While Others Cultivate, I Use My Multiverse System

Chapter 67: Second attempt at the opening rite

Chapter 67: Second attempt at the opening rite

"I know that I'm asking for a lot, but we can't leave those people hanging. They need to see you. I will come up with some ridiculous story for your wound so just get going now!"

It was quite a strange experience to have Pavlo hurry me up. Especially with how the very doctor that he hired and that he just claimed I had to rest for an extended period of time to let my body regenerate. Up to this point, most of the moves and actions that our small alliance did were caused by my own ideas and my own pushing for their execution.

Seeing the role changing in the tense moment right after having my injury treated was something that I had no other choice but to accept with a smile.

"It's okay. Don't worry about me. If not for the Lord's grace, my body would be completely covered in scars already."

Not really focusing on our talk as I had to prepare the speech for the second attempt at the rite, I allowed my mind to generate a random reply to Baskar's young master's inquiry.

"Wait a second, are you for real?"

Shaken from my daze by his sudden and rather loud question, I had no other choice but to actually focus on his face, while trying to recall just what the heck did I just say to make him react like that.

"For real what?"

My initial attempts at surveying my own memory failed to bring results. Instead of posing as someone who I was not I then just decided to be open about this matter and asked Pavlo about his intentions directly.

"I mean, this entire religion quirk Isn't it just a publicity stunt? I know that some of the big religions across the world discovered some hidden powers in their prayers Nevermind. I'm not going to force you to explain your plans here, but I need to ask just this one question."

Taking a deep breath to calm his earlier excitement down, Pavlo stopped his steps before looking directly in my eyes.

"Is this religion that you are attempting to propagate a real thing or just a stunt?"

From how serious the expression of this contemporary of mine was I realised that lying would only cause major problems down the line. In the end, an alliance set on nothing else but small lies would be bound to collapse rather sooner than later.

"It's a real deal. While the heritage of Boruta's cult is as young as the world past the apocalypse, we are not going to miss on a chance that this new reality gives. And from what was discovered in our hidden headquarters"

Taking a momentary pause to let the tension build-up I released a deep sigh after a moment before continuing.

"... the power of religion works kind of like taxes. Everyone who prays while truly believing in what is he praying for, leaves a small chunk of the energy within some kind of reservoir. This energy can be attached to objects, relics or authority, and those wielding either of those will be capable of using this energy for their own purposes."

This time instead of bullshiting my way up I explained the theory that I had about the religions ever since I saw the catholic pope bringing forth the miracles that only the bible mentioned to that point. Obviously, it wasn't my private theory, but something that a lot of people thought about and shared on social media. The only difference between what I just said and the most popular branches of this theories was that outside of places and relics, the energy could be also attached to something I called authority.

But I wasn't going to just outright explain its meaning as for as long as Baskars would be clueless what this authority truly meant, I would be free to use all sorts of magic completely on my own without attracting way too many hostile eyes towards me!

"Good. With that, let me prove how my family is loyal to the cause you created."

Picking the pace once again, Pavlo continued to lead me through the corridors of the mansion under construction towards the very same place where the first rite was supposed to be held. But right as we approached the last set of doors that would allow me to finally meet with the new believers of my fake faith, Baskar's young master stopped his steps before turning towards me with a serious look on his face.

"We expect the governor to make his move during the rite. We already set several scouts on literally every path that the government forces would have to take to approach the mansion. After you get out to start this rite of yours Make sure to keep the doors open. I will speak juts loud enough for you to hear what's going on."

Ending his bit by patting me encouragingly on the shoulder, Pavlo retreated into the shadow of the corridor. Given how I basically stole the formula of my rite from the catholic religion, it would be unbecoming for him to be visible from the place where the crowd would gather.

"Thanks. I appreciate that although I kind of doubt that this faith of mine is already popular enough to stir the government into action."

Sending the young master off with a slight smile I turned towards the doors before pushing them open. And as if the wind took the place of Pavlo's hands, I felt my face being slapped by its sudden gust once I saw an enormous crowd already awaiting my appearance in silence.


Muttering silently under my nose I had to rely on my preprogrammed moves to actually get moving instead of just staring in surprise at the crowd. Doing something like that would only put me in a strange spot where everyone would question just what kind of a holy-man I was to be surprised by the popularity of the truths I spread!

But instead of completely eradicating the feeling of surprise and coldly following the initial scheme of the rite, I came out to the middle of the stage in silence instead. Resting my wrist on a simple cathedra placed there by the workers I looked over the crowd under the stage with tears openly appearing in my eyes.

"Welcome, e-everyone."

Figuring out the next steps was fairly simple. Not because I was some kind of schemer capable of coming up with convoluted plans on the spot. I could come up with a plan because I was a complete opposite of someone like that.

"I'm sorry. Never in my grandest dream did I expect for so many honest people to remain in this world after the apocalypse.."

Openly taking a moment to calm down my emotional state, I wiped the tears off my eyes with the sleeve of the simple, single-coloured robe I was wearing. The crowd below stage continued to watch my actions and listen to my words in complete silence.

Looking at the faces of the people gathered I could notice one thing that united them all. Outside of the worries of the daily life, troubles that all people living in civilisation would have, there was a slight undertone of wrath hidden in the depths of their eyes.

The wrath of watching the government do whatever they want to them. The wrath of being powerless to shape their lives in the way they would like. The wrath of being just a spare element used to pull in as much taxes for the elites as possible. The wrath of a simple honest person standing against the injustice of the world around them.

For a witch like me, those emotions were not only visible in everyone's eyes, but they also formed a powerful clog of dense aura in the place. This rage was condensed to the point where it was actually hard for me to breathe, even despite the fact how little of said fury did every specific person gathered feel.


Facing my own emotions in front of everyone, I forced my face to regain the look of calmness and seriousness. Obviously, I made sure to keep some of my tears on my face to constantly remind everyone gathered how their appearance managed to pleasantly surprise me.

"I'm not going to lie. The number of people that are still willing to stand against the injustice in this city I was never as optimistic to expect such a great number of you to gather here. But this is also a statement given to the officials. The statement that we are no longer willing to just silently take their orders and bend our knees under their strength!"

Starting to rally the crowd against a common enemy, I heard some rustling behind me.

"Let today's rite be the moment where our feeling of rage, wrath, powerlessness and desperation will unite in the holy presence of those who sacrificed their lives for the cause. Let those feelings be purified by their sacrifice, by their graves, by the ideals they fought and died for!"

The rustling behind me intensified.

"Today, the Boruta's cult openly starts its activity in this god-forgotten city! Today is the day we unite to stand against the injustice!"

Shouting from the bottom of my lungs, I was unable to hear what Pavlo was attempting to say from the shadow of the corridor of the mansion. But when I noticed him stepping directly on the stage in a set of robes pretty similar to my own, I had no other choice but to cease my preaching and turn my head towards him.

"High priest, may the blessing of Boruta guide your actions through this world. I have some urgent news that cannot be put for later."

Clearly playing the bit of some lower priest within the cult, only the wide sleeves of his costume prevented people below the stage from noticing how his hands were shaking madly.


Whispering gently while putting a delicate smile on my lips I finally got a chance to peek at the Pavlo's face hidden under a sizeable hood. And it was completely white.

"High priest! The heretics from the government made their stance. They just announced our holy cult to be a terrorist organisation aimed at destabilising the situation in the city And their forces are already on the way here!"

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