Ultimate Level 1

Chapter 266: A Life Ending Challenge

Skin stretched and the merfolk king which was between eight and nine feet now, grew. His body expanded, muscles getting larger until he stood almost fourteen feet tall.

Huge knuckled fists hung down as the king glared at him through red eyes.

The scales had taken on a dark red tone, and at least two hundred pounds, if not more of mass, had just appeared from nowhere. The tiny pair of trunks looked to be holding on by a thread, somehow wedged between the folds of muscle and joints.

The arena erupted in roars of approval.

“Try not to die!”

Max dodged backward as the first attack came, slamming downward at the spot he had been, sand filling the air and a crater three feet deep in the floor now present.

The power of the strike washed over Max as the water shifted, and he maneuvered as quickly as possible, following the now sped up and improved speed of the one he faced.

Heat radiated off of Jalnig Nuk, causing the water to bubble off his skin.

Evasion was working overtime as Sonar told Max where each strike was coming and instead of blocking, every attack had to be avoided, unsure how much damage would be done if one managed to hit.

Hit him!

Max ignored his skill, getting a feel for a monster that obviously knew how to fight with his bare hands. Not having a skill left Max open the moment he threw a punch, and that kept him from acting.

As they moved, more heat came from the king’s skin, extra bubbles rising from everywhere water touched him.

Roots struggled to appear in the sand, giving the red rampaging giant before him pause as he looked down at what was attempting to grab at his ankles.

Max summoned a wall of stone, lifting the king off the sand for a moment as the wall appeared right against his ankles.

Throwing a punch, Max struck at the arm he had just dodged, slamming into the outer part of the king's left forearm. The force caused the king to spin in the water, his body twisted sideways for a moment, head coming down low.

Swinging with his left arm, Max aimed for that large head full of wild blond hair, only to watch a grin appear on Jalnig Nuk’s face and his eyes go wide.

Speed that was impossible to believe caused the king to spin, his left arm coming for Max as the twist in the water moved him faster and left with no other choice, Max connected his punch while blocking the fist the size of his head with his right arm.

Both he and Jalnig Nuk flew backward, the impact from each other sending the pair over forty yards away through the water.

[ Regeneration ]

His right arm had been fractured but was already healing, and Max saw the king climb to his feet and stare at him.


Roaring again, the water seemed to now boil off the scales as they turned a bright red and Jalnig Nuk grew another two feet.

Like an arrow the King covered the distance in a second, only to find an air wall right where his face was, sending him upward and off target from the attack he had been trying to do.

[ Power Strike ]

Max’s fist flashed as it connected with the knee, wishing for a better target but taking what he could.

The crack that came and the way the knee bent sideways surprised Max, having expected the whole joint to be destroyed.

Instead, as Jalnig Nuk tumbled through the water, his left leg flopping behind him from the knee down, Max jumped on the man’s back, grabbing on to the hair, ignoring the heat that burnt his flesh.

[ Weakness ]

[ Magical Strike ]

[ Rampage ]

A howl of agony from the red beast came as Max punched at the collarbone of Jalnig Nuk.

The first punch shattered the bone while the other shoved them deeper inside the flesh, almost to the point of pushing through the burning skin.

The left arm tried to grab him but Max dodged to the king’s injured right side, avoiding the flailing attempts.

“Surrender and I will stop!”


Max started punching the same spot, over and over, dozens of hits striking as Jalnig Nuk held himself up on the sand with one arm and one knee, bent over, boiling water coming from him.

Get away now!

Whatever his skill sensed, Max didn’t hesitate, letting go of the braids of hair he had been holding and kicking himself off the brute's massive back.

Pain washed over him as Jalnig Nuk roared once more, sending out shockwaves of power.

The injuries that Max had inflicted were healing, and the sand beneath the king’s body began to melt. Water evaporated as quickly as it got within a foot of the now twenty-two foot tall blazing red and orange behemoth.

Lava seemed to almost flow from the king’s skin, and he stood, turning to face Max, eyes burning with anger and confusion.

“What have you done?!”

The weakness!

Grinning, Max laughed and pointed at the towering monster before him.

“I’m not done yet, but if I had to guess, you’re running out sooner than later. We can call this a draw or–”

Another roar came, and it became so bright that Max couldn’t see. It was as if he stared at the sun.


Evasion and Sonar couldn’t match what came for him. Even his mind struggled to handle what was taking place.

This narrative has been purloined without the author's approval. Report any appearances on Amazon.

[ Armored Warrior ]

[ Bulwark ]

[ Evasion ]

Every wall he could summon was gone in an instant.

A punch that would level cities came.

For a second, agonizing pain worse than anything Max had ever felt struck.

It was as if his entire being was torn apart, every bit of his body flung in different directions as the fist that was over three feet wide struck his chest.

An eternity of pain was there, and then it was gone.

[ Negate Death Blow ]

Power washed around him and the arena, and Max saw the light immediately fade from a blazing sun to a barely burning ember.

The massive giant that had to have been at least thirty or more feet tall was now back to his normal size, floating in the water, hovering above the blackened rock six feet down.

Max realized all the sand for twenty yards was gone, vaporized. Beyond that area were three feet of sand that was bubbling like lava, slowly flowing toward the empty hole.

Silence was everywhere as not a single spectator in the arena made a sound.

Max moved slowly to where the king was, barely breathing, his body limp like a wet noodle.

“Do you surrender?”

Jalnig Nuk turned his head slightly. His closed eyes became slits that had a very dim pair of blue eyes trembling at the man next to him.

“I… surrender…”

His breathing was ragged, and a gong sounded, yet not a single sound still was heard anywhere else.

Pulling a healing potion out, Max held it before Jalnig Nuk’s eyes and pulled back a lid.

“Can you use this? Will it heal you?”

A slight nod of the head was all the king could give, so Max uncorked the bottle and put it in the king’s lips, letting him drink the advanced healing potion.

The flesh around the king began to quiver, and Max could see the color in his face and scales become brighter.

“You… you are a tower climber… your strength proves it,” Jalnig Nuk said as his body rotated, allowing him to stand on the stone with Max. “Tell me… how many are like you?”

Chuckling, Max gave the king a gentle clap on the arm and shook his head.

“I’m the only one.”

Weak laughter came at first and slowly grew louder, filling the area they were in as the king grabbed Max’s hand and raised his arm high.

“Celebrate for the new champion! Seth Pendal!”

Cheers and the sound of tens of thousands stomping their feet filled the arena as Jalnig Nuk slowly spun Max around, showing him off to the crowd.

“Perhaps we should retire somewhere a little quieter and where both of us can recover?”

More laughter came from Jalnig Nuk as he shook his head before nodding.

“You are not tired and I can tell it, but I appreciate you trying to save me face. Come. Let us gather your allies and find somewhere we can talk in private.”


“It saved you,” Tanila said as she spoke quietly in Max’s ear, feigning a kiss. “What I saw was… my heart almost gave out till I saw you there, unhurt.”

Moving her head, Max stood on his toes and gave her a kiss, pulling her close, ignoring the looks he knew those gathered were giving.

“Seth Pendal, you are very fortunate to not only be strong but have someone who loves you,” Jalnig Nuk stated. “Finding love for one in my position is difficult. So many desire the power of the throne yet cannot realize the responsibility that comes with it.”

“Responsibility is a heavy mantle and unfortunately, so often the one that wears it finds themselves alone,” Max replied. “I am fortunate to have this family before you who help me with it.”

Blue eyes sparkled as Jalnig Nuk nodded, slowly drinking the cup he held as he gazed upon the group of people a few steps below. Fowl and Batrire sat close, holding hands and smiling as Cordellia sat in the chair near Tanila’s.

“Tell me when you are ready and I can take you and your party to the portal that will allow you to exit this place.”

Max saw Tanila’s head whip around and sensed her heart rate spiking.

“You know where the portal is? And yet you challenged us like that? Almost killing–”

“It was a test.”

Those words silenced her as the gaze from the king carried a weight of power.

“You are the first in so long. To come here is not common at all. Stories abound about those who are deemed worthy to find our home. As my advisor mentioned, often they carry a unique stone to prove they are worthy of us. Since you did not carry them, you needed to prove yourself. I…”

Jalnig Nuk frowned, glancing at his cup for a moment before turning his gaze to Max.

“I should not have done what I did and I am grateful you somehow withstood that which I should have never attempted. As such, you have earned a reward.”

He nodded, and a servant came, holding out a tiny chest that would fit in the palm of Max’s hand.

“Take this. What is inside is for you and no one else. Those who come before you often carry a clear or blue gem. They face a different trial and are rewarded as such. You… you would have easily walked through that task and the rewards for it are minimal in comparison.”

Max slowly took the rainbow colored chest and flicked the tiny lid open, staring inside.

“It’s empty.”

Laughter echoed around the room and Jalnig Nuk shook his head.

“Put your finger inside. I promise it won’t bite it off.”

Max nodded and slowly slid his pointer finger into the opening.

Power flowed through it and suddenly the box began to form around his hand before running into his palm.

“Turn your hand over.”

Obeying, Max watched as the ball of rainbow hued goo shifted and moved and then started to take a shape. Size was added and soon a pair of chain metal pants that changed colors depending on the light rested in his palm.

“It appears you are needing those. May they serve you well as you attempt what is impossible.”

“Why is it impossible?”

Jalnig Nuk chuckled and set his cup down, leaning forward toward the party.

“The system makes climbing the tower hard. Few make it. When the moment comes, you’ll understand. Now tell me, does that gift work?”

Max wanted to ask more questions, but the pants in his hand called out to him.

[ Inspect Pants ]


Merfolk King’s Gift

+75 Strength, Constitution, Agility, Intelligence, Wisdom

Merfolk Blessing - Breath, Move and attack as if on dry land.



Grinning, Max stood up, quickly storing them and then having them appear.

Fowl whistled at how they shimmered as he moved.

“I’ll gladly take them!”

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