Villain: I transmigrated with Mind Control Powers

Chapter 141: Chapter 141: Quite a Unique Name

Aric observed the situation, his thoughts racing. "What kind of dramatic event will unfold next?" he mused. Perhaps Xu Mevan would fight the guards, maybe awaken some hidden power, or perhaps an elder would take notice of him and intervene. It was always something overly theatrical with these so-called protagonists.

But to his surprise, nothing of the sort happened.

Instead, Amber calmly pulled out a scroll from her storage ring and handed it to the guards without a word. The guards' initially stern expressions shifted as they unrolled the scroll and saw the contents. Their eyes widened, and they seemed to pale at what they were looking at.

"This... this is a recommendation letter?" the guard stammered, barely believing what he held in his trembling hands.

The duo had just handed over a recommendation letter—no ordinary piece of paper. This letter bore the seal of none other than Elder Gong Sharon, one of the most powerful and respected elders of the Holy Sect.

The guard swallowed hard, his eyes flicking nervously between the scroll and the two siblings. He had just insulted and disrespected individuals carrying a recommendation from Elder Gong Sharon herself.

A recommendation letter like this wasn't something given lightly; it signified the recipient was someone of immense talent and potential. With such a letter, Xu Mevan and Xu Amber would bypass all the preliminary trials and directly enter the final stage, where only the most promising individuals were tested. The elite among the participants would even have the chance to choose their own master.

The guard, now shaking in his boots, quickly tried to salvage the situation. "I—I had no idea you were under the protection of Elder Gong Sharon! Please forgive my disrespect, young master!" He bowed low, his voice trembling with fear. "I apologize for any inconvenience caused. Please, proceed at once!"

Xu Mevan's lips curved into a smirk. He didn't miss a beat, relishing the opportunity. "Oh, so now you're sorry?" he said, his tone dripping with mockery.

"A moment ago, you were so keen to throw us out like common trash. But now, suddenly, we're important enough for you to bow to?"

The guard's face flushed with humiliation, but he kept his head bowed. "It was my mistake, young master. I was blind not to recognize your status."

Xu Mevan, seeing the guard grovel before him, glanced sideways at his sister, Amber, who remained quiet but calm.

She seemed less concerned with the guard's apology than her brother was. But Mevan, ever the type to enjoy a bit of public humiliation, stepped forward, looking the guard straight in the eye.

"Remember this," Mevan said coldly, his voice carrying the weight of his satisfaction. "Next time, don't judge someone by their appearance. You never know who you're dealing with."

The guard bowed even lower, his face crimson with shame. "I... I understand, young master. It will not happen again."

Xu Mevan snorted and turned away, walking past the groveling guard with Amber at his side. The siblings were allowed to proceed into the Holy Sect grounds without any further delay, their path now cleared thanks to the recommendation letter.

Meanwhile, Aric, who had been watching this entire interaction from his seat, couldn't help but shake his head, a smirk tugging at his lips. "What a typical protagonist face-slapping troupe," he muttered under his breath. "Honestly, I expected nothing less from the heavens' favorite child."

He leaned back slightly, his eyes gleaming with amusement. "Heavens are such a bitch," Aric continued, laughing quietly to himself. "These protagonists always have some convenient stroke of luck waiting for them just in time to humiliate others."

Still, as much as Aric found it amusing, he also knew this was a prime example of how troublesome protagonists could be.

Things always worked out for them, no matter the situation. Xu Mevan had just turned an unfavorable situation into a public victory, and it only cemented his reputation further.

"It's time to overwhelm them all," Aric whispered to himself, his eyes narrowing with determination. "Let's see how well these protagonists fare when the tables are turned."

Soon, the first trial began. A large, golden scripture was projected into the air above the Holy Sect grounds, its mystical characters glowing with an ethereal light. Aric, along with hundreds of other cultivators, looked up at the projection as an elder's voice boomed across the area.

"Read it. Comprehend it," the elder declared, his voice stern. "Those who cannot comprehend at least the first paragraph will be removed from the trial."

The crowd of hopeful disciples immediately fell silent, each of them focusing intensely on the scripture, trying to understand its meaning. The pressure in the air was palpable. Some of the candidates, their brows furrowed in concentration, already showed signs of struggling.

Aric, however, couldn't comprehend the scripture right away. His eyes scanned the glowing text, but its meaning eluded him. He scoffed, realizing this was no ordinary cultivation text. The characters were designed to be esoteric, almost impossible to grasp without deep understanding or profound talent.

"I was expecting nothing less from these guys," Aric muttered under his breath, his mind racing. "This is a trap to weed out the unworthy."

He quickly activated the system in his mind.

"System, I need your help," Aric said, his tone commanding. "Comprehend this scripture for me."

[Ding! Comprehension of the scripture will require 10,000 Villain Points.]

"Just do it," Aric ordered impatiently. "And make it fast."

In an instant, the system flooded his mind with information. The scripture's meaning, its nuances, and the deep underlying principles behind the technique were laid bare before him. It was as though he had spent years studying it, when in reality, only seconds had passed.

A sly grin spread across Aric's face as he absorbed the knowledge. "Spirit Moves the Wind," he murmured. "Interesting technique."

While the other disciples were still struggling to comprehend even the first sentence, Aric stood up, catching the attention of those around him. Ralph, a tall, lanky cultivator who had been sitting next to him, glanced over, confused.

"What's he doing?" Ralph thought, his eyes widening in disbelief. He had seen Aric only moments before, seemingly lost in thought. "How could he already comprehend the scripture?"

Without waiting for approval or instructions, Aric drew his sword. The movement was fluid, precise, and with a flick of his wrist, he executed the first technique of the scripture—"Spirit Moves the Wind." His sword glided through the air as though it were riding on invisible currents, creating an elegant, mesmerizing display.

The air seemed to hum with energy, and a soft breeze followed the arc of his blade.

The other participants were stunned. Many of them hadn't even begun to comprehend the first paragraph of the scripture, but here was Aric, already performing the technique flawlessly.

"How... how is that possible?" Ralph stammered, his mouth hanging open. He had barely managed to grasp the first few words of the scripture, and now he was watching someone who had seemingly mastered the entire text.

Another cultivator, a young woman named Fei Ling, stared at Aric in awe. "Is that even allowed? He's demonstrating the technique already? We're still trying to understand the basics!"

The commotion grew louder as more people turned to watch Aric's performance. Whispers of disbelief and admiration rippled through the crowd.

"This guy... he's on another level," someone muttered in the background.

"Who is he? I've never seen someone grasp a scripture so quickly."

Even the elders overseeing the trial couldn't hide their surprise. Two of them exchanged glances, both clearly impressed by what they were witnessing.

One elder, a man with graying hair and a long white robe, stepped forward, his gaze fixed on Aric. His name was Elder Ming, a respected figure within the Holy Sect known for his sharp judgment of talent. "That boy," Elder Ming said, his tone filled with curiosity. "He's not just talented... He's a genius."

The elder standing next to him, Elder Song, a woman with piercing eyes and a calm demeanor, nodded in agreement. "Indeed. His comprehension is far beyond the others here. We need to keep an eye on him."

Elder Ming and Elder Song made their way through the crowd, approaching Aric as he finished his demonstration. Aric sheathed his sword and turned to face them, his expression confident but respectful.

"You," Elder Ming called out, his voice filled with authority. "What is your name?"

"My name is Adolf Ning", said Aric, trying to hide his real identity.

"Adolf! Quite a unique name," Elder Ming mused, giving Aric a curious glance before continuing, "Tell me, how did you comprehend this scripture so quickly? Even some of our most talented disciples struggle with it."

Aric smiled politely, as if the answer were simple. "Dear elder, when I read it, everything seemed to fall into place naturally, as if it was something I had known before. I just followed what appeared to me as correct."

Elder Ming raised an eyebrow, his suspicions slightly piqued. "Hmm. Either you have an extraordinary talent, or perhaps..." He paused for a moment, his eyes narrowing thoughtfully. "...perhaps you practiced this in a past life."

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