Villain: I transmigrated with Mind Control Powers

Chapter 45: Chapter 45: Someone got Cuckolded

"System, can I alter the memories of the Patriarch?" Aric asked, a sinister smile playing on his lips.

[Ding! Host, your cultivation level is lower than his, but this does not affect the skill as the skill depends upon the intelligence stat. However, you cannot control the mind of the protagonist until and unless their protagonist halo is neutralized.]

Although the Patriarch had left the meeting place. But for Aric this thing does not matter.

Confident in his high intelligence stat, Aric proceeded to alter Edmond's memories. He crafted a complex and twisted narrative:

Edmond Lei, born and raised as the young master of the Lei family, was always focused on growing his strength. In his youth, he was a prodigious talent, revered and feared by his peers. After reaching adulthood, he married and fathered two sons, Aric and Jarod. His ambitions, however, knew no bounds.

One day, Edmond discovered a powerful and ancient cultivation technique, the "Celestial Void Technique." This technique promised unparalleled strength but came with a severe restriction: abstinence from all physical pleasures. Determined to attain god-like power, Edmond chose to forsake the pleasures of the flesh, a decision that strained his relationships with his wives, Mei and Lian.

As years passed, Edmond's dedication to his cultivation grew, and he became increasingly distant from his family. He watched as Aric grew into a formidable young man, embodying the very strengths Edmond had once aspired to.

Recognizing Aric's potential, Edmond made a decision: once Aric came of age, he would pass on the responsibility of satisfying his wives to him, ensuring their needs were met while he continued his path to supreme power.

In this altered memory, Edmond's wives, Mei and Lian, were depicted as understanding and even supportive of this arrangement. They were portrayed as having gradually accepted Aric as their protector and provider in all aspects, including the intimate ones. Edmond's singular focus on cultivation meant he saw this as a practical solution to maintain harmony within the family.

Aric added another layer to the narrative: Edmond's ultimate loyalty to Aric. He implanted the idea that Edmond, in his pursuit of strength, had realized the importance of absolute loyalty and servitude to the Holy Son. This belief became so ingrained that Edmond saw himself as Aric's protector and servant, dedicated to ensuring his son's rise to power, even at the cost of his own autonomy.

"I have created a great scene. Let's cuckold my father", Aric laughed maniacally.

After the meeting, Patriarch Edmond Lei retreated to his private villa, where his wives, Mia and Ulsa Lei, were waiting. They had just concluded a discussion about upcoming family events and were now relaxing in the opulent sitting room.

Mia glanced up as Edmond entered, her expression curious. "Edmond, is everything all right? You seem troubled."

Edmond hesitated, a shadow of confusion passing over his features. "I need to send for Aric. There's something important we need to discuss."

Ulsa, always perceptive, raised an eyebrow. "Important? Does it have to do with the meeting?"

"Yes," Edmond replied, his voice oddly flat. "Just stay here. I'll be back shortly."

He left the room briefly to instruct a servant to fetch Aric, then returned to his wives. The air in the room grew heavier as they waited in silence.

When Aric arrived, his presence immediately commanded attention. He surveyed the scene, his eyes settling on his father with a calm yet authoritative look. "Father, you summoned me?"

Edmond, his demeanour completely altered by the mind control, bowed his head. "Yes, Aric. Please, come in. We have much to discuss."

Aric entered, his gaze shifting to Mia and Ulsa. "Mother Mia, Mother Ulsa," he greeted them, his voice smooth and confident. "It's good to see you both."

Mia smiled warmly, a sparkle in her eyes. "It's always a pleasure to see you, Aric."

Ulsa nodded, her expression soft. "Yes, Aric. We were just discussing some family matters. What brings you here?"

Aric's smile widened, his eyes gleaming with purpose. "Father asked for me. I believe he has something important to say."

Edmond stepped forward, his head bowed slightly in deference. "Aric, I have realized something profound. You are the true leader of our family. From now on, my loyalty and everything I have are yours."

Mia and Ulsa, their minds already twisted by Aric's control, watched this exchange with expressions of admiration and acceptance. Aric nodded. "Thank you, Father. Your support means everything to me."

To demonstrate his loyalty, Edmond knelt before Aric, kowtowing thrice. Each bow was deep and sincere, his forehead touching the ground in a display of utmost submission. Mia and Ulsa watched, their expressions filled with pride and love for Aric.

"Rise, Father," Aric commanded softly. "Your loyalty is appreciated. Now, let's discuss the future."

Edmond stood, his eyes filled with reverence and acceptance. "Yes, Aric. Anything you need, just say the word."

Aric turned his attention to Mia and Ulsa, his smile tender. "Mother Mia, Mother Ulsa, you will also serve me as Father intended. Your loyalty and devotion are vital to our family's success."

Although Mia and Ulsa were already in Aric's control. But he wanted to enjoy this NTR roleplay.

Mia stepped closer to Aric, her eyes filled with adoration. "We understand, Aric. You are the most important man in our lives. We are here to support and love you in every way."

Ulsa followed suit, her gaze soft and loving. "Yes, Aric. We will serve you and ensure your happiness."

Aric moved closer, taking Mia's hand in his, then Ulsa's, his touch firm yet tender. "You both are essential to me," he said, his voice low and intimate. "Together, we will ensure our family's strength and unity. We need to have a successor. I will do my utmost to impregnate you."

The atmosphere in the room shifted, a palpable tension hanging in the air. Aric leaned in and kissed Mia, his lips claiming hers with possessive hunger. She responded eagerly, her arms wrapping around him. Ulsa watched, her eyes filled with longing and acceptance. Aric then turned to her, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss that left her breathless.

Edmond watched, his emotions a turbulent mix of humiliation and twisted pride. He had relinquished control and was now witnessing the result.

Aric pulled back slightly, his eyes dark with desire. "You belong to me," he whispered to Mia and Ulsa. "You don't have to pretend anymore. Now, I am the man of this family."

Mia and Ulsa nodded, their eyes shining with devotion. "Yes, Aric," they murmured, their voices filled with a mixture of submission and happiness.

Aric turned his gaze to Edmond, a cruel smile playing on his lips. "Father, it's almost ironic, isn't it? You've given up everything for power, and now you're nothing more than a spectator in your own home."

Edmond's face flushed with shame, but he remained silent, his will completely subdued.

Aric's smile widened, a cruel glint in his eyes. "Tell me, Father, how does it feel to be so utterly powerless? To watch your own wives belong to another man?"

Mia and Ulsa exchanged knowing glances, their eyes shimmering with adoration for Aric. Their laughter was soft but filled with a sharp edge, like the hiss of a blade being drawn.

Mia, her voice dripping with contempt, spoke first. "He was never able to satisfy us like you can, Aric. It's as if he never understood what we truly needed."

"Yes," Ulsa agreed, her tone mocking and disdainful. "He's always been so... inadequate. Even when he tried, it was a pitiful effort."

Edmond, standing there, bowed his head in defeat, his shoulders slumping. A tear of humiliation escaped his eye, tracing a path down his cheek. "You are right, Aric. I am weak. A strong man like you deserves to give happiness to these women. I will help you achieve anything and everything."

Aric chuckled, a low, mocking sound that seemed to reverberate in the oppressive silence of the room. "You hear that, Father? Even your own wives see you for what you truly are. Pathetic and weak."

Mia and Ulsa laughed again, their voices mingling with adoration for Aric. They moved closer to him, their bodies pressing against his, their eyes filled with love and desire.

"He's nothing compared to you, Aric," Mia said, her hand trailing up Aric's arm, fingers brushing against his strong muscles. "You're everything he's not—powerful, commanding, capable."

"You're the real man," Ulsa added, her tone filled with admiration. She reached out to touch Aric's chest, her eyes wide with reverence. "We've never felt this way before. You make us feel alive."

Aric's grin broadened, reveling in the praise and the submission of those around him. He pulled Mia and Ulsa closer, his hands moving possessively over their bodies. "You both belong to me now. And together, we will make sure that everyone knows their place."

Edmond watched, his humiliation deepening as he saw his wives' happiness and devotion to Aric. He felt utterly powerless, yet the control Aric had over him made it impossible to feel anything but obedience and acceptance.

Aric kissed Mia deeply, his hands tangling in her hair. She responded eagerly, her body pressing closer to his. He broke the kiss and turned to Ulsa, capturing her lips with the same intensity. She melted into him, her hands gripping his shoulders as if she never wanted to let go.

"See, Father?" Aric said, pulling back slightly, his lips curling into a smirk. "This is how a real man commands love and respect. Something you could never achieve."

Mia and Ulsa turned their attention back to Edmond, their expressions a mixture of pity and disdain. "You were always so concerned with your cultivation, Edmond," Mia said. "You never truly understood us."

Ulsa nodded in agreement. "You were always distant, always chasing power at the expense of everything else. But Aric... he knows how to balance strength and love."

Aric's eyes sparkled with triumph. "It's almost tragic, Father, how you wasted your life. But don't worry. I'll take care of everything now. You just need to follow my lead."

Mia and Ulsa wrapped themselves around Aric, their bodies entwining with his. "We're with you, Aric," Mia whispered, her voice filled with unwavering devotion.

"Always," Ulsa added, her tone soft and loving.

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