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7 months ago
“Wings that obscure the blue dome of the heavens, breath that freezes the soul,” or so the... Read more “Wings that obscure the blue dome of the heavens, breath that freezes the soul,” or so the troubadour sings of the legend of the dragon and his eternal will”.One fateful day, Xia Yu dies after falling into an open sinkhole while he tries to avoid a speeding truck …. Not the most ideal way to die.Reincarnated as a white dragon —considered to be the weakest and dullest kind among the evil dragon race. He embarks on his journey in a fantasy world resided by countless races, where danger lurks at every corner along with his brother and sisters to dominate the world.Come along to join him in his adventures and witness the Saga of the White Dragon Lord. Collapse Antihero Protagonist, Dragons, Elves, Evil Religions, Fantasy World, Male Protagonist, Non-humanoid Protagonist, Reincarnated as a Monster, Reincarnation, Transmigration, Army Building, Clever Protagonist, Cosmic Wars, Fantasy, Godly Powers, Kingdom Building, Kingdoms, Medieval, Ruthless Protagonist, System, Time Skip, Weak Protagonist, Weak to Strong, Younger Brothers, Younger Sisters The MC went from a dragon with human soul to a human with a dragon body Why are the chapters so mixed up? Unreadable. Oh? As expected of a modern day person transmigrated as a dragon.....shithead still has human morals and refuses to eat any "intelligent lifeform".....sugar on top he also advises his siblings to not consume it.If he's so opposed to consuming them, then why isn't he even a tiny bit hesitant to kill them???Mother f#cker kills them without blinking an eye but has moral issues in eating them.... hypocrisy at it's finest If it was only for himself it would be a cute hypocrisy though? Including his siblings is real retarded thoughanyway once again, so much for antihero and non human MC I mean, the best comparison to make here is that most serial killers aren't cannibals - everyone has their own ethical boundaries or whatever. Eating something has different implications to killing it. This comment section is absurd, everyone talking about politics and sh!t Quote: SodaOne fateful day, Xia Yu dies after falling into an open sinkhole while he tries to avoid a speeding truck …. Not the most ideal way to die."Nice try Truck-kun!! Maybe next tim -- AaaaaaAAaaHHhhh..."This is the gold I was talking about 😅😅😅😅 This is a pretty decent empire-building novel with emphasis on world-building. The MC is not weak at all either past his infancy and the siblings pretty much do their own thing while letting him be the boss.I read all of it and will be awaiting more! Bro died trying to avoid truck-kun bruh what is with chinese people and long legs. read this, "she had snow white skin, a sweet face, a pair of beautiful eyes, flowing hair, fine body and a pair of long legs'. every chinese female description these days seems to have this 'a pair of long legs'. Jade-like skin, long straight legs and palm-sized face only please palm sized????? dude that's a goddamn infant Nope my cousin just had a baby.. palm sized may very well be a fetus The point is to achieve death by SNU SNU And Milennia old virgins It’s just the beauty standard, just like big tits massive ass is the beauty standard in the west. Just imagine it’s just some horny guy behind the screen writing the novel. is what he's doing while writing Hahaha 😂😂😂