Utopian System

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: System's Offer

Elio entered the test chamber, an area surrounded by high white stone walls that seemed to loom over the gathered youths.

Numerous young men and scarce women were waiting in line to be registered before facing the dreaded Water Monster. Some projected bravado, while others couldn't hide their trembling hands.

As he waited for permission to open his book, Elio looked around, trying to calm his nerves. The chamber buzzed with hushed conversations and the occasional nervous laugh.

To one side, a chalkboard caught his attention. It displayed statistics on the success and failure rates for the month in the first two levels of the Book. For the Fire Monster, the success rate hovered around 99%, a comforting number. But for the Water Monster, a more daunting 72% made Elio's stomach churn.

The disparity bothered him. He approached the registration guard, pushing down his unease. "Excuse me, why is there so little information about the third level? Shouldn't we know the victory percentages for that too?"

The guard looked at him with undisguised disdain, his lip curling slightly. "Not how it works here, boy. We reveal only what's necessary for mandatory trials. Level 3 info belongs to those who earn it. You'd do well to focus on surviving the Water Monster first."

A familiar, grating voice cut in before Elio could respond. "Hurry up, filth. You're clogging the line."

Elio tensed up, as he recognized Varick's sneering tone behind him. Did he go to the bathroom hole? Why hadn't he gone into the trial first? That way Elio wouldn't have to put up with him and could continue with his life in peace.

"Savored your fleeting glory, Elian?" Varick sneered. "The Water Monster will shred you. Best get on with dying."

Elio clenched his fists, restraining himself from responding to the provocation. Engaging Varick would only waste energy he needed for the trial ahead. Still, the words stung, feeding the doubts that lurked in the corners of his mind.

The guard seemed to side with the privileged youth. "He's right, boy. A shame to squander Lord Varick's time with your..."

"What's the commotion here?"

The authoritative voice silenced everyone. They turned to see a tall man striding towards them, his presence commanding attention. Light blue hair cascaded over his shoulders, and atop his head perched a small frog, its bulbous eyes taking in the scene.

Elio caught his breath as he realized who it was. One of the only nine 'Summoners' who had managed to reach Level 4 of the Book. These were the men and women who practically controlled the entire Mana City.

The guard hurried to stand at attention. "Nothing of consequence, Von Lucien. Just a rookie asking ill-timed questions."

Varick smiled smugly, it was his uncle. Elio recognized the family resemblance between them. But the smile quickly faded as Lucien shot Varick an icy look that could have frozen fire.

"Don't dismiss the young man's inquiries," Von Lucien reprimanded. "Questions fuel progress. All them are valid when seeking knowledge."

Then he fixed his piercing gaze on Elio, who felt a chill run down his spine. "You're the boy I heard about a few minutes ago, aren't you?" Von Lucien asked, a hint of curiosity coloring his tone. "The one who bested the Fire Monster without equipment, correct?"

Elio nodded stiffly, his mouth suddenly dry. "Y-yes, sir. Elio Elian, at your service." He managed to keep his voice steady, despite the nervous flutter in his stomach.

For an instant, Von Lucien's eyes flashed with something akin to approval, maybe even a touch of excitement. "An admirable achievement for someone of your condition. You remind me of someone." He shook his head with a sigh, a faraway look briefly crossing his face. "That fool also wasn't afraid of his book."

Varick scoffed. "Uncle, surely you don't believe this nobody's fluke..."

"Enough, Varick," Von Lucien cut in sharply. "I won't tolerate such baseless arrogance.Your privilege does not excuse such behavior."

A tense silence fell over the group. Varick looked like he wanted to argue, his face flushed with indignation, but his uncle's intimidating presence made him swallow his words. Elio, for his part, couldn't believe what he was witnessing. The great Von Lucien defending him instead of his own nephew? It seemed too surreal to be happening.

After a pause that felt like an eternity, Von Lucien turned his gaze back to Elio, his expression softening slightly. "Tell me, young Elian, what troubles you about the third level of the Book? Your curiosity intrigues me."

Elio swallowed hard, gathering his courage. This was his chance to learn, to understand more about the system that governed their lives.

"Well, sir... It's just that there's hardly any information about that challenge for the people. We don't even know the actual failure percentage. How can we prepare ourselves if we're kept in the dark?"

Von Lucien nodded pensively, stroking his chin. "True, most jealously guard their secrets, but the third level is not so secret as you might think. The success percentage typically ranges from 40 to 50%, but almost no one challenges it without obtaining information first."

He paused, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Without that crucial knowledge... I'd say the success rate drops to a mere 10%. Or maybe not. In any case, that idiot was... But tell me, young Elian, do you want to challenge the third level yourself?"

Elio was momentarily speechless, unsure if he should share his aspirations. But Von Lucien's inquisitive gaze seemed to push him to confide in the imposing man.

"Well, I could be..." Elio began hesitantly, his voice trailing off.

"What makes you think you could achieve it?" Von Lucien pressed, leaning in slightly. "It could be that you know something about the Nickel Monster and..." He muttered the last part, almost to himself.

Maybe if he told the Summoner his suspicions about the true nature of the "Water" and "Fire" Monsters, he could obtain information or at least gauge the Summoner's reaction.

"Well, my lord, now that you mention it," Elio began, his words coming faster as his excitement grew, "after my experience with the Fire Monster, I began to suspect that the 'elements' these beings supposedly control are not what they seem…

Rather, I believe they manipulate more basic substances like oxygen." He paused, gauging Von Lucien's reaction before continuing. "I even heard a guard call the Water Monster the 'hydrogen monster' and..."

He trailed off, memories of his father's teachings flooding back. The long nights spent discussing theories, the hushed conversations about the true nature of the System. "...and perhaps something related to 'ice' is involved. Is that the nickel you mentioned, or some other catalyst, as my father called it, which allows them to freeze the water?"

"Go on, boy," Von Lucien urged, his eyes shining with growing interest. "Your ideas fascinate me. Continue."

"Well… we're taught that the Water Monster generates that element, but after my experience with the fire one, I suspect it actually controls another substance, one that when combined with oxygen produces water, which is why we must keep our hand sealed against our mouth..."

As he spoke, he noticed Von Lucien's expression becoming more and more pleased, as if Elio was hitting upon some hidden truth. Varick let out a mocking laugh, but his uncle silenced him with a brusque gesture.

So Elio continued, explaining his theory of how the monsters actually controlled elements like hydrogen and oxygen in different states, giving the illusion of manipulating fire and water. As he spoke, Von Lucien's expression became more and more pleased, as if Elio was hitting the mark.

When Elio finished, a heavy silence reigned. Varick looked at his uncle with a mixture of mockery and exasperation, clearly expecting him to dismiss such absurd ideas. But to everyone's surprise, Von Lucien simply nodded slowly.

"Very insightful observations, young Elian. I see you not only have guts, but also a sharp, analytical mind." He narrowed his eyes towards his nephew. "Something that others..."

However, before he could speak, Varick burst into mocking laughter.

"Are you really going to listen to this nobody's nonsense, uncle? He's obviously just trying to impress you with his supposed 'analytical mind' we know that the..."

Von Lucien ignored his nephew, focusing on Elio. "Tell me, young man...how is it that you've come to such conclusions?"

Elio hesitated. "Well, sir... my father... he..."

"Your father?" Von Lucien's eyes narrowed, a spark of recognition flashing in their depths. "Did your father manage to overcome the third level?"

Elio nodded stiffly, a mixture of pride and sorrow welling up inside him. "Yes, my lord. He reached level 3 before..." He swallowed hard, pushing down the lump forming in his throat. "Before falling while defending the city."

A heavy silence fell over the recruitment platform.

Slowly, Von Lucien nodded, an expression of understanding crossing his face. "That explains it all. Elian... Your father..." He trailed off, lost in thought for a moment.

Then, his eyes lit up with an almost mischievous glint. "Young Elian, would you like to learn the truth behind these mysteries? Perhaps even the secrets of the invocations themselves?"

Elio's eyes widened in amazement at such an offer. One of the very nine Summoners was offering to reveal to him the secrets he knew of the System? It was beyond his wildest dreams, a chance he never thought he'd have.

"Yes, my lord!" Elio exclaimed, unable to contain his enthusiasm. "More than anything in the world!"

Von Lucien's smile widened slightly. "Then prove the second challenge won't hinder you, young warrior. Show me you're worthy of such knowledge."

"Yes, my lord."

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