Why Are You So Obsessed With Rejecting Affection?

Chapter 33

I was surprised by the infinite amount of favor that they showed me for seemingly no reason.

To be precise, I was impressed.

When I was at the orphanage, no one ever thought about protecting me.

I was just like a neighborhood kid who was kicked around.

(T/N: Neighborhood kid is someone who is crazy.)

However, they were looking at me as the young lady who they will serve for a long time.

Even the knights are this kind, why are they called the villain family?!

Since the image people have of the Grand Duke is negative because they think he is violent, the Amethyst Knights were also called the Monster Knights.

I had to stop my tears from falling as I felt their kindness directed towards me.

Do I have to be a real Knight to volunteer?

At that time, a familiar voice rang out loud in the training room.

Its a voice that is cool and aloof to everyone, but a friendly voice when spoken to me.

It was Wyndert.

Of course. We cant appoint a knight who isnt skilled enough to be an actual knight to protect Shushu.

The Grand Duke spoke to them in an open manner.

I want to volunteer.

Wyndert, you just said. I have no intention of plucking seeds.

(T/N: Im not sure about its meaning but heres two according to the context. One, Grand Duke had no intention of making his own son aka seed be a knight. Second, he doesnt want to use an undertrained knight to protect Shuelina, the same with plucking seeds because it was too young.)

Wynderts eyes burned in stubbornness at the words of the Grand Duke.

If so, I ask you to appoint me as an official knight!

At Wynderts reply, the surroundings suddenly turned cold for a moment.

As I took a closer look, I could see the Grand Dukes forehead become wrinkled.

I think it is absurd that I cannot apply because I am young without any of you even seeing my skills.

At Wynderts words, the surrounding knights began to mutter.

It was because they all realized that the Grand Duke was not denying his statement.

Certainly, its not easy for us to fight him either

Its not that easy to beat him, were always just losing.

But hes still too young

Its as if theyre fighting. Wyndert certainly seemed to be very good.

The Grand Duke frowned his forehead and asked Wyndert.

Is there any reason for you to be an escort?

I need to honor the promise I made. I will not put her in danger again and will protect her.

Wyndert looked straight at the Grand Duke with his eyes blazing with fighting spirit.

His dark hair fluttered in the wind and looked young, but he also gave off an aura of trustworthiness because of his strong expression.

Is it all to keep the promise you made to me?

No one will ever be able to touch you again.

His heartbreakingly concerned and comforting voice whispered in my ear as he patted my shaking back with a steady hand of his.

The moment I remembered that Wyndert promised he would protect me, I bit my lips.

Appa, Oraboni definitely made a promise to me. I also like Oraboni.

I grabbed the Grand Dukes sleeve and whispered up at him.

Since the Grand Duke is giving me a knight, I would like it if its Wyndert.

It wasnt because his skills were good enough to defeat an adult.

It was because I was so happy that my family came forward to support me.

My original family has never tried to help me, but Wyndert has consistently helped me from the start.

I dont agree with Azuela. Who needs great skill? Its more important that my family loves me unconditionally.

I sent a pleading gaze towards the Grand Duke.

The Grand Duke looked at my desperate expression for a while, then turned his gaze back to the knights gathered in front of us.

Come out Wyndert William de Vaillot.

The Grand Duke called Wyndert in front of the platform. Then he went out of the line and started to talk.

A knight knows how to protect his honor. In spite of his age, Wyndert will also be treated as an escort knight from this moment on.

Then he tapped Wyndert on the shoulder a few times with the flat side of a sword and made him say the oath of chivalry.

Wyndert, kneeling down while speaking clearly and naturally, as if he had said it thousands of times before, was pretty cool.

Look at what Wyndert is doing to become my escort!

I couldnt hide my joy and held the hand of the Grand Duke.

And, Knight Wyndert must at the same time carry out the work of the successor as the son of the Grand Duke of Vaillot.


I hope you do well so that you wont disappoint me.

The Grand Duke really made Wyndert a long-term knight under his authority and appointed him as my escort.

I held out the back of my hand to Wyndert, received an oath kiss, and whispered my gratitude several times.


I was puzzled when I saw one escort knight raising her hand.

She gestured at my hand, which was now held by my knight, Wyndert. As if she has something to say.

I tilted my head slightly as I stared at the knight with short, gray hair.

The sharp and raised ends of her eyes made her look like a cat. However, she was not scary at all because she kept waving her arms wildly.

Sir Albeira Hilohan.

Yes, Your Grace!

Why do you keep waving your hands?

Sir Hilohan replied with a serious face to the Grand Dukes question.

I also want to serve the young lady! Its unfair for you to decide without giving the opportunity to others!

Wow, Sir Hilohan seemed to have a pretty strong personality. It was quite extraordinary to speak so bluntly in front of the Grand Duke.

Are you confident you can win against Wyndert?

Thats not what I meant. However, there will be times the Young Master will have to leave her side.

Sir Hilohan frowned while she opened her mouth to see if Windert was angry at her words.

Certainly, Wyndert is still busy quite often, so he cant always stick with me.

It is a flaw in having him as an escort knight.

But I like Oraboni

Will the Grand Duke take back the decision?

Wyndert also did not protest because he realized that there was a problem in our thinking.

Is it going to be someone else?

So its a better idea to take turns escorting the Lady! If you choose me, as a woman, the Lady will be more comfortable around me!

Her speech was straightforward without beating around the bush.

Its simple reasoning, but I somehow thought she wasnt anything like an aloof cat.

I also liked the idea that she wouldnt take Wynderts place, but instead, work with him.

Good. The two of you can take turns escorting her. Never ever have my daughter be left alone anytime.

I accept your orders!

Sir Hilohan kneeled on one knee, took my hand, and placed her kiss of oath on the back.

Somehow, I was grateful to everyone, so my tears started falling.


Oh, what are you doing, my lady?

Lucy came and sat down on the couch, looking at me, Nina, and Sir Hilohan, who were cutting shapes out of papers.

I raised my head slowly, my neck and shoulders were sprained from bending over the project.

It was because I kept my neck bowed down and worked hard.

Hanyeojangnim, isnt it really cute?

(T/N: Hanyeojangnim is what you call to a maid of the house, preferably the head maid, I supposed. I left it like that because its weird to just say maid or headmaid. It also sounds more respectful in its original form.)

Nina laughed as she lifted up the paper necklace I had made.

The necklace made of ovals that resembled the shape of a cute rabbits eyes made a rustling sound when it was excitedly shown to Lucy.

It was a necklace made of beautifully dyed paper cut into small strips and joined together in a chain shape.

Oh my, you made it really well.

Lucy praised my necklace.

Right! Nina and Sir Hilohan cut a lot, but the rest of it is a necklace I made by joining them together!

I also made one for Lucy!

I smiled brightly and gave out a pre-made necklace for Lucy.

It was a necklace made of warm orange and yellow paper, just like the cozy Lucy.


Lucy, who received the necklace, started to cry a little when she saw the round medal attached in the middle.

Sweetest Maid Award!

I was still young so I tried to write it beautifully, but it was still a bit crooked, however, Lucy looks satisfied.

It looks good on you.

Sir Hilohan nodded and muttered with satisfied eyes. A blue necklace was also hung on his neck.

It was a necklace with a medal of Most Affectionate Knight.

Did you make it for me?

Yes. I want to give it to each of you, so I made it!

How did you come up with this idea?

I replied with a light laugh.

Well, its a thank you for the party and for the gifts I received

On top of my head is the ribbon gifted to me by Lucy.

Inside the pocket of my dress is the handkerchief Edgar had given me.

The doll Tutu, which Delane gave me, stayed next to me, and I put the flowers that the gardener gave me in a vase and put them on the windowsill of my room.

While I ate the sweet bonbon chocolates the chef gave me, the bracelets presented by Wyndert kept making little chiming noises when I moved.

(T/N: A bonbon is a small chocolate confection. They are usually filled with liqueur or other sweet ingredients, and sold wrapped in coloured foil. [Source: Wikipedia])

On my body and on my shelves were the gifts I had received from the people of this mansion.

If you receive something, you should also give them a gift back!

However, I dont have much money and it was impossible to leave the mansion, so I decided to make the gifts myself.

One of the most obvious things I could make was this paper chain necklace.

When I first thought of making these necklaces, I didnt think that they would come out looking beautiful enough.

To make them look more special, I wrote on the back of the yellow paper and attached it in the middle like a medal.

Our Lady is really .

Lucy looked at me with sparkling eyes like she cant do anything because its too lovely.

Can I help you too?

Lucy asked as I gently wiped my hands, which had gotten sticky from the glue, with a handkerchief.

My little hands were quite tired.

It was because I havent used my hands for such tedious and delicate work before, even though all I was doing was applying a thick layer of paper mache glue to stick the paper together.

Its okay! Itll be done soon!

I applied glue to the medallion that said Worlds Best Dad, attached it to the necklace, and stood up.

Nina also brushed her hands off, got up, and put the necklaces in a small cart next to her.

I will start giving these out from the first floor then to the second floor.

Dads necklace is still wet, but it was going to have enough time to dry as we passed out the others.

Lucy, its still a secret from dad!

Okay, Ill protect your secret.

Lucy smiled and nodded.

After parting with Lucy in front of the door, Sir Hilohan and I handed out necklaces to everyone in the mansion.

Some people didnt wear the necklace immediately but everyone was more pleased than I thought.

Some said that it is their honor to wear it on their necks, while others say it would be a waste to wear it and damage it.

Anyway, I was very happy I could please everyone.

Now Only the knights, my brothers, and dad were left.

I now rubbed my chin when I saw the few medals left in the little cart.

Are my brothers Del and Wyndy in the training hall?

If its this time, they will certainly be there.

I want to go and deliver them quickly!

Thinking of my brothers who might be wielding their swords fiercely, I bravely moved to the training hall.

I am the first of all the knights to receive my Ladys necklace, and I am very proud!

But its nothing amazing

I cant let go of this opportunity to serve a lovely lady such as you, my Lady.

Sir Hilohan laughed proudly, saying that other knights would be very envious of her.

Im glad Sir Hilohan likes me. And also that you became my escort

I cant lose the chance to serve someone like you, Lady.

At the words of Sir Hilohan, I turned my head for a moment and sighed.

I feel like Im being teased by everyone. Everyone has come to like me so easily like this? What did I do?

Sir Hilohan, who was walking through the long corridor leading to the training hall, paused and looked at me.

What are you thinking about, my Lady?

Just I havent done anything, but I think everyone has welcomed me very easily.

Sir Hilohan lightly smiled at me.

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