Why Are You So Obsessed With Rejecting Affection?

Chapter 46

Translator and Editor: Bunny and Einna

Indeed! It came out so pretty!

Franc admired, whispering through the open newspaper. Next to her, Nina fiddled with the picture frame.

The two of them fit together pretty well.

Whatever they talked about while I was asleep seemed like it made them get along very well.

Franc still had her mouth open wide while looking at the luxurious things.

Nina still didnt like that look on her face, but instead of ignoring her with disdain, she changed her response to the degree of lightly slapping her on the back to snap her out of it instead.

The choice of the oversized ribbon dress was clearly blessed by the heavens. Indeed Im something!

Thats I have no choice but to admit it.

As much as she likes luxury, Franc had quite discerning eyes.

The dress I was wearing in the newspaper article was also chosen by Franc.

The bickering Nina also looked down at the newspaper and admitted to recognizing Francs good eyes for fashion.

Well, Im a little shy.

I glanced at my photo in the cute ribbon dress and covered my cheeks with my hands.

The young Grand Princess saves the Grand Duchy.

The article was favorable to me, so I wonder if it was deliberately sent out by the Grand Duke to promote me.

It was thanks to the good start of the rumors.

People wonder why Teacher Rima was caught but Wyndert and Deleign boasted, My little sister was just awesome!

Thanks to that, I got to know the aides of the Grand Duke and the vassals who were here to help solve the problem.

I received a lot of gifts and a lot of praise.

There were also vassals who came to give me compliments and a thank-you greeting before the story was published in the newspaper.

Still, the entire Grand Duchy was affected by the epidemic, so many people were invested in resolving it.

Thanks to that, the story of The Grand Princess, who learned of the villains conspiracy, used her wits to destroy the conspiracy became famous.

A smart six-year-old girl who discovered the strangeness of her new tutor and made a decisive move.

Besides, while I didnt reveal that I have spiritual powers instead, it became a famous story among locals that I had helped make the beads.

Then, my story appeared in the newspaper.

Surely, Ms. F, an official employee at the Grand Duchys estate who testified to the author that I was very smart about the situation, must be Franc.

I was told that my popularity had exploded in the Grand Duchy as the story of my collapse was also published in the newspaper.

A pretty little orphan, who received the grace of the Grand Duke, saved the Grand Duchy, it was that sort of a ticklish feeling.

The story was written in such precise detail in the newspaper that even officials in the palace couldnt ignore it. It was written with the help of some of the parties concerned or else no one would know that level of detail for the story to be published in the newspaper.

Its going to be in the newspaper.

It was totally unexpected, because I know that the original article was intended to improve the image of the Grand Duke.

Even so, as a follow-up, an article came out due to the efforts of the Grand Duke to resolve the situation. I heard that his image improved within the Grand Duchy.

I think it would be nice if there was a newspaper outlining the policies of the Grand Dukes family. Ill suggest it later.

Anyway, I can see that the image of the Grand Duke has improved by what I did, as a member of his family.

I have to only show off good things about him in the future.

As I made that promise to myself, Franc finished decorating the frame and smiled happily.

Milady, Im really happy and satisfied that the photo really came out well, youre so pretty.

Franc looked into the frame as she clapped.

Everyone needs to know how cute and pretty you are milady. I wish you would show up in the newspaper everyday.

To that extent.

It was embarrassing enough to see myself in the newspaper. I shook my head.

Do you know what? The Grand Duke bought a lot of the newspapers in the market this time.

Yes. The president of the newspaper must have liked it so much. Your article was so popular that she printed a lot of copies.

Nina whispered quietly from the side.

Then Franc ran over to her.

The newspaper? Why?

Was that all the stuff that went into the masters and the young masters rooms?

To dad and my brothers rooms? Why?

When I asked her why she bought a newspaper inside the Grand Dukes mansion, Franc said something unexpected.

Its only a newspaper and you only need one copy, why did he have to buy so many?

Franc burst into laughter as she looked at my puzzled face.

Thats miladys article! He seems to be collecting them.

This where did the unnies hear that?

(T/N: Unnie is what you call someone older than you {if you are a girl}.)

Is there any way to exchange information between the maids?

I was a little embarrassed and I replied, That, thats right. Although everyone was proud of me.

No way, was that what their conversation was about yesterday?

I remembered Wyndert suddenly asking the Grand Duke at dinner yesterday, Is it a good time to buy a newspaper company?

Of course, I thought the Grand Duke was going to open a normal newspaper business.

No way Is that why he wanted to buy a newspaper company.

Even if I want to pretend I dont know, how can I not know?

It may not be entirely because of me, but at least it was clear that I was one of the reasons.


The more I thought about it, the more embarrassed and ticklish I felt.

I shook my head and jumped up from the seat.

Nina, Franc. Can you dress me up very, very pretty?

For solving this problem, the Grand Duke decided to grant me a wish as a reward.

I was about to write out that wish today.

Oh, of course. Where are you going?

I want to go to Dad. I want to go out somewhere with dad.

So far, Ive been out with my brothers but never with the Grand Duke.

It was because the Grand Duke was so busy.

Will I be rejected? But since he decided to grant me a wish.

There was a place I wanted to go with the Grand Duke.

Ill make you the most beautiful!

When Franc saw my expression, she clasped her hands together with a resolute expression.

And, as Franc and Nina promised.

You are so pretty today.

When I dressed up and ran to the office of the Grand Duke, the Grand Duke was surprised and praised me.

I felt happy when the employees whom I met complimented me.

It was what I wanted, so I felt very good.

Okay, if I come back later, Ill give them another pie or dessert as a reward.

I smiled at the Grand Duke as I approached his desk piled high with books.

I came to make a wish, are you busy today?

Ah no.

The Grand Duke shook his head with a slightly embarrassed face.

Um, did something happen?

I tiptoed and looked at the Grand Dukes desk.

Good Parent checklist?

(T/N: Maybe Shuelina wanted to say good morning here to the Grand Duke but she saw the checklist so it was cut.)

The Grand Duke was filling out a document with a strange title.

My daughter reads very well.

Im six years old so I should be able to do at least this. I laughed and climbed over onto the lap of the Grand Duke.

Whats this?

This Its to make sure that a child like you will be perfect.

But Im not perfect.

I rubbed my slightly burning cheeks as I looked through the documents the Grand Duke had been working on.

Be respectful and considerate of your children while keeping your distance. Help them build broader relationships with others.

What is this? I tilted my head.

When I asked what I should do to become a good dad at the Imperial Academy, they gave me this.

Can you ask the Imperial Academy for that?

Startled, I opened my eyes and looked at the papers.

There was a blank yes, no next to each question. So, is it like a test to see whether hes a good father or not?

Theres also an authority for childrens studies in the Imperial Academy. If someone is a primary teacher like Rima Vein, its a requirement for them to study and learn about childrens studies.

So, it seemed like he talked to an expert and asked how to take better care of me.

The Grand Duke is already a good dad, but why does he need to do this?

I asked as I looked at the papers.

Why are there so many private sectors?

Because there are so many things that I cant do.

The Grand Duke somehow mumbled in a slightly gloomy voice.

There was no change just by looking at my expression, but I felt subtly upset.

Wheres a dad as perfect as my dad!

I took my dads pen in a military posture and jagged his checklist.

No one respects and cares about me like my dad. Check this. Dad and brothers are enough for a wide range of relationships, check.

He has already done enough to be a confident parent. I checked a few of the other front parts of the sheet and rolled the fountain pen on the desk.

You dont need anything like this. Because Dad is the best father in the world.

I shrugged my shoulders, showing him the medal The Worlds Best Dad: Shushus Dad decorated among the piles of books on his desk.

I like dad the most. This is enough. Instead of doing this, please accept my wishes.

When the Grand Duke heard me, he looked at me with moist eyes, swallowing the words he wanted to say as he opened his mouth.

I think hes choked.

I waited quietly as the Grand Duke remained silent, because he was so moved that his voice didnt come out.

What is your wish?

I want to go out with dad.

After hearing me, the Grand Duke thought about something for a moment, and rang the magic bell, to call for someone, on one side of his desk.

Then, after a while, Cahill came in, knocking on the door.

You called for me, Your Grace.

Todays schedule.

Yes? Todays meeting! If you ask me to change suddenly, some people have already come and are waiting.

Should I tell you how to empty it?


The Grand Duke didnt care about the pale Cahill, and said, My daughter is going to go out with me, boasting about going out with me.

Thanks to this, Cahills expression said Why is it today? while sending me a resentful gaze.

Of course, it is very rare that the two of you have been out since the young lady came, so it would be nice to spend a lot of time together.

Cahill soon surrendered and disappeared, saying that hes going to go prepare a carriage for the Grand Duke to go out.

He isnt just a Duke, but the Grand Duke. The king of the Grand Duchy, who has the upper hand.

How busy the king of one country must be? Nevertheless, he decided to save time for me and go out with me.

I hugged the Grand Duke in gratitude and waited for the preparations to be completed.

There! Lets go there!

Eventually, we left the mansion as I wished, and went straight to the busiest street in the Grand Duchy.

I grasped the hand of the Grand Duke and pointed to the store I had read about in the newspaper beforehand. It was a store selling a lot of sweet candies.

You must stop by there!

I wanted to present some delicious candy to the Grand Duke.

To do that, I brought out the money Lucy gave me before.

It was nevertheless a small amount of allowance but it was my first ever amount of personal money. I cant believe Ive got money!

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