
Chapter Fifty Eight - 058

Chapter Fifty Eight - 058

Felix felt a sharp, acrid emotion across his pact, swiftly followed by the scent of ice moving toward them. Pit's warning was too late, however.

The giants had arrived.

Shit shit shit shit! He cursed himself before glancing guiltily at the Elemental Shard. I had one job to do!

A sense of panic suddenly swelled in his chest, though it was clearly from Pit. It had been getting easier and easier to differentiate that. Felix tried to calm his heart, taking slow, deep breaths while simultaneously sending warning to his Companion: No! Stop! Stay out there buddy. It's too dangerous here.

A pregnant pause, then Pit's sent back a anxious and surly concession. Felix breathed a sigh of relief. One less worry.

Felix crouched low, angling himself so he could see beyond the lip of his domed alcove. Barely, just barely he could make out the massive bronze doors and the figures that strode through it. Wrapped in dark cloaks that nearly blended with the night outside, three female Risi glided upon gaits so smooth it was like they were floating. They were easily eight feet tall, and differed from their male counterparts only in that they actually had hair on their heads: long flowing manes of white hair whipped wildly about as they came in like a thunderstorm. Purple-white and deepest blue Mana flared along their bodies, visible even to normal eyes as it gathered along their shoulders in an arc of ethereal power. The ambient Mana in the room swirled, drawn toward the powerful Risi.

The Circle. Felix bit his lip. Then that means...

A mountainous figure followed after them, several shards of ice orbiting a body covered in dark iron armor. A massive sword, easily ten feet long, was sheathed at his hip, tilted slightly so it didn't drag on the floor. Felix was reminded again of how tall this bastard was, as he nearly skimmed the top of the archway, which was easily twenty five feet. His beard was white and braided, different than many of the other Risi, though his massive head was just as bald.

Grimmar. That's right. He had those same shards floating around him the other day too. Then this one...He looked over at the shard still floating next to him in a light crackle of blue electricity. This must be his too.

Both the witches and Grimmar stopped below the dome so that Felix was looking directly down on them from his hidden vantage. Perfect spot to play sniper...if I had anywhere to escape to. I'm a sitting duck up here, and the only way out is down.

"A little bird spoke to me of intruders in my temple," Grimmar's voice was deep, seeming to vibrate the air itself, the cacophonous sound of a rockslide. "I dared not believe prey would ever be so bold. What wild confidence bolsters your spirit? What foul misconception believes that you could TAKE from ME."

Felix watched at Magda and the former prisoners spread out warily. The shield warrior held out her hands. "We seek only our people's freedom, giant. Let us leave and there will be no more death here."

"Is that a threat, little Human?" One of the female Risi spoke up, her voice melodious and light.

"It's a damn promise, witch!" Callie snarled, daggers in hand.

The giant laughed, a cruel sound in his too large throat. "What fire! Sigrun show these Humans what we think of fire, hm?"

Before Felix could blink, a veritable storm of ice Mana swirled around one of the witches, and with a flick of her wrist she sent it howling toward Magda.

That was when all hell broke loose.

Clouds of near-physical ice Mana screamed toward the Guilders, tearing up the floor in a series of staccato explosions that hurt Felix's ears even a hundred feet up. Enveloped in moments, Felix's mouth went dry as he considered the power needed to cast such a spell, even as he felt a bone deep hunger for such a Skill.

Gotta get some of her blood, came the thought, heavy with an ache in his stomach.Felix shook the thought away. Now wasn't the time. Now was for survival.

Below, as the Mana cloud swirled, tearing stone and ice into the air two figures burst outward: Magda and Callie. They ran in opposite directions, circling around Grimmar, both glowing ominously. Behind them Felix watched the Mana cloud disperse, revealing a large Force Wall dome of yellow light. It flickered and faded, and the nine Guilders within surged forth.

Grimmar unsheathed his blade, brandishing it before him as the two Silver Ranks converged on their target. He roared. "Come then! Try and claim what is the Kin's by right!" Leading with her equipped kite shields, Magda struck first.

"Shield Bash!"

A wave of energy slammed into the giant, forcing him to block with his ten foot long blade, and capturing his focus. With a sudden burst of motion, Callie appeared behind Grimmar with her daggers poised above his achilles heel. But the leader of the Risi was no slouch, surprising Felix and Callie both with his speed and ferocity. Grimmar kicked backward, catching the treasure hunter square in the chest and launching her twenty feet; and he was more than ready for Magda's subsequent flurry of blows, warding them off with almost casual grace.

"Are you even trying, little fawns?" He laughed. "Why bother playing at predator with fangs such as these? Blunted claws were not meant to hunt!"

Felix pivoted, looking at the other Guilders, who even now rushed at the witches. The big man in front lead the charge, and an impressive array of Skills suddenly filled the room; for all that they were on their last legs, these prisoners weren't holding back. Felix was impressed. The witch, assaulted on all sides, formed a barrier of ice but found it battered down in moments; the furious, desperate strength of the prisoners overcame the spell in a spectacular flash. The purple-white light of her spells soon washed to blue as the first witch breathed her last.

A ragged cheer rose from the prisoners, though the large man with the hammer was trying to redirect their forces to the next target. Felix saw it coming, much as their leader did.

Influence of the Wisp!

Failed. Target Not In Range.

He couldn't stop Sigrun, the powerful witch from hurling a column of deep blue Mana at them. A roar of displaced air and when it cleared three of the nine were down, their bodies pierced by prehensile tendrils of living water.

No! He couldn't do anything up here!

"Prey does not take from the predators! You are our hunt, our meal, our revel!" Grimmar's laugh boomed outward as he backhanded Magda's Force Wall, causing it to shimmer and quake. "You will fall because that is your destiny! You--ARGH!"

Magda smashed into Grimmar's knee, knocking it inward with an audible crunch, even as her left gauntlet screeched out as it crumpled.

I need to do something, he thought frantically. I can't stay up here and do nothing!

You could hide, a soft voice in the back of his mind suggested. It batted blue-green eyes at him, tempting him into the easier path. Run away and no one would blame you.

Felix gave that line of reasoning more consideration that he should have before pulling away. No.Enough hiding. No one else is dying so I can go free. He paused and looked down at the chaos below him. I just wish I had a plan that didn't end with me dying. He couldn't attack directly for fear of counterattack without a way to dodge, and he couldn't use his utility Skills because he was too far away. Felix's mind raced, considering his options.

Then Grimmar roared as one of Callie's daggers struck true, drawing great dollops of blue blood. Suddenly the ice shards that floated around him pulsed with purple-white light, sigils glowing and projecting outwards into a complex series of circular designs. To Felix's Manasight, it was as if a massive glacier had erected itself around the giant, encasing him in its protective embrace. Then, the spell circles reoriented on his attackers and Grimmar laughed again, wild and vicious. Honestly, it was becoming annoying.

"Die where you belong! Mewling in the dirt!"

Twelve foot long ice spears formed within the spinning spell circles and began launching rapid-fire, like a magical machine gun. Callie bobbed and weaved her way across the room, dodging most of them, but she was peaking; Felix could tell by her slouching shoulders and slowing gait. She wasn't as fast as she was at the start of the fight. And when she stumbled, Magda was there with a shield raised, letting the ice spears shatter on her power. Still, Magda fell back against the onslaught.

Worse yet, Felix's captured shard began to glow in response to the display. Sigils lit up the majority of the shard, and it attempted to fly down and join its siblings. Only Felix's Willpower kept it at bay, Reign of Vellus restraining it with azure lightning. However, slowly but surely, it's slipping away.

Felix looked below at Grimmar's marked rise in power, saw how he was dominating the field with his three Elemental Shards. The two witches were working together, casting spell after spell at the remaining seven prisoners, quickly wearing them down.

I can't let him have another, he gulped. Then, before he could overthink it, he slapped his hand onto the Elemental Shard.

Do You Wish To Claim This Shard?


Shard Already Claimed. Contest Claimant?


Vessilia had made it.

The run to the outer wall was flawless, the cover of night enough to keep her group unseen and unheard. They slipped through the gaps in the makeshift wall and sped off into the city proper, angling in the direction of the tower. The group didn't speak, more concerned with conserving their limited Stamina, and Vessilia herself was preoccupied with both leading them and carrying Pell, who was only getting worse. Still, she traded a few handsigns with Vivianne who proved to be an able scout, helping to keep the six of them within the deeper shadows and alleyways.

A few minutes beyond the wall, Vessilia brought them all up short before sending them back to hide within a half-collapsed ruin nearby. From within those deep shadows, they saw dozens of giants rushing past, moving at a far faster clip than any patrol she had seen previously. Handing Pell off to Enod, a strapping old man who was a wide as a Dwarf, Vessilia crept forward. The giants kept coming, group after group, as if all the patrols were converging on one spot, rumbling down the street toward...the encampment.

Oh no. Felix. Magda. They're in danger!

Still in a crouch, Vessilia spun back toward her new allies, intending to announce a change of plans. To say she was heading back to the Risi camp. But the words died in her throat.

The entire group was lying still on the ground.

W-what is this?

"Tsk tsk, heiress," whispered a voice. "You really should pick better company. Look at em. Asleep on the job."

Vessilia sensed a presence behind her and spun around, reaching for the knife she kept on her belt. But it was gone. Her whole belt was gone. Belatedly, she remembered the sound of ripping back in the encampment.

My belt! My...my pot..potions...

She wobbled on her feet, acrid fumes flooding in her nose, before falling unceremoniously onto her face.

Illia, masked and armored, manifested from the shadows wearing a wide grin.

"Time to go~!"

Magda covered her eyes, barely able to see. A flare of visible purple-white light had burst from the three shards floating above Grimmar, well above the ambient light given off by whatever gods-cursed Skill the beast was utilizing. As her eyes cleared, Magda caught the flare of the same colored magic above them, in the alcove at the top of the dome.

Felix...what is he doing?

The ice spears were still firing, but their power seemed diminished. As if the massive giant's full attention was no longer on them at all. As the spots disappeared from Magda's eyes, she saw that the massive giant's eyes were unfocused and staring off into the middle distance.

"Something is happening...It's not...What is the blue bastard doing?" Callie growled, getting up from the ground after chugging a yellow Stamina potion; specifically one stolen from Magda's own belt.

"I have a feeling my...associate is involved with this," Magda admitted, glancing up again.

"The climbing kid?" Callie looked up, keen eyes making out a handsome young man with pale skin, dark shaggy hair and piercing blue eyes that glowed brightly. One of those weird ice crystals floated next to him. "He's a mage?"

"Something like that," Magda grunted, using her shields to bat away more ice spears. "Come! We'll attack while its distracted!"

They rushed forward.

Felix was in a dark void.


Well this is familiar.

He was once more lit by a sourceless light, except this time he wasn't alone. Grimmar was there, too.

Where am I?! WHAT IS THIS?! The Risi leader suddenly noticed Felix as the only other thing in the nothingness around them. PREY! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?!

Felix didn't answer. Partly because he wasn't entirely sure, and partly because he was terrified of the giant.

You dare to ignore me, whelp? You are nothing!

Then a purple-white shard of ice appeared, materializing from the void in the exact middle of the space.

What? That is my.... Felix had to admit, Grimmar was quick on the uptake. He raised his arm and the shard began to fly toward the giant, gathering speed as it did.

NO! Felix raised his own hand strained his muscles, dragging on some invisible line to make the shard stop. It quivered and came to rest, shaking ever so slightly. This one is mine, Grimmar!

The giant snarled at him, but that snarl faded as the shard slowly but surely began to creep back toward Felix. Redoubling his efforts, the giant's arm muscles bulged and his hand turned to claws as the shard began reversing toward the Risi leader.

I will end you, Human. I'll strip the flesh from your bones, boil your hide, feed my hounds your cursed entrails, all while my witches keep you on the cusp of life and death, until you howl for me to stop. But I will not. The shard lurched alarmingly closer to Grimmar, and his huge smile became sharper. I'll tear your friends apart as well, feeding them piece by piece to the monstrosities in the Labyrinth. But not you. You'll know horror and torment for all of time.

Felix swallowed, sweat pouring down his face as he applied everything he could, straining his arms to pull the shard back toward him. But it was no use. The giant was strong, impossibly strong.

HAHAHA! You stand no chance, boy! Grimmar's laughter echoed through the void, buffeting Felix like a burst of wind. You are but a fawn, pretending to be the wolf! You have not the claws to tear, nor the teeth to bite!

The shard zipped another ten feet closer to the giant.

You were made to be ruled, to be put in your place. This world only has one constant: strength dominates, and the weak must serve...or perish.

The words struck Felix like physical blows, his arms shaking and his head growing dizzy. What...what is this? Felix felt like his Strength had become nothing in this place, as if his stats were meaningless in this contest of strength. The giant's words reminded Felix of all the times he came close to death, of the creatures large and small that had nearly killed him, that would have killed him were it not for luck. Grimmar's voice oozed across his mind, a foul presence that stank of blood and fear, and it finally struck him: He was going to lose.

Yessss! You see it now, I can tell! I know that look of defeat, of anguish! Grimmar's words were gleeful, even as they boomed out. You have begun to realize, haven't you? Your proper place in this world.

Grimmar dragged his arm back, the shard flying toward his open hand at speed.

Beneath my boot.


The void rippled all around them, like a stone dropped in a puddle, and Grimmar seemed to lose his concentration. The shard slowed to a stop, mere feet from the giant's grasp.

What was that? Grimmar demanded, eyes swiveling toward Felix. What did you say?

I said no, you piece of shit! Felix straightened his legs, pushing up against the force that weakened him. Except he didn't push with his Strength or his Endurance; he didn't push back with his physical body at all. They weren't here physically anyway, so how would that make a difference? Here, in the void, it was a world of the mind. You might be strong, Grimmar. You might be powerful. Maybe you even have some magic and cunning enough to use it.

Felix straightened fully, his arm extended once again.

But I bet you don't have 169 points in Willpower, asshole!

Felix suddenly blazed with potency, his Willpower actively engaged in the contest for the first time. The shard shook, wobbling at first as Grimmar strained against it, but then it sped up toward the Nymean.

Grimmar howled. That is mine! Taken by right of combat at the Kingsrock! You cannot claim it! You are prey!

Shut the fuck up, Felix gasped, his concentration pushing the edge of his capability. The shard zipped across the intervening distance, faster and faster, and nothing the giant did made it sway at all. Then, with a final pop, the shard flew into Felix's arms.

The void dissolved, and the last thing Felix heard were the rage-fueled screams of the giant.

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