Versatile System Online

Chapter 276 A Bloody Battle

"Swoooshhh…Spurttt," The sword cut through the troll's neck as blood spurted out like a fountain.

Ray firmly planted his feet on the troll's skin and swung his sword once again. This time, he slashed it down at the trolls a the tip of the second penetrated the troll's chest.

[Void Shards:- Release],

He muttered lightly as his eyes lit up with thunder. Soon, the lightning particles around him converged as electrical arcs covered his body. Thunder fell as he lit up like a lightning rod. His sword lit up as well as the lighting fell upon the troll.

The troll's body lit up like a light bulb as lightning penetrated deep into it's bones and flesh. It's body convulsed in shock as Ray took the opportunity and jumped in the air.

His transformed and was now covered in fire as he aimed at the troll's head and plunged it deep into it's eye.

"Street!!" The troll shrieked in pain as the hollow fire in it's eyes was extinguished.

Slowly, the smoke behind it disappeared as the troll seemed to be getting weaker.

Ray smiled in satisfaction as the troll was just inches away from it's death.

However, Ray had forgotten one thing.

The troll's suddenly moved. It took a step forward as archaic runes appeared all over its body. An armor cover its skin along with the runes as it glowed an eerie green color.

It's body started to rot as magical energy manifested around it. Though, the magical energy was different. It was dark and cold. It seemed as if death itself had been manifested in the surroundings.

Ray turned around and saw dark smoke bellowing out of the troll. Unable to make of the situation, he consulted Aurora.

"Aurora, some help here," Ray called out.

"You freakin idiot. How could you forget?" She shouted in anger, "You see fighting a high level undead and you just made it worse by not killing it and rather torturing it," She spoke.

"WHAT!!" Ray asked in shock, he had truly forgotten this and now, he was in a very bad situation.

Still, Ray wasn't fazed by it. He recovered his composure and his eyes sharpened. Looking in front of him, he saw bones appearing over the troll's skin as the bronze armor over it's body shone brightly.

"Sighh, I guess I will put some more strength into it and take him down for good," Ray said out loud and then raised his sword. He knew that using lightning was beneficial but far from enough.

He had to use his other elements as well. Therefore, he starred to transform his other hand as well. Scales covered his hand as they shimmered lightly. Ray's hands were fully buffed up as they had claws coming out of them along with various runic patterns shining over them.

He raised his heft hand as a dark green light shone on it. The symbols of time appeared as a strange clock was made on his hand. He looked down at his hand and smiled. He had gotten better at controlling his bloodline elements and the time element required too much concentration.

Even now, he could only manifest it to some extent and utilize it but that was enough. Temporal power was already powerful enough and when mixed with the Void element, it was nothing less than a disaster.

Ray raised his hand and grabbed his sword. The sword turned green as the power of time flowed into it. Ray closed his eyes and concentrated on the power of Void in his body. He let it flow out of him as spatial cracks were manifested around him.

He looked at the spatial cracks and raised his other hand. The hand pulsed strangely as the Void element congregated around him. Ray clenched it into a fist as the Void was absorbed into his hand.

He looked ahead and then opened a spatial hate right in front of him. The exit was opened above the troll's head as Ray started running.

Like a gust of wind, he disappeared into the portal and appeared on the other hand. The sword in his hand was already slashing against the air as he aimed for the troll. The power of time flowed through it as he increased the time around him.

Everything went fast as his speed increased even more. He was already using his speed ability and now it was even faster. He turned into a green streak and disappeared.

Not long after. A broken piece of armor fell from the troll. Ray had increased the time and rusted the armor with just a single hit. Not only that but he attacked the armor in such a way that it's joints were weakening the armor as a whole.

This was Aurora's plan to weaken the armor and then attack the troll's real body. She was sure that the troll weak physically and was strong magically.

All this while, the troll didn't stay put. It prepared its own attacks and attacked back at Ray. It's arm was lifted high in the air as it brought it down at Ray.

Ray avoided the arm and jumped on it, he started running along the arm when he sensed a few presences following him. He looked back and saw a dozen skeletal trolls following him.

Their bodies were rotten as only their skeleton remained. In their hands were skeletal bones that they used as a weapon and they ran behind Ray with lightning fast speed.

The bones in their hands glowed a green eerie light as they aimed to kill Ray. Reeking of death, they followed behind Ray.

Ray smirked, he looked at them and turned back to running. He increased the time around him and his speed increased. He went thrice as fast as the temporal energy was used.

Ray looked ahead and saw the troll staring at him with it's eerie and hollow eyes. Ray didn't care. He wasn't afraid of the troll and was going to kill it. He jumped in the air and gripped his sword tightly.

A portal opened right in front of him as he disappeared into it.

Seeing this, the troll was once again shocked. It didn't think that the human in front of it could use spatial magic with such ease and efficiency.

Trying to search for Ray, it looked around everywhere but to no extent. The human had disappeared completely. Not even a trace remained.

Suddenly, a fire blazed in the air above as the troll looked upwards. It saw a great fire fuming in the roof as a man flew in the air with draconic wings behind his back.

The man's eyes were cold as they looked deeply at the troll. A fire blazed in his hands as they released off a great temperature. The temperature was so great that the troll felt fear running deep in it's bones.

The man flapped his wings and descended downwards. The sword in his hands blazed with a dark green flame as the troll raised its hands and released death around him.

The troll's body glowed as various black needles appeared in front of it. It waved its hand as the needles were released and rushed for the man.

The man smirked and raised its sword in the air. Slashing the sword downwards, the man battled against those death needles. He destroyed them one after the other as the smirk on his face still remained.

The man was none other than Ray, who had used his transformation to increase his strength and end the troll once and for all.

Ray finished the needles and closed in on the troll. He made his way to the troll's eyes as he knew that they were source of it's power.

The troll didn't stop. It raised its other hand and put the in front of it's body. The palm was wide open as a dark mist was released from it. The mist turned into a huge needle as it headed for Ray.

Knowing that he couldn't block or destroy the needle, Ray swerved to the right. He dodged it but to his surprise. The needle was like a honing missile. It followed behind him madly as Ray continued to close in on the troll.

Coming close to the troll's torso, Ray kept on flying in. Just as he was about to crash into the troll, he lets his wings limp and started to descend down very fast.

He started falling but the needle following him couldn't keep up with Ray's machinations and collided with the troll. Ray had just used he troll's weapon against it.

Ray then flapped his wings once again and gained altitude. He flew up in the air and closed in on the troll's eye and kept his sword in front of him. The sword glowed a greenish hue as he stabbed right through the eye.

"Skreeee!!!" A loud shriek reverberated through the place as he troll's eye hole was hollowed out. It kept on deteriorating as he fire in it was put out completely.

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