Unique Gamers Travels

Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Huge thanks to Ahren for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!

[Location: Salvatore Boarding School, Mystic Falls] [3rd POV]

After watching Josie run off, she turned to MG who shrugged. "Well, I got homework so I'll see you later, oh, and are you coming to that party tonight?"

Talia shrugged at the question "I don't know, I'm not really the type to go to parties" "Oh come on, it'll be fun!" MG said, puting on his best puppy dog expression.

Talia snorted at this, before replying "Fine, but only because my friend asked me to" MG grinned "Sweet! You won't regret this!" He finished, before walking off.

Talia sat there watching the Wickery game for a few more minutes, before getting up and walking off. She had a few hours to spend doing whatever, so she decided to use them on something worth while.

Getting into her room, she decided to enter the new dungeon for the first time 'System, take me into the dungeon'

After thinking that, she disappeared from the space.

[Within the dungeon]

Within what looked to be a large forest, Talia appeared. Taking in her surroundings, she noticed the differences between this dungeon and the previous one. But her inspection of the new dungeon was cut off by the system.

[Dungeon Quest]

Kill 1000 Goblins - 3 Levels, All tier 4 spells.

Kill the three minbosses in the outer forest - 5 levels, all tier 5 spells, and one random item. Kill the boss of the outer forest - 7 levels, all tier 6 spells, and two random items.n/o/vel/b//in dot c//om

'Hmm not bad, but I have a feeling this is going to take a lot longer than the zombie one. System, show me my status please' Talia requested, having not seen her status in a little while now.


- Talia Morningstar | - | Master of Death | -

[Class - Tier Mage]

[Racial Class - Overlord | Level Max]

[Level - 62/100]

[Species - Wizard, Overlord?]

[Items - Deluminator, Wand, Sword of Gryffindor]

[Equipped Items - Ring of Magic, Ring of Instant Death Resistance, Resurrection Stone, Cloak of Invisibility]

[Wealth - 75 Billion USD]

[Books Consumed - 40]

[Spells Learnt - 100+ | Tiers 0-3 learnt]

[??????? - Hope Mikaelson]

[Maxed Classes - Wizard]

[Current Universe - Legacies]

[Dungeons - Prestige Zombie, Goblin]

'About what I was expecting. But those question marks are getting to me. I can only assume that I have to consummate the bond that I know I probably have with her, in order for it's name to be revealed. Alright, I guess for now it would be best to grind for a couple of hours against goblins. I doubt I can get the 1000 kills today, or even after a few days, but I should have this dungeon completed by the time the necromancer rolls around....hopefully' Talia thought, as she closed her status, and began her hunt.

Prowling around the forest, Talie eventually found her prey, in the form of small, gross looking, green figures.

The small group of five she had found, all had bows and a dagger on them. Just from a single glance, she could tell that they would be easy to defeat, but harder than the zombies. As these goblins definitely had more intelligence than a zombie would.

'Time to begin the hunt'

[Time Skip - Because the author finds dungeons to be boring to write]

After around 3 hours of running around, slaughtering mass amounts of goblins, Tallia had went from level 62 in the Tier mage class, to level 70. She had also counted the amount of kills she had gotten, which had come out to around 450 if she waas counting correctly. She would have gotten more, but the goblins didn't come in hordes like the zombies did, making it much longer to get a decent amount of kills. She found the process boring all things considered, as while the goblins were smarter than the zombies, and did fight back more, they were still rather stupid. The charged forward with their daggers recklessy, and their aim with the bow was terrible. But she assumed that the inner forest would have better foes for her to fight. For now though, she decided on returning to the real world, but not before cleaning herself up with a few spells first.

'System, bring me back'

After her ask of the system, Talia had disappeared from the forest, and reappeared in her room, just in time at that. As the second she appeared, the door opened, and Hope walked in. Hope blinked at the sight of her, having not seen her for the past three hours.

"Where have you been?" Hope asked, as she put her bag away, and flopped onto her bed, before turning to look at Talia. She had noticed that Talia disappeared randomly at times, and would reappear hours later with no explanation, she really wondered where it is she was going, and what she was doing, but she couldn't bring herself to dig deeper.

"Out, I was training some of my more...special spells, and I rather not have people see me use them" Talia answered, which was true. In the dungeon she had messed around with the killing curse some more, seing just how good it actually was, and whether or not she could use her Elder wand to bring it to new heights. She hadn't gotten very far in the three hours, but she did find that the spell could be warped and changed more than she initially anticipated. She felt that she could theoretically change the usage of the spell, changing it from its originally soul attacking use, to something else, she just wasn't exactly sure what. "Right....are you going to that party that's happening in like twenty minutes?" Hope asked curiously.

"Yep, only because MG practically begged me to go, even bringing out his attempt at puppy dog eyes" Talia replied, cousin Hope to smile at the thought.

"Does that mean I could get you to show me one of your spells if I do puppy dog eyes?" Hope asked, smirking at the idea.

Snorting at this, Talia replied "As adorable as the sight would be, no. I'm not entirely ready to show them off just yet" Talia replied, not realizing that she just called Hope adorable until

after she said it.

Hope's cheeks were dusted by pink at this "Y-you think I'm adorable?"

Talia rolled her eyes at the question "It's hard not to, with that smile that shows off your dimples, and the way your nose scrunches when thinking about something" Talia decided to listen to MG and Josie, and start to be a bit more upfront with Hope. She would be lying if she said she didn't find Hope to be incredibly adorable, and incredibly attractive. She pretty much checked off every one of her boxes of what she wants in a woman, she was smart, strong, adorable, had a good attitude, and was ridiculously attractive as well.

Back to Hope, her blush deepened at the upfront compliments, before she mumbled "T- thanks" No one had ever been so upfront with Hope before, not in such a genuine, and appropriate manner at least. The fact that she found Talia to be the most attractive woman she had ever met, and had this weird bond with her, also didn't help. Even the slight compliments from Talia had gotten her inner wolf excited, which definitely had never happened with anyone else.

"Welp, I guess I'm gonna get to that party that I don't really feel like going to. I'll see you later, Hope" Talia said, before getting up and opening the door. Hope responded with her own "bye" before Talia left the room, getting ready to go to a party she did not really want to

go to.

After a couple of minutes, she had found the party, and was immediately approached by MG "Ay, Talia! I'm surprised you came!"

"I am too" Talia said with a sigh, as she listened to the loud, and rather shitty music that was blasting. Walking up to Josie, she noticed the glances she was giving Penelope.

"Josie you good?" Talia asked, noticing the look on her face.

"Huh? Uh, yeah. Di-Did you get dragged to the party too?" Josie asked, while turning to Talia,

shaking off the little staring contest she and Penelope was having.

"Yep, MG gave me the puppy dog eyes and everything" Josie giggled at this, before Talia

turned and noticed Landon sitting talking with Rafael.

"You broke him out of the dungeons?" Talia asked, already knowing the answer. She was inwardly hoping it would change, but it didn't.

"Well...I guess Rafael kinda gave me the puppy dog eyes too" Josie said, finishing with

another giggle. Talia chuckled at this, before noticing Landon who was beginning to run off.

"I think I'm going to follow him before he tries to high tail it out of here" Talia said, turning to Josie who nodded, as she watched Landon run off with a frown. Following Landon was easy, as the guy didn't exactly pay attention to his surroundings, not very much at least. She stopped when she heard a branch break, and noticed a beautiful white

wolf growl at Landon.

Following as the wolf chased Landon, Talia brought out the clothes she had prepared for this, as she already had a feeling this was still going to happen, and as much as a nude Hope was...appealing, she didn't like the idea of Landon seeing Hope in nothing but a jacket. Turning away as the wolf began to change back into Hope mid jump, she waited for a moment before hearing "Are you crazy?! I almost killed you, you idiot!"

Upon hearing this Talia turned back, and walked out into the open, catching Hope's attention. "What are you doing out here?" Hope asked, getting rid of her anger for a moment. "Following the dumbass that thought he could run off and not expect to get followed" Talia replied, before bringing out the clothes she prepared. Hope looked surprised and raised an eyebrow at the clothing "I had a feeling you were going to come out here tonight, so I

prepared these just in case I came across you"

Hope wondered what that feeling was, and if it was at all related to the ones she had been having, before she shook it off and grabbed the clothes, before going behind a tree. Talia awkwardly stood there for two minutes, while being glared at by Landon, who was pissed that this girl stopped him, and was getting those looks from Hope.

"Let's get back to the school" Hope said, getting their attention.

The walk back to the school was rather awkward, at least for Landon, who was forced to sit there and listen to Hope and Talia talk. "You know, your wolf form is pretty beautiful" Hope smiled slightly at this, while her inner wolf was once again going crazy. The two had continued talking for another few minutes, before they entered the school and walked through the library. Only to stop as they noticed Landon trying to touch a rather ordinary

looking knife.

"Don't touch that" Talia and Hope both said, stopping Landon from his attempt.

"Sorry. I didn't. I-I mean, I wasn't...where are we?" Landon said, tripping over his words, before asking a rather dumb question.

"Salvatore boarding school, thought you knew that already" Talia said with a deadpan, Hope

giggled at this before actually answering his rather dumb question, considering there was a name plate for the library and everything.

"The Stefen Salvatore memorial library. All the artifacts in here have a supernatural hiistory"

Hope answered, trying not to giggle at Talia's expression.

"What's the story on this one?" Landon asked.

"Who knows, but it's probably best not to touch a random, nondescript magical artifact, that

for all you know, could kill you by simply touching it" Talia replied. Hope nodded at her

words, agreeing with all of it.

"So-" "Welp, time to get you back to the cells" Talia said, cutting Landon off from his

attempts at trying to get to know Hope better. Landon scowled at her, before Hope spoke "Probably for the best"

Landon had an angered look on his face, but had no choice but to follow the girls and be put

back into the cells. Hope didn't even as much as say a word to Landon, as she walked off, causing Talia to snicker slightly, before following her.

Walking back to their room, the two continued their previous conversation as if nothing had


[The next day]

It was the next day, and Landon had already left. Considering there was a school wide

assembly, Talia assumed that Hope and Alaric already had there talk, and she also assumed that it went quite a bit differently than in canon.

Moving into the assembly, Tallia sat down next to Hope with a sigh "So I'm assuming this is

about the mophead?" Talia whisper asked Hope, who sighed and nodded at the question, before turning as Alaric began to speak.

"For ten years we've gone undetected. Protecting you, protecting our secret has been our

singular mission. Tonight I need your help to find Landon Kirby...before he exposes us all" Alaric said, causing whispers amongst the students.

After that little assembly, Talia moved back into her room. She had sat and watched her show

for 30 minutes before Hope had walked in. Noticing Hope, Talia closed her laptop before speaking. "So...why use black magic?" Talia asked, causing Hope to look at her with surprise on her face.

"How did you know?" Hope asked, confused on how Talia could have possibly known about the spell.

"Simple, I can sense it. My senses are...special, especially in regards to magic. The black magic

stench on you is very strong, and blatant. I'm assuming you used some sort of locator spell to

find him?" Talia asked.

Hope nodded "It was the easiest and fastest way to find him"

"Well...let's just hope you get to him before he does anything stupid" Talia said.

Spoiler alert, he did something stupid.

As the next day, Talia, alongside Hope and Alaric, walked into a bus full of burnt corpses. The

same bus that Landon was on, and the same one that Hope had tracked the previous night. "Well...guess it's time to hunt a mophead"

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(Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)

That's the end of the chapter, as well as the end of episode 1!

If you couldn't tell, I was struggling towards the end there. As I find writing these episodes to

be a lot harder to write than my own OC stuff I make up, weirdly enough. Next chapter will probably be either shorter than this one, or the same length, and should cover around the first half of the second episode (for the dragon plot at least, as it is actually pretty short). Things will really begin to change towards episode 3-4. So far now, bare with me, as it will be

somewhat similar to canon for a little while.

Anyways, have a good day! Please point out any mistakes! See you tomorrow!

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