
Chapter 189: Getaway Cars Come in Style

Chapter 189: Getaway Cars Come in Style

Dylan bounded down the stairs two at a time, reaching his garage in moments. Jacques saluted as he moved past, a few of the minions dressed in maid uniforms. The look almost made the man pause, almost. Dylan had more important things to do. His Zlomobile needed creating.

He'd already created his engine, now all he needed was the rest. Eagerly, Dylan recalled his earlier devices, crafting each one. He made sure to make a few additional teleporters and forcefields for his minions. And himself. Dr. Zlo wasn't about to give his minions better protection than he had.

The Transporter

This handy dandy device instantly takes what it's attached to (and everything inside it) to a beacon that continually updates its position. Strong enough to take a semi-truck all the way to the moon if needed.

Quantum Jump (Box Set)

Quartz (3 crystals)

Quicklime (100g)

Strobe Light (1)

Diesel Engine (1)

Alienite (5g) or Sciencium (40g)

The first device to appear was the Transporter, a small box that hummed low. A red button rested on top, a small beacon sitting next to it, blinking. Dylan made three more, placing the beacons next to his workbench. As he sat the devices down, an idea came to him. It would be better to make the teleporters automatic, so his minions didn't have to worry about activating them. And Dylan had just the name.

The Reset Button

A device made by Dr. Zlo to protect his more important minions. When taking fatal damage, this machine activates to send the minion back to Dr. Zlo's hideout, safe from harm but a little singed. After all, who said teleporter technology had to be safe?

Transporter (1)

A Time To Kill (1 copy)

Match (1 box)

Sciencium (5g)

Dylan ordered the pieces he needed, then moved on to his other inventions.


An alloy created by the brilliant Dr. Zlo! Zlonium is the wonder metal for all ages, used in everything from pots to spaceships! Just add the liquid Zlonium to whatever metal you want and watch as it bonds, forming the strongest protection the world has ever seen on common metals! Get your Zlonium today! Watch out for the explosive finish, though!

Gallium (100g)

Magnet Numbers (1 set)

Gum Arabic (25kg)

Green dye (1 bottle)

Shield (1)

Suit of Armor (1)

Sciencium (5g)

The Zlonium appeared to be a silvery substance that liked to latch onto anything metal. Dylan made the mistake of getting his suit too close and watched in amazement as some of the alloy bonded to his button. Luckily it wasn't a lot, but Dylan resolved to be more careful in the future. He moved on to his next gadget.

Portable Force Field

A handy device to keep pesky heroes from touching your stuff. Repels all harmful materials, gases, energies, and lights from what it envelopes. Nothing can get through once the device activates. Except for maybe magic, but Dr. Zlo won't admit to that.

Bubbles (1 bottle)

Lightswitch (1)

Polycarbonate (5 by 5, 6 sheets)

Air Scrubber (1)

Acrylic Glass (5 by 5, 6 sheets)

Alienite (10g) or Sciencium (80g)

The portable force field looked a lot like an air conditioner, if someone shrunk said air conditioner to fit in the palm of your hand. A series of vents on one side emitted a protective field around Dylan when he activated the device, a shimmering haze appearing over the player. Dylan quickly made four more of the inventions for him and his minions.

Upgrades procured, Dylan focused. It was time for Dr. Zlo to craft the Zlomobile.

The Zlomobile

Dr. Zlo's greatest mode of transportation to date! Designed to look like a Delahaye Roadster and using the combined efforts of earlier inventions (namely the Rejuvenator, The Transporter, Zlonium, and the Portable Force Field), the world's greatest criminal mastermind has crafted the greatest vehicle known to man! Capable of outrunning almost any super and shrugging off their blows, the Zlomobile is THE pinnacle of transportation. In addition, this machine can recommend the optimal weapon to use in Dr. Zlo's extensive arsenal and comes with extra space for modifications! And it still has enough seats to fit Dr. Zlo's minions.

Transporter (1)

Rejuvenator (1)

Zlonium (1)

Portable Force Field (1)

Smart Car (1)

Roadrunner (1)

Cupboard (5)

Alienite (10g) or Sciencium (80g)

Dr. Zlo ordered the additional parts, then sent Mabel and Quartet to collect the pieces. While that went on, Dylan expanded his mansion, building an exit for his garage. He added a lift that connected his new entrance to the workshop and invented a few security measures to keep determined invaders out. Soon, Mabel and Quartet were back, driving the tiny smart car into the garage.

"Excellent work!" Dr. Zlo said. "Now, stand back. I'm going to invent!"

His minions got out of the car, leaving the materials as Dr. Zlo placed his other items inside. Dylan opened his power, selecting the Zlomobile and highlighting all the required materials. He paused for a moment before pressing accept, taking in all the work he had to do to complete this invention. It had been rewarding in its own way, with how the NPCs interacted and the secrets he revealed. It almost made Dylan want to try out a few structured quests. Almost. Dylan was still having too much fun with Dr. Zlo, despite the few hiccups along the way.

Dylan took a breath, then pressed accept.

The pieces of the Zlomobile sprang to life like puppets on strings. They danced around the room, spinning faster and faster until the smart car came apart at the seams. The car's frame buckled and shifted until it transformed into the roadster Dr. Zlo envisioned. The Rejuvenator merged with the car's engine, revving as it linked to the drive shaft. The Zlonium covered every inch of metal, bonding like an alien symbiote and strengthening the car.

After that, the other materials started to glow and rotate, spinning faster and faster until they were a blur around the car. Then, with a flash of light, it finished.

Dylan blinked the spots out of his eyes to see his newest creation. The Zlomobile sat on the workshop floor, all sleek curves like a 50's convertible. The Zlomobile was the typical four-door car Dylan saw on the streets, but longer and larger than any SUV or van. It was closer to a limousine, which suited Dylan perfectly. Dr. Zlo would want to ride in style.

"All it needs now is a fresh coat of paint," Dr. Zlo commented.

"I'm partial to a floral print, hon," Mabel said.

Dr. Zlo shook his head, "Mabel, if I went with a floral print, people would think we're hippies. And while there's something to be said about misdirection, the Zlomobile is not that kind of car. This is the car we use to roll up in style, taking what we want and escaping back to our base by outrunning the authorities."

"You're going to let me drive it, right boss?" Quartet asked.

"Maybe sometime, Quartet," Dr. Zlo admitted. "But right now, we need to give my new invention a test run!"

Cass clapped excitedly, the butler having come down the stairs with a tray of snacks and drinks. "Boss, are we going to have a race?"

"Why, Cass," Dr. Zlo said in surprise. "For once, we're thinking along the same lines."

The butler beamed.

"Quartet!" Dr. Zlo called. "I need you to compose some theme music. We can't hold a race without it. Cass, get Brunhilde and find a coat of paint for the Zlomobile. I'm thinking black. Mabel, you're in charge of the pit crew. Get those Jacques in line."

"Fine," Quartet answered.

"You got it, boss!" Cass nodded.

"Anything for you, hon," Mabel answered.

"Good! If you need me, call. I'll be out sending invitations."

Dr. Zlo whirled, rushing up the stairs and out the door. He called to Saul along the way, the minion having set up a booth for players.

"Saul, I'm about to hold a race! Tell my fans to get excited!"

Saul waved at Dr. Zlo, then went back to his client.

Dylan made his way over to the skyscraper, messaging Dextra as he did. The player responded a moment later, setting up a meeting in a few minutes. While he waited, Dylan contacted his other friends, letting Oro and Jack know about the race, and asking if they wanted to participate. Both agreed.

Dextra finished up work a moment later, inviting Dr. Zlo into the conference room. "So, what do you have in store for me today?" the villain asked.

"I'm going to hold a race!" Dr. Zlo exclaimed. "I need to test my newest invention, and a race is the perfect choice."

"And, where are you wanting to host this race?"

Dr. Zlo sat in the chair across the desk, folding his arms, "Here in Skyline. I'm thinking of using it as an advertisement. Invite a few outsiders for publicity."

Dextra leaned back, "And what is the prize for this race?"

"Haven't decided yet," Dr. Zlo answered. "But we both know I'm going to win it."

"Indeed," Deztra answered, voice dripping with sarcasm. "Tell you what. I wouldn't mind sponsoring this endeavor. For a favor."

Dr. Zlo narrowed his eyes, "What kind of favor?"

"Nothing large, I assure you. I'm in need of some assistance in an, let's call it an altercation with a rival company."

"I'm listening."

Dextra leaned closer, "I'll provide the prize and set up the race; afterward, you'll perform the task I need doing."

"Deal," Dr. Zlo answered.

Dextra held out a hand, "Pleasure doing business with you."

"The pleasure is mine," Dr. Zlo answered. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a few invitations to make."

The villain stood and made to walk out the door. He paused before he left, turning back to Dextra.

"By the way, you wouldn't happen to know who it was I fought in our last collaboration?"

Dextra smirked, "looking for revenge?"

Dr. Zlo waved a hand, "Hardly. But he did provide a challenge. It would be the perfect test for my Zlomobile."

Thomas opened up his power, searching through his records to find what Dylan wanted, "I believe he goes by the name, Valiant."

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