Welcome to the Nightmare Game

Chapter 30

Due to the little accident along the way, QiLeren abandoned his plan of visiting Dr Lu altogether and quickly headed to SuHes accommodation instead. When he arrived, QiLeren realised that he shouldnt have worried after all; Dr Lu was also at SuHes place, proudly showing off the new item card that he picked up off the road:

[Free WiFi]: A strange item that causes people to gravitate towards it. As long as it works property, nobody will care about where it comes from and easily overlook its owner as they concentrate ontheir phonesown business instead. Should the holder move a certain distance away, the people will follow. All surrounding NPCs and players will be compelled to enjoy the holders company. Remaining usage: 88 hour(s).

So there I was, out on a walk, and I spot this bad boy lying in the corner. I have no idea who left it there. Dr Lu gleefully grabbed his card from QiLerens hands and slid it into a card slot.

QiLeren subconsciously shuffled towards Dr Lu. Any choice words he wanted to say evaporated in an instant, leaving him to turn to SuHe instead, who patiently listened as he recounted his encounter in the alleyway.

After he finished, SuHe took a moment to consider his words. This is clearly a quest that happens in the Nightmare World itself. From the name, Id wager that it has something to do with demonic worship.

Huh? Demonic?! Dr Lu quivered a bit and shot QiLeren a look of pity.

Unfortunately, his words went unnoticed.

Witchcraft sacrifice It sounds very similar to offering sacrifices to demons in exchange for power or protection. Since you mentioned that others may have received the same quest, then its very likely for it to be one with multiple players at the same time. Conflicts may arise between players, which makes itdisadvantageous for a newcomer such as yourself.

QiLeren grimaced. I figured as muchbut even if I cant win by brute force, I still stand a chance as long as S/L isnt in cooldown. Getting rid of that murderer gave me some inspiration; if I catch my opponent off guard, I can probably take them with me and then load a save.

SuHe nodded appreciatively. Im glad youve found a way to creatively utilise your skill. Many people dismiss cards that come into their possession as useless, when in reality its simply not been used to its full potential. Heres a suggestion: to unlock the full potential of the law of S/L, consider obtaining an skill card that predicts the future or enhances your intuition to warn you of threats.

There are two paths you can go down. One is, as you said, to use kamikaze tactics. The other would be similar to XueYingyings combat style, where you trade your vitality for bursts of attack power. This would suit you very well as unlike other people, you dont have to worry about the drawbacks. Item drops from quests tend to be heavily dependent on RNG though, so I would suggest saving up and trading for such cards.

QiLeren dazedly digested the information. Ihave never thought of it that way.

Thats not all, SuHe said with a smile. Ive once heard of a card that can revive another person at the cost of the holders life. It sounds quite amazing but was deemed to be lacking in practicality and eventually sold for a very low price. If you could pair such a card with your skill

Dr Lu gasped. Oh my god, so your skills actuallybroken.Yourethe one with the cheat codes all this time!

No, QiLeren thought, thats SuHe.

And in regards to the quest location, Makah Village, SuHe continued, passing on his experience, I would suggest doing a bit of research. You may find some clues that will save your life.

Where would I find the resources? QiLeren asked, ever the good student.

Eventide has libraries that you can browse for a small fee. Alternatively, you can seek out information brokers like ChenBaiqi. One of the many things she deals in is intelligence.

Does Does she charge a lot? As a broke newcomer, this was QiLerens primary concern.

SuHe chuckled lightly. She prefers to deal long-term businesses. If she likes what she sees, shell be willing to give you a loan for your potential.

A loan? muttered the long-forgotten Dr Lu. Shes not scared of people dying and leaving their loans unpaid?

No, shell get her money back from those who are alive.

You finally noticed me! Youve been ignoring me for so long, Dr Lu exclaimed. This WiFi card is pretty useful, huh.

SuHe gave him a faint smile. It does indeed lower your presence, but this degree of disguise will do nothing for those with sharp senses.

Dr Lu drew the card out with a sigh. Well, its better than nothing I guess.

It was only after the card was removed that Dr Lus existence became more solid in QiLerens eyes. It wasnt that he couldnt see him per se, but rather that it was too easy to forget that there was another person there.

Come to think of it, SuHe mused suddenly, I dont believe youve told us of your real name.

It took QiLeren a beat to realise that Dr Luwasnt a real name.He had completely overlooked this detail in the tutorial village!

Dr Lu burst into nervous laughter. Names arevery unimportant, wouldnt you agree? Hahahahahahaha He waved a hand as if to dispel the question.

QiLeren and SuHe looked meaningfully at each other before simultaneously turning to Dr Lu and burning into him with their eyes.

The room was completely still for a second. Two seconds. Three seconds.

Somewhere around the ten second mark, Dr Lu caved into the pressure. Alright, alright, Ill tell you so stop looking at me like that! But you have to promise not to laugh.

I promise not to laugh, QiLeren said with a straight face.

Ill try, SuHe offered instead. He flitted his eyelashes at Dr Lu, which was totally unfair.

Ok, fine, Dr Lu conceded. My full name is his voice lowered to a whisper so soft QiLeren almost couldnt hear, LuCangshu

Pfft- QiLeren tried his best, he really did. Beside him, SuHe attempted to disguise his aborted laugh as coughing.

Dr Lu levelled them an half-hearted glare, pouting. You laughed. Liars.

Im sorry, but QiLerens face twisted horrifyingly as he fought with his smile before just giving in to the howling laughter.

Its not the Cangshu youre thinking of! Dr Lu insisted with indignation amidst his friends display of pure betrayal. My name uses different characters to the ones for hamster!

His attempts at explanation were only met with knowing grins. He gritted his teeth. Im telling you right now, donotcall me by that name! I didnt spend all those years in med school only for people to notrespectfullyaddress me asDrLu, okay?! Im going to be a legendary doctor in the future, so you better not mess with me!

Thats quite the goal, SuHe said encouragingly.

Duh, I didnt go through the torture thats getting my certification just so I could die as some cannon fodder, Dr Lu huffed.

SuHe patted his left shoulder. Keep up the good work.

QiLeren patted his right. I believe in you.

Sandwiched between the two, Dr Lu was suddenly acutely aware of their differences in height. I hereby curse the both of you to a life without cute girls he sulked bitterly.

Sorry, but I prefer the beautiful onee-san type who can hold their own. I strongly suggest you reconsider your preferences, because theres no future between a cute girl and a hamster, QiLeren advised sagely.

Dr Lu wanted to murder someone.

SothatsLerens type, SuHe said, as if hed stumbled upon an astonishing revelation.

QiLeren nodded fervently. He was fiercely appreciative of independent women with career ambitions, perhaps as a by-product of having grown up being influenced by his mother. Cute girls were nice and all, but they lacked that particular spark for him. What about you? he asked SuHe as an afterthought.

I prefer cute boys, SuHe dropped the bombshell with astonishing sobriety.

!!! As a legal shota, Dr Lu darted behind QiLeren in a flash, who looked at SuHe a little weirdly.

Im joking, SuHe said, a mirthful smile playing on his lips. Of course.

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