Unique Gamers Travels

Chapter 13: Chapter 13

Chapter 13: Chapter 13

Huge thanks to Tristan, Matthew, and Ben for buying my Patreon! It really means a lot to me! anyways, onto the story!

[Location: Salvatore Boarding School, Mystic Falls] [3rd POV]

[Morning, the next day]

It was the next morning after Hope and Alaric had left for Atlanta in order to pick up the new Werewolf student, who Talia was certain is Rafael. Talia during this time had thought over when to go into the dungeon again.

'Seeing as the dungeon is unlocked, I need to go into it sooner rather than later, as I desperately need a TVD witch class, because I ain't learning shit here' Talia thought, while laying on her bed.

'Considering the dungeon was locked for like two weeks after I completed the previous one, this one will probably end up being locked for at least 3 weeks, probably more like a month. Which makes sense, but is definitely a bit of an issue. Getting my Tier Mage class maxed out is a must, and hopefully I can get at least Tier 8 spells along the way' Talia thought, as she slowly climbed out of bed when noticing the time. It was about time to head to class, and she was not the type to be late to class.

'Hopefully Landon isn't as bad as in canon, but considering how annoying some of the students here are, I have a feeling he is worse' Talia thought with a groan at the idea of Landon being worse than he already was.

She disliked Landon more than any character in Legacies. She found him to be the most boring, useless, and just overall bad character in the show. He was comparable to a wet sock in terms of personality. And she sure as hell knows he doesn't deserve someone like Hope.

Walking into her first period, she sat down with a sigh. Dorian was already going on about stuff she already knew due to reading ahead at the library, so she was basically just sitting there learning nothing of importance. She liked Dorian as a person, but the stuff he covered was dogshit.

'They'll probably be here towards lunch, considering Penelope was in this class, and as far as I know, she has it later in the day' Talia thought with a hum, ignoring Dorian's covering of the theory behind a fire spell.

The fact that she already knew a lot of spells similar to the ones they were talking the theory of, made the classes even more unbearable. Hell, if she had the materials for it, she was pretty sure she could make just about any potion in TVD with relative ease, on top of the ones she already knows. Sadly, she didn't get any potion ingredients from the dungeon.

"Talia....Talia!" Dorian yelled out, trying to get Talia's attention.

Talia, snapping out of her thoughts, turned to Dorian, who sighed. He knew that these classes were practically worthless to her, and he wished she could be taught something of a bit more value to someone like her, but Alaric was pretty strict with the curriculum taught at the school.

"Ms. Tig wants to meet with you" Dorian says, catching Talia off guard.

"Did she say what for?" Talia asked with an eyebrow raised, not expecting to get called up like that. She didn't do anything bad.... to her knowledge.

"She did not" Dorian says, while some of the students began to whisper, thinking she did something bad. Talia just rolled her eyes at this, and got up.

"Her office, I'm assuming?" Talia asked.

"The Headmasters actually" Dorian replied, correcting Talia.

Talia eyebrow furrowed at this, trying to think of why she'd call for her to go to Alaric's office. 'Perhaps she wants me to meet with Alaric and Hope when they get back? Or maybe even take part in that tour for Rafael?'

Shrugging, Talia gave Dorian a wave before walking out of the class. Assuming she was right, there was a good chance she was about to be shoved between the weird and awkward thing Landon and Hope have going on.

Walking into the office, Talia shut the door as Emma motioned for her to do so.

"Did I do something wrong? I don't remember pulling any pranks yet" Talia said, already having a faint idea of what this might be about, but she wasn't entirely sure.

"Yet? And no, in fact, your here due to your obvious disinterest in class" Emma said, motioning for Talia to sit. Talia sighed at this, having known it would be obvious. "Well....most of the classes in this school are not what I was expecting. The normal classes like Physics and Geography, are incredibly boring as I am already far ahead in that class. The magical classes mostly cover theory, which I have more than enough knowledge in that area. The other classes are pretty much the same, I already know 95% of what I am being taught. It's hard not to be bored over the curriculum" Talia said, deciding to be upfront about this matter.

Emma sat quietly while listening to this, nodding along, already having expected this to be the answer "Which is why I am here to give you an offer"

"An offer?"

"Due to your obvious disinterest in class, and the fact that you are drastically ahead of everyone else in most of the curriculum the classes cover, I have been given permission by Alaric to offer you the chance to take advanced tests for each of these classes, as well as finish the classes early. This normally wouldn't be allowed, even for an incredibly gifted student, but due to your...circumstances, we'll allow you to do this. Should you pass the tests and do all the assignments that are required in order to pass, then you will be given the credit for the class, and will have a free period for each class you pass" Emma said.

Hearing this Talia's eyebrow shot up at the idea. She had never heard of something like this happening, she knew that people could do it in the normal world, but she was also certain that it wasn't that easy. She assumed that it was due to the way this school works, and the fact that it was more so made to teach students how to control their powers, and not to teach them physics and all that bs. Due to the way the school was created, there were students who were technically able to enter college, still at the school, with some of the older students being 20-


"You don't need to worry about your college applications, should you wish to enter one, as Alaric has friends in high places that would be more than happy to help you enter a college, should you ever wish to" Emma added, knowing how important the college was to some


Talia immediately replied to this "Yeah no, I'm more interested in magic than going to college, I'll just self study if I really have to"

Emma smiled at this, having expected that answer from Talia. "So, are you interested in such

an idea?"

"Of course, I'd rather just get it done now rather than keep going to classes I already know everything about. But, what will I do during those free periods?"

"Self Study, help out around the school, help myself or the Headmaster, or potentially even become an assistant teacher if you wish, as I am sure Dorian would be more than happy to have your help" Emma replied.

Talia nodded at this "Well, whenever you have the tests and assignments ready bring them to me and I'll do them"

Talia was confident she could easily pass most of the classes with ease, the only one that she wasn't entirely sure about was Chemistry of Magic, and that was only due to it having spells she didn't have knowledge on yet. But, considering a few trips to the library allowed her to know most of the curriculum covered, almost entirely due to her heightened comprehension of magic, knowledge of magic she already has, and occlumency. Had she not had these mixture of abilities, she was pretty sure it wouldn't be so easy for her.

"We should have them ready within the next few days, during that time you will have to continue going to class" Talia nodded at this, before they heard the sound of a car pulling up. "It seems that they have returned, why not greet them alongside the twins?" Emma said, a smile on her face. Talia sighed but nodded, knowing how Emma will get if she said no. Walking out the front door, she walked up quietly behind the twins and gave a sharp "BOO!" Jumping the twins twirled around to find a grinning Talia standing there. "Asshole! You almost made me mess up my hair!" Lizzie said with a huff, while Josie looked at Talia with a


"Sorry, sorry. I just couldn't help it" Talia said with a chuckle, before turning and watching as the doors to the jeep opened. Immediately she noted the mopheaded Landon, the nervous looking Rafael, and the supremely annoyed Hope.



Hope looked like she wanted to be anywhere but there, 'Damn what did Landon say to make

her so annoyed?'

The twins walked forward and began their little creepy introduction thing they do.

"Welcome to the Salvatore School. We're your tour guides" Lizzie said with a smile while looking at Rafael, he was the fresh new and very hot meat in her mind.

"I'm Josie" "I'm Lizzie. Sisters" "Twins" "Faternal. Obvs"

"It's just as creepy as the first time you did that" Talia said, catching glances of the two new

boys. Rafael looked at her in surprise, while Landon looked at her with a....frown?

"It is not creepy, it is welcoming" Lizzie said with a huff, before Alaric interrupted whilen/o/vel/b//in dot c//om


"Rafael, why don't you go ahead with the girls while I talk to Landon"

Hearing this the twins walked over to Rafael and grabbed one arm each ready to lead him

through the school, but not before saying ""Morning, Hope""

"Morning, girls" Hope replied. "More like despair" Lizzie said, which caused Josie to giggle slightly.

"I heard that" Hope replied, rolling her eyes at Lizzie's comment. Before she walked over to

Talia with a happy smile.

"No you didn't" Lizzie replied while walking away.

Turning her head slightly, Hope replied with annoyance "Didn't have to" "Everyone, behave" Alaric interrupted, deciding to stop the arguing before it begins.

"Love you, Dad" The girls said over their shoulders, before walking off with Rafael.

"Their twin thing is still creepy to me" Talia commented, turning to Hope who walked up besides her.

"You get used to it...for the most part" Hope replied, before giggling slightly towards the end.

"So....Kitchen Nightmares again tonight?" Talia asked.

"Of course, we have to finish season 3 don't we?" Hope replied like the answer was obvious.

Talia rolled her eyes before smiling.

Alaric smiled slightly at the interaction, before turning to Landon "So...let's get started" Gain access to an additional chapter early, as well as other bonuses on my patreon for three dollars a month!

https://www.patreon.com/Fanfictions770?utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator (Or just look up Crazedmadman on Patreon and you should find me)

That's the end of this chapter. Next chapter WILL be longer, and should cover a decent bit of

episode 1, around half or so.

This chapter was mainly the conversation between Emma and Talia, and the start of episode one. Talia has also noticed the differences in Hope and Landon's relationship already. Honestly, this is probably the most meh chapter I have made so far, but I promise stuff will

start happening soon. Next chapter should be anywhere from 2000-3000 words, in order to cover at least half the episode.

Serious Question: Would you rather Hope and Talia get together quickly, as in by episode 2-4,

or later, as in episode 6-10? I may or may not listen to the answers given by y'all, as this is

simply a question. A good bit of time passes between different episodes, especially later into the season.

Anyways, I hope everyone has a good day! Please point out any mistakes I may have made! See you tomorrow!

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