Villain: I transmigrated with Mind Control Powers

Chapter 26: Chapter 26 - Jarod is Impotent

In the next few days, Lin meticulously ensured that Jarod consumed the Celibacy Curse Pill without suspicion. Jarod, unaware of the scheme, continued his usual routine, focused entirely on surpassing Aric and defeating him. He was determined to improve his skills and master his techniques.

Each morning, Jarod would wake up with a morning erection. However, he resisted the urge to relieve himself, believing that reserving his sexual energy would help him channel his focus and determination toward winning the competition and gaining Sylvia's affection.

But over the next few days, his morning erections started to disappear. At first, he welcomed the change, thinking it allowed him to concentrate more on his training. However, as the days passed, he grew increasingly puzzled and concerned.

One morning, after noticing the continued absence of his usual condition, Jarod decided to seek his master's advice.

"Master, I need to talk to you about something important," Jarod said, approaching Ryan Chen with a troubled expression.

Ryan Chen, a stern and experienced cultivator, looked up from his meditation. "What is it, Jarod? You seem troubled."

"Master, my... my morning wood has gone limp. It used to be fine, but now it's just... not there," Jarod confessed, his face flushing with embarrassment.

Ryan raised an eyebrow, clearly annoyed by the peculiar concern. "Jarod, are you seriously asking me to check your... situation?"

"I don't know what else to do, Master. I'm confused and worried," Jarod admitted.

With a sigh, Ryan agreed to examine him. After a thorough check, Ryan's expression turned serious.

"Jarod, this is something serious," Ryan said, his tone grave.

Jarod's heart sank. "What happened, Master? What do you mean by serious?"

Ryan hesitated before speaking. "Do you really want to hear it?"

"Yes, tell me. I need to know," Jarod said, his voice filled with nervousness.

"Jarod, you have become impotent. You are no longer the man you used to be," Ryan revealed.

Jarod's eyes widened in shock. "What? What do you mean I'm no longer a man?"

Ryan continued, "Your condition is a result of a curse. It's not just a physical ailment. It's more profound and sinister."

"This must be a joke. How can this happen? I am a genius talent. How can I not be a man?" Jarod said, his voice trembling with disbelief.

"Master, check again. This might be a mistake," Jarod pleaded desperately.

Ryan shook his head. "I wouldn't have told you if I wasn't sure myself."

"Isn't there a cure, Master? There must be something," Jarod said, panic creeping into his voice.

Ryan sighed deeply. "If it were a physical injury, we could have used pills to regrow the organ. But this is different. The curse is fueled by the Qi in your body. The only way to remove it is to abolish your cultivation entirely."

Jarod's face went pale. "But that's not the main issue. The curse won't be removed from your body permanently. If you start cultivating again, the curse will reactivate, and you will become impotent once more."

The revelation hit Jarod like a ton of bricks. He felt his world crumbling around him.

"This can't be right. I have dreams. What about Sylvia? What will she think when she finds out? She would leave me," Jarod thought anxiously.

Ryan placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Jarod, I understand this is difficult, but you must stay strong. We will find a way."

Jarod was furious, his mind racing with anger and suspicion. "Who did this? I'm sure it must be Aric. My sixth sense tells me he is behind all this."

"Aric, I will not leave you until I kill you," Jarod vowed, his voice filled with unyielding determination.

On the other hand, Aric was laughing out loud due to the notification he received from the system.

[Ding! Congratulations host, You have gained +6000 Villain Halo, +60,000 Villain Points for successfully making the protagonist Jarod Lei impotent ]

[Ding! Congratulations, host! You have gained +500 Villain Halo and +5000 Villain Points for affecting the mentality of the protagonist Jarod Lei.]

"My dear younger brother, keep giving me points." Aric said happily

"I haven't told Sylvia yet. I need to inform her to squeeze more points", Aric pondered.

"Ha ha ha ! This is what I like being about villain", Aric laughed like a maniac.

On the other hand, Jarod started focusing on his practice to relieve his stress.

Despite his rigorous training, Jarod found his thoughts increasingly consumed by his personal troubles, particularly his condition and his strained relationship with Sylvia. His focus wavered, and it began to show in his performance.

One evening, after a particularly frustrating training session, Jarod approached his master once more.

"Master, I can't concentrate. My mind is all over the place," Jarod admitted, his frustration evident.

Ryan Chen regarded him thoughtfully. "Jarod, perhaps this is a blessing in disguise. Without the distraction of women, you can fully dedicate yourself to your cultivation."

Jarod's expression darkened. "But Master, I don't want to live like this. I don't want to be impotent."

Ryan sighed, a hint of disappointment in his eyes. "Jarod, your inability to focus is troubling. Your mind is easily swayed by external factors. This is a weakness you must overcome if you wish to succeed."

Jarod looked down, feeling a mixture of shame and defiance. "I understand, Master, but this isn't something I can just ignore."

Ryan shook his head. "You were doing so well before, Jarod. But ever since Aric became a prominent figure in your life, your mind has shown many weaknesses."

Jarod's heart sank at his master's words. "Master, please don't say that. I will work harder. I will prove myself."

Ryan's eyes softened slightly. "I hope you do, Jarod. But know this: your path to greatness lies not just in your physical abilities but in your mental fortitude. Strengthen your mind, and your body will follow."

With a heavy heart, Jarod resolved to push through his doubts and fears.

As Ryan observed Jarod's struggle, he couldn't help but feel a growing sense of disappointment. Jarod had shown great promise initially, but his recent behavior had exposed significant weaknesses in his character. The way Jarod allowed his mind to be consumed by personal issues and distractions made Ryan question whether he had made the right choice in taking him on as a disciple.

Ryan thought back to Aric's offer and the possibility of aligning with him instead. Aric, despite his ruthless nature, had a clarity of purpose and a strength of will that Jarod seemed to lack. Ryan began to wonder if he had underestimated Aric and overestimated Jarod.

"Perhaps I made a mistake," Ryan mused to himself. "Jarod has the potential, but his mind is not strong enough. If he continues like this, he will never achieve true greatness."

These thoughts weighed heavily on Ryan as he watched Jarod struggle with his training and personal turmoil.

[Ding! Congratulations, host! You have gained +2000 Villain Halo and +20,000 Villain Points in creating a rift between the master-disciple relationship.]

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