Villain: I transmigrated with Mind Control Powers

Chapter 44: Chapter 44: The Emergency Meeting

In the dimly lit study of Aric's villa, the air was thick with anticipation. Aric stood by the window, looking out at the sprawling estate, while Alicia prepared the drinks on a nearby table. The room was silent except for the faint clinking of glass and the soft rustle of Alicia's movements.

Aric turned, his eyes reflecting the faint light. "Alicia," he said, his voice breaking the silence with an almost tangible authority, "are the preparations complete?"

Alicia looked up, her eyes meeting his with a mix of loyalty and admiration. "Yes, Young Master. As per your instructions, I have prepared the drinks and mixed your blood in them," she replied, her voice steady but with an undertone of reverence.

Aric stepped closer, his gaze piercing. "Good. You have done well, Alicia. You will be rewarded tonight."

A blush spread across Alicia's cheeks, and she lowered her eyes shyly. "Thank you, Young Master," she murmured, a hint of a smile playing on her lips.

Aric gently lifted her chin, forcing her to meet his gaze again. "You have always been loyal, Alicia. Your dedication will not go unnoticed."

Alicia's heart raced at his touch, and she nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "I will always serve you, Young Master."

Satisfied, Aric released her and turned his attention back to the estate outside. "Call for the emergency meeting," he commanded. "It is time to put our plan into action."

Alicia bowed deeply before leaving the room to summon the family members. Aric watched her go, a smirk forming on his lips. Everything was falling into place.

As the members of the Lei family gathered, whispers filled the grand hall. The air was thick with curiosity and unease. The hall was adorned with ornate decorations, lit by magnificent chandeliers that cast a golden glow over the assembled family members.

"Why has Aric called this sudden meeting?" Elder Lei Feng whispered to Elder Lei Shan, his brow furrowed in concern.

"I don't know, but it must be important. Aric has never called a meeting like this before," Elder Lei Shan replied, adjusting his robes and glancing around the room.

The patriarch, Edmond Lei, entered the room with a dignified presence, his eyes scanning the room for Aric. "Everyone, take your seats. Let's hear what our Holy Son has to say," he commanded, his voice calm but authoritative.

Aric stood at the head of the table, his expression confident and unreadable. He watched as Alicia, his trusted confidante, distributed the drinks, ensuring everyone received a glass. Her movements were graceful, and the family members accepted their drinks with a mix of curiosity and respect.

"First of all, since I have become the Holy Son, I want to thank you all and ask for your future support," Aric began, raising his glass. His voice carried a tone of both gratitude and command. "Please have a congratulatory drink before we proceed further."

The family members, including Elders Lei Shan, Lei Hua, Lei Ming, and Lei Fang, as well as the patriarch, raised their glasses in unison. "To the Holy Son!" they toasted, clinking their glasses together.

The servants moved gracefully around the room, refilling glasses and attending to any needs. The family members chatted amongst themselves, their expressions a mix of pride and hope.

As soon as they drank the liquor, Aric started receiving system notifications.

[Ding! A new target detected. Initiating mind control sequence. Do you wish to proceed?]

[Ding! A new target detected. Initiating mind control sequence. Do you wish to proceed?]

[Ding! A new target detected. Initiating mind control sequence. Do you wish to proceed?]

Aric decided to wait to alter their memory since he was the sole focus of this meeting.

"Recently, we all know that a new secret ruin has been discovered. And since I will be taking a team, that's why I have gathered this meeting to choose the best of the best who will accompany me on this journey," Aric announced, his voice resonating with authority.

Elder Lei Shan looked intrigued, his eyes narrowing with interest. "What kind of team are you thinking of, Holy Son?"

Aric smiled, his eyes glinting with a mix of excitement and determination. "We need a mix of strengths. We need people who are adept in formations, possess immense strength, excel in stealth, and have unparalleled knowledge in ancient languages and artifacts. This will ensure we cover all possible scenarios."

Elder Lei Hua leaned forward, a thoughtful expression on her face. "I suggest taking Lei Yun. His expertise in formations and traps could be invaluable."

Elder Lei Ming nodded in agreement. "And Lei Ming. His knowledge of ancient languages might help in deciphering any inscriptions we come across. He's spent years studying the scripts of old civilizations."

Aric considered their suggestions, tapping his fingers lightly on the table. "Very well. Lei Yun and Lei Ming will join us. Anyone else?"

Patriarch Edmond, who had been silent until now, spoke up with a commanding presence. "Lei Shan's combat experience is unparalleled. He should also go with you. His strategic mind and battle prowess will be crucial."

Aric agreed, nodding firmly. "Indeed, Patriarch. Lei Shan's skills will be invaluable. Alongside him, I have also considered Lei Fang, the former Holy Son known for his wisdom and combat skills, Lei Zhu for his unmatched agility and stealth, Lei Rurou for his raw strength, and Lei Ning for his expertise in medicinal herbs and poisons."

Elder Lei Hua's eyes brightened with approval. "A formidable team indeed, Holy Son. With such a diverse and skilled group, we stand a strong chance of uncovering the secrets of the ruins and securing their treasures."

Aric looked around the room, noting the satisfaction and confidence in the eyes of his family members. "It's settled then. Lei Fang, Lei Zhu, Lei Rurou, Lei Ning, Lei Yun, Lei Ming, and Lei Shan will accompany me."

The assembled members nodded, their expressions a mix of anticipation and determination.

Elder Lei Shan raised a concern, his voice tinged with worry. "Holy Son, what about the dangers we might face in the ruins? We have heard rumors of ancient guardians and traps that could be lethal."

Aric's eyes gleamed with determination as he addressed the concern. "We will be prepared. Each of you will receive special training and equipment tailored to your skills. We will also have contingency plans in place. Our formation expert, Lei Yun, will devise defensive strategies to counter any traps. Lei Ming will focus on decoding any ancient scripts we encounter.

Lei Shan will lead our combat tactics, ensuring we are always one step ahead in battle."

Elder Lei Hua added, "And we must not forget the importance of communication. We should establish a way to stay in contact even within the depths of the ruins."

Aric nodded, appreciating the suggestion. "Agreed. We will use enchanted communication devices to ensure we can coordinate our efforts effectively. Additionally, we will have backup supplies and escape routes planned in case of emergencies."

Patriarch Edmond's voice was filled with pride as he spoke. "Aric, you have shown great leadership and foresight. I am confident that under your guidance, our family will emerge victorious from this endeavor."

Aric felt a sense of accomplishment and pride swell within him. "Thank you, Patriarch. I promise to lead our family to success and bring back treasures that will secure our dominance."

As the meeting concluded, the family members stood and bowed respectfully to Aric before filing out of the grand hall. Aric watched them leave, a surge of confidence and determination coursing through him.

"System, initiate the mind control sequences," Aric commanded mentally.

[Ding! Initiating mind control sequence... Success! Target: Lei Shan is now under your control.]

[Ding! Initiating mind control sequence... Success! Target: Lei Yun is now under your control.]

[Ding! Initiating mind control sequence... Success! Target: Lei Feng is now under your control.]

Aric watched with satisfaction as the notifications continued to flow, each one confirming another elder or family member under his control. The hall was filled with the subdued murmur of the entranced Lei family members, their eyes glazed over as Aric's narrative took root in their minds.

Aric's mind control over the Lei family members was precise and meticulous. As he wove his new narrative into their memories, he ensured every detail was consistent with the overarching theme of unwavering devotion to him.

He began by reshaping their earliest memories, altering the very fabric of their pasts. Each family member now recalled being born into the prestigious Lei family with a singular purpose: to serve and protect the Holy Son, Aric. From their earliest moments, their parents and elders had instilled in them the notion that their existence was intertwined with the glory and success of Aric.

Aric implanted vivid childhood memories where each family member was taught from a young age about the significance of their role. He created scenes of their parents gathering them around a grand family altar, where they were instructed in the ancient virtues of loyalty and service.

Stories of past heroes who had served the family selflessly were recited, with Aric being depicted as the destined heir who would lead them to greatness.

Aric meticulously crafted past events where he had heroically intervened in their lives. He implanted memories of dangerous situations—such as a near-fatal accident, a formidable enemy attack, or a dire family crisis—where Aric, as a young boy, had miraculously come to their rescue.

These events were detailed with dramatic flair, showing how Aric's timely intervention had averted disaster and solidified his role as their protector and leader.

The role of their parents was crucial in Aric's narrative. He implanted memories of their parents consistently reminding them of their duty to the Holy Son. Parents were made to express pride in their children's loyalty and reinforce the notion that their service was the highest honor they could achieve.

In their personal interactions with Aric, Aric fabricated memories of moments where he had shown exceptional kindness or leadership. Family members remembered instances where Aric had offered sage advice, shared valuable knowledge, or demonstrated extraordinary strength. These interactions solidified their perception of him as a benevolent leader deserving of their absolute loyalty.

As Aric's narrative took hold, each family member's past was transformed to fit this new reality. Their entire upbringing, from childhood to adulthood, was now framed around their devotion to him. Their sense of identity, purpose, and destiny was irrevocably intertwined with Aric's rise to power.

The changes were so profound that each member now viewed their service to Aric not merely as a duty but as the highest calling of their lives. Their loyalty was unshakeable, their devotion absolute. This new reality ensured that Aric's control over the Lei family was both comprehensive and deeply ingrained.

"System, can I alter the memories of the Patriarch?" Aric asked, a sinister smile playing on his lips.

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