Villain Heal: The Villainess’s Plan to Heal a Broken Heart

Chapter 81

I just got out of the infirmary room. Earlier a girl came running to me for help because her snow-demon friend had tripped at the stair. That snow demon couldnt heal herself with a temperature so high like this. I could only find ice to ease her pain and gave her a first-aid.

Hadnt Noir work here?

When I asked them about that, they said they didnt know the infirmarys teacher named Noir at all. This was strange

Too strange

However, I had to stop thinking about this matter because It was time for class. I hadnt been to class for a long time. Had I gotten behind others? Everybody acted as if I hadnt disappeared anywhere. Luler told me that I disappeared for almost a week, but others were oblivious to this.

This was even more strange

Was it because of that knife that Filne used it to stab me?

AhIf I saw her, I would chop her up into pieces.

Oh, it seemed like I didnt have to find her. When I walked to the class along with everyone, I got a glimpse of her as she was about to walk out of the classroom. I wouldnt complain anything about her walking out of the classroom, but why did she have to come out at the moment when Luler was going into the class too? Did she want to act like she involuntarily walked into him?

Ara~ What a plan, woman.


Good morning, Miss Filne.

She came out as if she wanted to greet Luler, but the color in her face instantly pale when she saw me who was currently linking my arms around Lulers arm.

G-good morning.

Her voice almost lowered down to a whisper when her eyes met with our cold gazes. I told them everything and thats included what had you done with me too, Filne.

But thats only a story, I didnt have any proof that she really did this. I didnt even have a witness. I wouldnt do anything until I could finally get my hand on the proof. I also told my friend to stay out of it until that time came.

It shouldnt be that long anyway.

It seemed like we have to separate now, Luler?

I changed my tone to the one where I normally used with a little cat because I wanted to make it looked cute. My cheeks were straining right now from all this acting!

But I dont want to be separate with you yet, Shiwa. Cant you transfer to my class? Luler held me in his embrace.

Ara~ Dont be like that. We arent alone, you know.

I dont care.

Ara~ You cant do that, Luler!

AhThis was really disturbing.

I felt bashful to act lovey-dovey like this in front of the class!!

I couldnt hold it anymore!

But if I had to do this to see the loser looked on this fake heroine, I could do more than this!

You will be late for the class.


I lightly kissed Lulers cheek and thats when the students in the room were beginning to whisper among each other.

Oh, that human who likes to go near prince Luler becomes silent all of a sudden. An unknown voice came from the crowd.

Ahshe really wants to be like Shiwa-sama, doesnt she? How ambitious of her!

Its already good enough for her to be alive, fufu, foolish human.

She is only a lowly human

These comments were coming after one another. Even her group of human friend were looking worriedly at her.

However, this had to end because the teacher had come into the room. We had to go back to our class. When we were on a break before the next class, the girls turned their chairs to speak with each other.

Ah! Why hadnt you dealt with her yet!? Akane growled. Both her ears and her tail straightened up.

She is a human. If we decided to attack her then we will be the one who took the damage to our reputation the most. I had to calm Akane down before her temper got out of control.

Sigh, even though humans look really weak like that, they are scarier than I thought. Why did she have to attack a person who did nothing to her? Bella sighed.

She wants to eat Luler and I mean it in a figurative way! How shameless of her to think she wants to steal a person who already has a fiancee. If thiss happened in my kingdom then I will burn her to ash with my Foxfire! The more she said the more her temper erupted in fire. Right now, our classmates all turned their eyes to look at Akane!

That would be bad. If others were to see itOthers will think of you as a bad person, Akane. Shelyn also tried to calm this hot-headed Akane down.

Because of that, I suggest using a big rock to slowly drag her down to the bottom of the ocean, then wait for her to suffocate and die. After that, we will bring her body to bury under corals. This way, nobody will find out where her body go.

The atmosphere around Shelyn became dark all of a sudden. The darkness in her beautiful eyes also made me goose-bumped all over my body!

The three of us quickly scurried away from Shelyn and hugged ourselves. She didnt really think to do this, right?

Ara~ Im joking.

Your joke was too scary!

Ren, what did you teach your sister!?

I had an important plan to do in the lunchtime.

It must look a little bad, but I decided to order the students in class one to keep Filne away from her friends. If she didnt have her friends anymore, what choice did she have other than eating lunch alone?

What? Did you say I shouldnt be heartless to this one human?

I didnt care what name did you label me as. Normally, I was a kind person. She would regret it because she tried to step over the boundary.

A girl with light brown hair was currently walking to the glass house with a tray in her hands. Her face was filled with fatigue. Theres only this one place which she chose to come to eat lunch alone. Did I intend to force her to come inside? I couldnt do that because I had already waiting for her in here.

The heroine




the closing sound of the door made her jumped in surprise and dropped her tray of food to the ground. Ah, she didnt get scared when she used that knife to stab me, right?

You dont have to be scared, Filne.

I appeared out of the darkness with Luler. He sat on a chair with me sitting on his laps. This man was the protagonist that you really wanted, wasnt he? Ara~ you shouldnt look at me with those eyes, because this room was almost caught fire by that.

What are you doing, Shiwa-sama? She slowly stepped back from me, but its no use, that door wouldnt open until I gave a signal. Even if you scream, it wouldnt open.

Dont get scared. I was almost died because of you. What else do you get scared for?

What are you saying!!? I dont know!

Hmm? Do you hear anything, Luler?

I crossed my leg to the side and used my arm to side-embrace him. We looked like we were embracing each other, but I still sat on his laps. I dared say that every girl in the kingdom would be jealous of me right now.

I dont hear anything. He told me with a smile while loosely embrace me.

Can you tell me there werent any girls trying to get closer to you? Even if Im like this, I also get jealous too.

My finger lightly touched at his lips. At that moment, Filne was looking at us as if her world was going to break down into pieces.

Luler smileda beautiful smilemore than I had ever seen before.


Theres only a bug.


He was really good at memorizing his script. It was as if he was an actor

Ne~ I almost died, Luler. I shudder every time just by thinking about it. Theres a person who used a knife to stab me here. Its really hurt.

Who is that?

Ara~ There isnt any person other than

I swept my eyes to look at the heroine who was shakily standing at the door.

Its not me!! Im not the one who did it!! Do you have the proof!!? Prince Luler, you cant believe her! She is a demon! She is slandering me right now!! She was really brave in the wrong way when she pointed at me like that.

Luler, which person do you believe more between me and her? I whispered into his ear.

I totally believe in you, Shiwa.

There wasnt any hesitation in his voice. AhI didnt understand why did you have to try so hard? Didnt she have eyes? She could use her foot to see instead of her eyes that Luler

couldnt live without me.

Look like youre a loser now, heroine.


I deliberately said this to her. Ohlook at thatI only said a few sentences and she had already fallen to her knees. Ahthe longer I looked at you, the more I thought of that person who I didnt want to remember at all.

Thats rightWhats going to happen if I say this!!? I was the one who stabbed you!! I know you are a person from my world just like me!! You arent Shiwa!! Shiwa that you know is the person from my world like me. Listen to me, Prince Luler. She has been deceiving you and trying to steal you away. She doesnt love you. This is all her plan!!

She shouted out, however

Luler, do you hear anything? I asked him.

Nothing at all.

A person like you was really easy to read

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