Villain: I transmigrated with Mind Control Powers

Chapter 33: Chapter 33 - Competition is getting Wilder

he arena was in an uproar after the match. Everyone buzzed with excitement, talking about Aric and the spectacular battle they had just witnessed. Aric left the fighting arena, his presence still commanding the awe of those around him. Meanwhile, the rescue team, known as the Silver Guardians, arrived and took Jarod away from the battlefield.

Since it was a knockout match, Jarod was out of the competition, and his dreams of being with Sylvia were shattered. The Lei family would now follow Aric's arrangement, removing all their support from the Song family—a devastating blow.

As Aric arrived at his private rest room, reserved for participants to rest before and after their matches, he found Mia, Alicia, and Ulsa waiting for him.

"Aric, you were amazing out there!" Mia exclaimed, rushing to embrace him. Ulsa followed suit, her eyes shining with pride.

"Congratulations, young master," Alicia added, her voice filled with genuine admiration. She leaned in and kissed him on the cheek, followed by Mia and Ulsa, each showing their affection.

Aric smiled, his exhaustion momentarily forgotten. He reached into his storage ring and retrieved a pill, the Rejuvenation Elixir, known for its potent healing properties. He swallowed it, feeling the warmth spread through his body as it began to heal his wounds.

"I need some time to recuperate," Aric said, leaning back onto a soft lounge. Alicia immediately started giving him a massage, her hands skilled and gentle.

Mia and Ulsa left after congratulating him, their presence needed for the ongoing event. Before Ulsa departed, Aric gave her a directive. "Find Jarod and tell him to submit to me if he wants to live a better life. Make it clear that his only path forward is under my rule."

Ulsa nodded, understanding the weight of her mission. "I'll see to it personally, Aric."

Left alone with Alicia, Aric closed his eyes and allowed himself to rest. His mind, however, was already racing with thoughts of the upcoming matches.

In the arena, the matches continued, each one more intense than the last. The audience was abuzz with excitement, discussing the prowess and potential of the contestants.

Rian vs. Hilda

Rian, in the peak of the Core Formation Realm, known for his Lightning Fist Technique, faced Hilda, a master of Earth Manipulation, also in the Core Formation Realm. As they stepped into the arena, the crowd whispered in anticipation.

"Rian's lightning is unstoppable," one spectator remarked.

"But Hilda's earth techniques are solid. This will be interesting," another replied.

Rian launched himself at Hilda, his fists crackling with electricity. "Lightning Fist Barrage!" he roared, sending a flurry of electric punches towards Hilda.

Hilda countered with "Earthen Shield," a wall of stone rising to absorb the blows. The ground trembled as sparks flew, and the audience gasped in awe.

Rian was relentless, pouring more qi into his attacks, breaking through Hilda's defenses. With a final, powerful strike, he shattered the earthen shield and knocked Hilda out of the ring.

"Did you see that? His qi control is impeccable," someone in the crowd exclaimed.

Another nodded. "No wonder he's favored to win."

The audience erupted in cheers for Rian's dazzling display of power.

Lena vs. Tobias

Lena, in the late stages of the Core Formation Realm, a master of Water Arts, faced Tobias, who wielded the power of Fire and was also in the late Core Formation Realm. The tension was palpable as they squared off.

"Lena's water techniques are so fluid and adaptable," a spectator commented.

"Tobias' fire is fierce. This clash of elements will be epic," another added.

Lena summoned a torrent of water, "Aqua Serpent," sending a massive wave crashing towards Tobias. He countered with "Inferno Blaze," a pillar of fire that evaporated the water on contact.

The arena filled with steam, obscuring the view. The crowd leaned in, eager to catch glimpses of the fighters.

"I can't see! What's happening?" someone shouted.

Through the steam, Lena's voice rang out. "Tsunami Crush!" A massive wave of water surged, breaking through the fire and enveloping Tobias. The steam cleared, revealing Tobias knocked out and drenched.

"Her qi control is incredible," an observer noted.

"She used the steam as cover. Brilliant strategy," another agreed.

Lena claimed her victory to the cheers of the crowd.

Zane vs. Marla

Zane, in the early stages of the Spirit Severing Realm and a warrior with unmatched sword skills, faced Marla, who specialized in Wind Techniques and was in the late Core Formation Realm. The audience buzzed with excitement for this highly anticipated match.

"Zane's swordsmanship is legendary," someone whispered.

"Marla's wind techniques are no joke. This will be a test of skill," another replied.

Zane's blade danced through the air, "Sword Dance of the Heavens," each swing precise and deadly. Marla responded with "Cyclone Dance," her movements creating powerful gusts of wind.

Their clash was a whirlwind of steel and air, each trying to outmaneuver the other. The audience watched in awe as the fighters moved with incredible speed and agility.

"This is amazing! They're both so skilled," a spectator exclaimed.

"I can't keep up with their movements," another added.

Marla summoned a talisman, "Wind Barrier," creating a protective shield around her. Zane's blade struck the barrier, sparks flying.

"Using talismans now? Clever," Zane muttered, summoning his own talisman, "Lightning Edge," enhancing his sword with electrical energy.

With a powerful strike, Zane's blade shattered the wind barrier, disarming Marla and securing his win.

"Zane's mastery over qi and swordsmanship is unmatched," someone in the crowd said.

"He deserved that win. Incredible fight," another agreed.

The audience cheered loudly for Zane's victory, appreciating the display of skill and strategy.

The crowd buzzed with excitement as the next set of matches was announced. Among the famous names were Xu Ming, Mei Ling, Tian Wei, Li Na, and the current Holy Son, Lei Feng. Each of these competitors brought their unique skills and formidable reputations to the arena.

Xu Ming vs. Mei Ling

Xu Ming, known for his brute strength, faced off against Mei Ling, renowned for her agility and speed. The crowd was divided, with many betting on Xu Ming's raw power and others on Mei Ling's nimble movements.

Xu Ming wasted no time, charging at Mei Ling with a thunderous roar. "Iron Fist Strike!" His fist glowed with a metallic sheen as he swung it towards Mei Ling.

Mei Ling dodged effortlessly, her movements a blur. "Shadow Step!" she whispered, disappearing and reappearing behind Xu Ming, delivering a swift kick to his back.

"You're quick, but can you handle this?" Xu Ming growled, his body expanding as he activated "Titan's Might." His muscles bulged, and his skin hardened, making him almost invulnerable.

The audience gasped, many commenting on Xu Ming's impressive transformation. "He's unstoppable now!" someone shouted.

Mei Ling narrowed her eyes. "Speed over strength," she muttered, activating her "Phantom Dance" technique. She became a whirlwind of motion, striking Xu Ming from all directions. Her blows, though not powerful individually, accumulated damage over time.

Xu Ming swung wildly, trying to catch Mei Ling, but she was too fast. "Stand still and fight me like a real warrior!" he bellowed.

Mei Ling smirked. "A real warrior knows when to fight and when to dodge." With a final burst of speed, she delivered a decisive blow to Xu Ming's head, knocking him out.

The crowd erupted in cheers for Mei Ling's victory, admiring her skill and strategy.

Tian Wei vs. Li Na

Next up were Tian Wei, a strategic genius, and Li Na, a master of elemental techniques. The anticipation was palpable, as both fighters were known for their intelligence and control over their abilities.

Tian Wei began by assessing the battlefield. "I'll make the first move," he declared, summoning "Earth Wall" to create a barrier between them.

Li Na smirked, her hands glowing with energy. "Fire and water will break your defenses," she said, launching a "Flame Wave" at the earth wall, followed by a "Water Serpent."

The earth wall crumbled under the combined attack, and Tian Wei leaped back, his mind racing. "Clever, but not clever enough." He activated "Wind Blade," sending sharp gusts of wind towards Li Na.

Li Na countered with "Aqua Shield," water swirling around her to deflect the wind blades. "You'll have to do better than that, Wei."

Tian Wei smiled. "I intend to." He used "Illusionary Mirage," creating multiple copies of himself. The clones surrounded Li Na, confusing her.

"Which one is real?" Li Na muttered, her eyes darting around. She unleashed a "Flame Burst" in all directions, hoping to hit the real Tian Wei.

From the shadows, the real Tian Wei appeared, striking with "Shadow Strike." Li Na staggered, her defenses broken.

"You rely too much on brute force," Tian Wei said, standing over her. "Sometimes, it's the mind that wins the battle."

Li Na gritted her teeth. "Not yet!" she screamed, summoning her remaining strength to unleash "Inferno Tsunami," a massive wave of fire and water.

Tian Wei barely managed to shield himself with "Stone Barrier," but the attack took a toll on him. He was panting, but he stood victorious as Li Na collapsed, exhausted.

The audience erupted in applause, impressed by the tactical brilliance displayed by both fighters.

Lei Feng (Current Holy Son) vs Zhang Lei

The final match of the day featured Lei Feng, the current Holy Son. His presence alone added an extra layer of intensity to the competition. Lei Feng had held the title for the past five years, and his strength was legendary. He was in the early stages of the Spirit Severing Realm, a level of power that few could match.

Lei Feng stepped into the arena with an air of confidence. His opponent, Zhang Lei, a young but determined cultivator, trembled slightly but stood his ground.

"You're brave to face me," Lei Feng said, his voice calm and steady. "But bravery alone won't save you."

The young cultivator nodded, his resolve firm. "I won't back down."

The match began with a flurry of movements. Lei Feng's "Heavenly Palm Strike" sent shockwaves through the air, but the young cultivator countered with "Iron Body Technique," absorbing the impact.

"You have some skill," Lei Feng acknowledged, "but not enough." He summoned "Celestial Dragon's Roar," a technique that unleashed a dragon-shaped energy blast.

The young cultivator barely dodged, using "Swift Wind Step" to evade the attack. He retaliated with "Thunder Clap," aiming to paralyze Lei Feng.

Lei Feng smirked, effortlessly deflecting the attack. "Impressive, but futile." He activated "Golden Armor," his body shimmering with an impenetrable aura.

The crowd watched in awe, many whispering about Lei Feng's unparalleled power. "He's unbeatable," someone muttered.

The young cultivator, realizing the disparity in their strength, made a desperate move. "I won't give up!" he shouted, launching a final, powerful strike.

Lei Feng met the attack head-on, his "Heavenly Dragon Fist" colliding with the young cultivator's blow. The force of the impact sent the young cultivator flying, unconscious before he hit the ground.

The audience roared with approval, celebrating Lei Feng's victory. He stood tall, his expression serene. "Another step towards retaining my title," he murmured, leaving the arena.

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