Utopian System

Chapter 39: Chapter 39: System's Reconciliation

The days of Elio's vacation flew by, filled with laughter, games, and precious family moments that he would cherish forever.

However, as the end of his vacation approached, an unease grew in his heart. The shadow of his father, and Elio's conflicted feelings towards him, weighed heavier with each passing day.

The night before his departure, Elio sat in the backyard, gazing at the stars, blurry spots of light shining through the city's polluted air.

Lena found him there, her face showing love and concern.

"May I join you?" she asked softly.

Elio nodded, making room for his mother to sit beside him.

For a moment, both remained silent, contemplating the night sky…

Finally, Lena spoke.

"You're still thinking about your father, aren't you?"

Elio tensed but nodded slowly. "I... I can't stop thinking about him. What he did to us... how he left us."

Lena took her son's hand, squeezing it gently. "Your father was a complicated man, Elio. Brave and defiant, but above all, good."

"He abandoned us," Elio murmured, the old bitterness seeping into his voice. "He chose to save some... Instead of staying with us."

Lena sighed, her gaze lost in the distance. "Elio, there's something you need to understand. Something I perhaps should have clarified long ago."

Elio turned to her, curiosity piqued.

"I knew the risks your father took every time he went to the wall," Lena began, her voice steady. "I agreed to it. I knew each day could be his last. Sometimes it hurt me as it hurt you, but I also understood why he did it."

"Why?" Elio's voice was barely a whisper.

"Because that was who your father was, Elio. He couldn't be anything but a hero," Lena replied, her eyes shining with pride and sadness. "Not in the grandiose sense of the word, but in its purest form. He believed in protecting others, in doing what was right, even at great personal cost. It was as much a part of him as breathing… He couldn't go against that will."

Elio felt a lump forming in his throat. "But... How could you accept that? How were you not angry with him for putting us second?"

Lena smiled softly. "Oh, sometimes I was angry, furious even. Sometimes I was afraid. That day I was devastated, terrified, but mostly, I was proud. Because I understood that what your father did was bigger than us. He was fulfilling his role of protecting not just our family, but all families… Our city."

She turned to look Elio directly in the eyes. "And now, I see that same spirit in you, my son."

Elio felt tears beginning to form in his eyes. "I... I'm not like him, Mom. I can't be..."

"Aren't you?" Lena asked gently. "Haven't you risked your life to protect others? Despite your disagreement with your father... Haven't you worked tirelessly to improve the city's defenses?"

Elio could no longer hold back his tears. They began to fall freely down his cheeks.

"I'm afraid, Mom," he confessed, his voice breaking. "Afraid of ending up like him, of leaving you all alone."

Lena wrapped her son in an embrace, rocking him gently as she did when he was little. "Oh, my brave boy. Fear is natural. Your father felt it too, he didn't want to leave us either. But he didn't let fear stop him, because he wanted a better world for us all. He didn't stop and I know you won't either.

I might be afraid, angry, even devastated, but mostly... I'll be proud."

For the first time since his father's death, Elio allowed himself to truly cry.

He cried for the father he had lost, for the hero he hadn't understood, for the legacy he now carried.

"I miss him, Mom," he whispered through tears. "I miss him so much."

"I know, sweetheart," Lena replied, her own tears mingling with her son's. "I miss him too. Every day."

They stayed like that for a long time, embracing under the stars, sharing their pain and their love.

Finally, as the tears subsided, Elio pulled away slightly, looking at his mother with new understanding.

"How do you do it, Mom?" he asked. "How do you keep going, despite the pain?"

Lena smiled, caressing her son's cheek. "With hope, Elio. With the hope that each act of bravery, each sacrifice, brings us a little closer to a better world… So it wasn't for nothing. And with the pride of knowing that my son, like his father, is doing his part to create that world."

Elio nodded slowly, feeling as if a weight had been lifted from his shoulders. For the first time in years, he felt at peace with his father's memory.

"Thank you, Mom," he said softly. "For supporting me... For supporting us."

"Always, my child," Lena replied. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what."

They stayed a while longer under the stars, talking about memories of his father, laughing and crying by turns. And when they finally went to sleep, Elio felt renewed, ready to face the challenges that awaited him.

The next morning, as he prepared to return to the wall, Elio hugged his mother one last time.

"I love you, Mom," he said. "And I promise I'll do everything I can to come back home."

"I know," Lena replied, with tears in her eyes but a smile on her lips. "Go and be the hero I know you are, Elio. Your father would be as proud of you as I am."

With those words resonating in his heart, Elio departed back to the wall, carrying with him not only his family's love but also a new understanding and acceptance of who he was.


Elio was walking back to the wall, his mind still processing the conversation with his mother. The weight of his father's legacy felt different now, more like an honorable responsibility than a burden.

However, barely a minute from his house, his thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a familiar and unpleasant voice.

"Well, well. Look who decided to grace us with his presence."

Elio stopped in his tracks, immediately recognizing Marcus's sneering tone. Turning slowly, he saw him accompanied by four burly youths, all with threatening expressions.

Their equipment was complete with level 4 armor and spears, except for Marcus with both at level 5.

Elio lamented having to keep a low profile. 'If only level 5 armor could be disguised like the spears,' he thought ruefully.

"Marcus," Elio said, keeping calm. "I don't have time for this. I need to return to the wall."

Marcus let out a derisive laugh. "You think I give a damn about your schedule? We've got unfinished business, Elian."

Elio noticed how Marcus's companions began to surround him. The tension in the air was palpable.

"This is foolishness, Marcus," Elio tried to reason. "We're soldiers. We have responsibilities. I already gave you the duel you asked for…"

"Shut up!" Marcus shouted, his face contorted with anger. "You just humiliated me in front of everyone! You're going to pay for that!"

Without further warning, Marcus lunged at Elio, his spear aimed directly at the young man's chest.

Elio, with his improved reflexes, managed to dodge the initial attack, spinning on his heel and pulling one of his spears from his back, striking Marcus's face with the blunt end in one fluid motion.

The 100 resistance points of the lvl 5 armor would be a huge wall for Elio with the 8 points of defense total. He would need to inject mana for magic damage, but his 30 points could only be 90 as damage.

But Marcus's hateful and exposed face was another story with only 3. Marcus, 25 points.

Marcus's four henchmen joined the fray.

Two of them, whom Elio mentally labeled as Henchman 1 and 2, attacked from the flanks, while the other two (Henchman 3 and 4) stayed back, spears at the ready, prepared to exploit any opening.

Elio blocked Henchman 1's attack with his spear, the clash of metal against metal resonating in the air. Taking advantage of the momentum, he twisted his weapon, deflecting the attacker's lance and pushing him back. Without missing a beat, Elio activated his elemental control ability, covering his free hand with a layer of nickel.

With a quick movement, he struck Henchman 2 in the face, the magical metal's damage bypassing the defense. Henchman 2, 27 points.

Henchman 2 staggered back, gasping, but Henchman 3 was already in motion. His spear whistled through the air, cutting Elio's arm. The resistant dress absorbed part of the impact, but Elio felt a burning sensation where the tip had struck. Elio, 28 points.

Marcus, recovered from the initial exchange, launched a flurry of thrusts. Elio retreated, blocking and dodging, his mind racing for a solution.

With a sudden movement, Elio managed to create a small opening. Seizing the moment, he threw his spear at Henchman 4, who was approaching from the rear. The spear flew with precision, but Henchman 4 moved, the lance impacting the attacker's shoulder, only damaging the armor. Henchman 4, 30 points / 7 points armor.

Momentarily disarmed, Elio reached for his second lance. Marcus, seizing the opportunity, pressed his attack. His spear found its mark, piercing Elio's side. Pain exploded through Elio as his resistance dropped to 25.

Gasping, Elio activated his elemental control again.

This time, he combined oxygen and hydrogen, creating a small cloud of vapor around his hand. With a quick motion, he grabbed Marcus's hand and cooled the vapor, the sudden temperature change causing the hand to go numb for an instant.

Taking advantage of Marcus's surprise, Elio spun, pulling out his second spear and in the same movement, striking Marcus's weakened hand. The weapon clattered to the ground, leaving Marcus temporarily disarmed.

Henchman 1 and 3 attacked simultaneously. Elio managed to block one with his spear, but the other found an opening, his weapon cutting through the resistant dress and leaving a deep gash in Elio's thigh, his resistance dropping to 23.

Grunting in pain, Elio concentrated his mana in his free hand, creating a small flame. With a desperate move, he threw the flame towards Henchman 1's face, who instinctively recoiled from the shock and minor burns. Henchman 1, 27 points.

Marcus, now disarmed, seized the moment to tackle Elio, knocking him down.

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