Junwei hurriedly had people bring in water for him to wash. He also called over several highly skilled doctors from the side courtyard to discuss his medical condition.

Having slept for four, almost five months, even if he had the best medicine to preserve his life and received massages three times every day, Emperor Zhouwu would have still lost considerable weight. Fortunately, he had practiced martial arts from a young age and had a strong foundation. Soaking in the bath, he drank a bowl of ginseng soup and felt much better.

What flavour soup is this? Its simply too hard to swallow! Putting down the bowl, he slightly knit his brows.

This was something I especially ordered from Taotie[8]Restaurants most renowned Chef Wang to make for you. Just smelling it, I feel hungry. Since you technically havent eaten for four to five months, shouldnt you ought to take a deep breath and have another bowl? asked Yan Junwei as he accepted the bowl with raised eyebrows.

Even half of Sangyus cooking skill wouldnt be able to help. Zhen doesnt want to drink another bowl. Emperor Zhouwu lifted his gaze to the direction of the Forbidden Palace. He seemed as though he wished his gaze would pierce through space to see Sangyus location. Maybe it was better if he didnt say anything. Once he said it out loud, longing would flood his heart like a tidal wave, leaving him breathless. Not being able to hear her laughter, see her face, or rush into her arms, he felt as though there was something off with his entire being.

I[9]can tell that youre so in love that you dont need to eat. Yan Junwei chuckled as he poked fun at him. Finally, he recalled something and added, I received news a moment ago that ABao disappeared. Her Ladyship Virtuous Consort didnt sleep for the whole night and searched the entire Forbidden City for him. Even the[fake]Emperor was alerted. They say that she also cried.

Saying thus, Yan Junwei closely observed the Emperors expression.

Cried? Emperor Zhouwu stared blankly. His brows unconsciously creased together and his eyes narrowed, gradually turning red. His hand that rested on the rim of the bathtub clenched into a fist until his knuckles were white.

This was This was an expression of pain? Yan Junwei blinked several times in disbelief. He inwardly heaved a sigh. It looks like His Majesty was in deep this time. To be pained to such an extent because of a woman if it wasnt love, then what could it be?

Junwei, quickly think of a way to send Zhen into the palace as soon as possible so that Zhen can change places with that substitute. Clenching his teeth, Emperor Zhouwu clamped down on the pain in his heart and gave his orders in a heavy voice.

Why dont you[10]go ahead and get rid of the Shen clan and that substitute so that you can openly and honourably make an appearance? Exchanging the both of you without anyone noticing is no easy feat. That substitute is always accompanied by a host of imperial guards. There are also the Shen familys hidden guards around him. The guards have him thoroughly surrounded, even when he has trysts with women. It wont be easy to strike. Yan Junwei was put in a difficult position.

Since Shen Zhongliang brazenly roped in officials to his side, this court has not been Zhens court for a long time. Shen Huirus spies are everywhere within the palace. This palace is also no longer Zhens palace. If I kill off that Shen familys father-daughter pair, both the Imperial Court and the Inner Palace would be out of control. After that, Zhen would still need to spend a lot of effort to bring back order. It would be better if Zhen quietly returned and slowly dealt with these evildoers. Since these people replaced Zhen with a substitute, Zhen can also pay them back in kind[11]and let them feel how its like to be attacked from all sides[12], unable to retaliate[13]. Emperor Zhouwu held onto Yan Junwei for support as he rose from the tub. After drying himself off with a towel, he changed his underclothes with the assistance of two hidden guards.

Then Your Majesty will have to wait a few days and allow this subordinate make the proper arrangements, replied Yan Junwei after pondering for a moment.

Zhen will give you a way forward. In the past, Shen Huiru often said that she hoped Zhen would take her to visit her parents. In a few days, it will be Elder Lord Zhaos 80th birthday. Send people to persuade Imperial Consorts mother and have her submit a request for Imperial Consort to return home to celebrate. Then send someone to Shen Huirus side to offer support from the sidelines. She will also make a move. So long as she brings that substitute back to the Shen family to pay a visit, we can strike. Emperor Zhouwu smiled with his eyes closed as he let the hidden guards dry his hair. His mind was occupied with thoughts of Sangyus bright and charming smiling face. His gloomy mood improved a bit. Even though he had returned to his human body, without Sangyu beside him, he wasnt as overjoyed as he had thought he would be.

She wanted you to personally accompany her to visit her family? She was subtly hinting that you should make her Empress. Yan Junwei raised his eyebrows. Shen Huiru was so forthright with her words yet His Majesty only appointed her as a first-rank Consort. Once appointed, she stayed the same rank for three years. No wonder she would betray the Emperor.

Zhen hadnt thought much of it in the past. I just thought that she missed her family. Emperor Zhouwu smiled self-mockingly and waved his hand, unwilling to say more.

Yan Junwei caught his meaning and muttered to himself for a while before saying, This is also a good idea. This subordinate will go make the arrangements shortly.

Work quickly. Sangyu is still in the palace waiting for Zhen. Emperor Zhouwu urged him to hurry. At last, he cautiously said, Send people to inform Imperial Mother. Zhen needs Imperial Mothers help. Also, Zhen put your antidote behind the plaque[14]in the Imperial Study. Its inside an ebony box. Go get it yourself.

Your Majesty, you? Yan Junwei was wide-eyed. His whole face showed disbelief.

Youll still be the Commander of the Hidden Guards, but Zhen wants a portion of the hidden guards to come into the light. Their duties would be the same as the Hidden Guards and their unit will be called the Embroidered Uniform Guard[15]. They will only belong to and answer to Zhen. They will be responsible for administration including the Six Ministries[16]. Even though its Commander would occupy a mere proper third-ranked military post, their actual power would be substantial, far more than their position would warrant. Doing this is only for the sake of frightening certain unruly officials to let them know that Zhen is watching them. Before you were hidden in the darkness and they were unable to see the threat you posed. Thats why they could act so brazenly! Emperor Zhouwu coldly harumphed.

When he looked at Yan Junwei, his expression became gentle. You and Zhen grew up together. No one is more aware of your abilities than Zhen. You have talent, yet you have no way to showcase it freely. You even had to feign being hedonistic and dissolute, were pushed out and suppressed by your concubine-born younger brother and lost the noble title that should have belonged to you. Its been hard on you! In the past, Zhen was unable to speak up on your behalf but from now on, with you holding both positions as the Commander of the[Hidden Guards and]Embroidered Uniform Guards, you can make a name for yourself through your own merit.

Your Majesty isnt afraid that this subordinate will betray you after taking the antidote? Yan Junwei asked hoarsely. His normally stoic face revealed a rare expression of being deeply moved.

Zhen wont start suspecting others because of Shen Zhongliangs betrayal. What people can be used, what people cannot be used Zhen will use his heart to decide. Zhen doesnt care for loyalty bought by controlling others with poison. Besides, you and Zhen have risked life and limb countless times together since we were young. Youve never abandoned Zhen. Zhen believes in you. Emperor Zhouwu raised his head and smiled showing a truly natural and open expression.

Yan Junwei slowly smiled. He knelt down on one knee and said with the most solemn tone, This subject is willing to be at Your Majestys service.

Excellent! What an excellent subject! This way of referring to oneself was much more pleasing to the ears than subordinate. Emperor Zhouwu smacked the tabletop and laughed heartily.

Hearing the jovial laughter coming from inside the room, the highly skilled doctors who had rushed over released the tension in their hearts.


-Thousand Buddha Mountain, Pudu Temple-

The aging Empress Dowagers hair was already grey. Wearing a coarse monks robe, she knelt inside the prayer hall chanting sutras. Her head maid, Nianci, knelt behind her. She held a book of scripture that she diligently transcribed.

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Suddenly, the sound of flapping wings could be heard from outside the prayer hall. A pigeon whose foot was tied with gold thread landed on the prayer halls windowsill. Nianci put down her writing brush, walked towards the window and picked up the pigeon. She untied the note attached to its foot. Catching sight of the soaring dragon design at the top, her eyes gleamed slightly. After collecting herself, she walked to the Empress Dowagers side and softly asked, Your Ladyship Empress Dowager, its a letter sent by His Majesty. Would Your Ladyship like to take a look?

No, take it away. The Empress Dowager didnt even open her eyes and waved her hand in refusal. Her indifferent attitude was the same as the past.

Niancis eyes flickered with light and after agreeing, she took the note outside to burn it. The soaring dragon pattern how was this a letter from His Majesty? It was clearly a secret report from the Hidden Guards. However, Nianci had already chosen a different master. Naturally, she wouldnt let this secret report appear before the Empress Dowager.

Just as she finished burning the letter, Pudu Temples head monk, Master Xuan Kong arrived. Nianci hastily paid her respects.

Be at ease. Is Wang Chen[17]free at the moment? This humble monk came over to discuss the principles of Zen with her, asked Master Xuan Kong in a gentle voice.

Please enter, Master Head Monk. From inside the prayer hall, the Empress Dowager raised her voice to invite him inside.

Master Xuan Kong nodded at Nianci before pushing the door open to head inside.

When the Empress Dowager and Head Priest discussed Buddhist doctrine, they dreaded being disturbed. Nianci tactfully returned to her own room. Once she closed the door, her calm and indifferent expression became infinitely miserable. She was so young yet she was confined to this temple to live like a nun[18]. The wealth and rank that was originally easy to obtain were now out of her reach. How could she not feel resentment?

Which chapter has Master prepared to discuss with Wang Chen today? The Empress Dowager took out a book of Buddhist scripture[19].

Buddha be praised[20]. This humble monk told a falsehood. May Buddha forgive me. Master Xuan Kong confessed his sin before taking out a letter from his sleeve and passing it over to the Empress Dowager. This is His Majestys handwritten letter. The matter is of great importance. No matter what, I implore Wang Chen to take a look.

Since it was Master Head Monks first time making a request, even if her heart was unwilling, the Empress Dowager stared fixedly at the envelope for a long while but still accepted it. After she opened it, she speedily read through it. What a good Shen family! What a good Nianci! There were countless secret letters yet not one reached Aijias[21]hands. Do they think that just because Aijia hasnt interfered with secular matters for a long time that they can deceive Aijia since Aijia is old and weak?! Her tranquil aged face took on a stern countenance.

Buddha be praised. In the end, Wang Chen cannot leave the troubles of the world behind. However, the resentment in your heart seems to have been long forgotten. It is time for you to return. Master Xuan Kong brought his palms together[22]and gave a faint smile.

Thank you for your condolement all these years, Master. After dealing with this secular matter, Wang Chen will definitely return. The Empress Dowager stood up to pay her respects.

Be at ease. Whether or not you return will depend on your heart. Xuan Kong read a line of Buddhist scripture and gradually strolled out.

Someone come. Prepare the carriage and horses. Aijia will immediately return to the palace! The Empress Dowager took off her mitre[23]and commanded in a loud voice. The imperial guards who were keeping watch nearby agreed in unison. A surprised Nianci immediately ran out of her room.

Why does Your Ladyship Empress Dowager want to hurry back to the palace? Did something bad happen? Niancis face looked pale.

Just now while analyzing Buddhist scripture, Aijia suddenly felt pained as if Aijias heart was twisting. Presumably, something serious happened to His Majesty. In the past when the Late Emperor passed away, Aijia also had this feeling. How can Aijia rest assured without returning to the Capital to take a look? The Empress Dowager hurriedly returned to her room. The worry on her face was genuine.

Nianci couldnt tell that anything was amiss and muttered to herself. Could it be that the unconscious Emperor really passed away? Her heart couldnt help but jump for joy. This was also fine. Here at Thousand Buddha Mountain, Nurse Jin[24]took care of all of the Empress Dowagers affairs. She was only responsible for keeping the Empress Dowager company while chanting sutras. There was really no chance for her to strike. Now here was an opportunity. Once the Empress Dowager returns to the palace, it would be a simple matter for Her Ladyship Gracious Consort to secretly get rid of the Empress Dowager.

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