Ultimate Gacha System: Reborn Into A Crazy Fantasy

Chapter 113: Tragedy of the Demonic Continent (2), Plan

Chapter 113: Tragedy of the Demonic Continent (2), Plan

"If you want freedom from your life, I will grant you, but..." Aleron said, his voice laced with suppressed anger, "If you want to avenge your loved ones and see the one who caused this suffering to suffer, then stay alive!"

"Stay alive and watch as I bring judgment on all those vile beings!" Aleron clenched his fist and took a deep breath, "If any of you can speak, then tell me everything you know. Who were those demons, why were they at your village, and what is happening in the demonic continent?"

"I will tell you!" A demon man in his thirties stood up with his wrist twisted in wrathful anger. "Those demons were subordinate of Demon King Baratos! The seal on the demonic continent was removed recently, so the Demons Kings are gathering people all over to join their armies forcefully!"

Another demon stood up, a middle-aged woman with broken horns and bloodshot eyes, "They are doing whatever they want to weak people like us who were just peacefully living."

Another man stood up and spoke in desperation, "This Baratos Demon King is known to have a Demonic Art that can create a Demon Monster by forcefully combining tens and hundreds of demons. His army came into our village to gather people while killing the rest."

"Those bastards have no shred of mercy for the weak! T-They killed little kids a-a-and ate them while keeping alive others and had fun at our despair,"

Another man broke down, crying in anguish, "My kids, my wife...they are dead..."

'And I thought demon hierarchy and society would be different than humans and beastfolks, but there's no difference. People are people, no matter their race.'

Aleron clenched his fist and took a deep breath to calm himself before his fiery eyes and words conveyed his will, "From now on, this Demonic Continent is under my reign and nothing like this will happen again."

"That's a promise not to you all, but myself!"

Aleron looked at over two hundred people and nodded, "Take care of yourselves and the kids once they wake up. I have erased their memories of what happened, so take care of them and yourselves."

After saying that, Aleron vanished and called Ruan, Lee, Yorin, Ying, Liang, and Jiang on top of the palace.

Rias and Roxen stayed with the demons and talked with them, telling them about Aleron and what he had been doing on the Lightdusk continent.

Their talks of Aleron gave immense hope to the villagers.

However, their state of mind was not the same as before, as they were leaning more towards death.

They were saved, but the same amount of people had also died, their loved ones' bodies were still back in their village.

"We don't understand the need for war, nor do we have any problem with humans," a middle-aged man with curved dark yellow horns stood up and bowed.

"I have no one left, and I want to live the rest of my life to kill the Demon King Baratos and serve this great man who saved us," he clenched his fist and added, "Please allow me to help." "Me too!"

"Me too!"

"I will fight alongside young master Aleron even if it kills me!"

Rias could feel that despite being saved, all of them didn't feel like they wanted to live peacefully anymore and it was understandable.

But it was not up to her.

"Please rest for now and take care of the kids. You can tell your desire to join the battle to young master Aleron later," Roxen said as the villagers calmed down.

Soon, they started falling asleep one by one on the vast and peaceful grassy ground.

Aleron returned a minute later, along with six more people.

"You two want to stay here or accompany me outside?" Aleron asked.

"With you," Rias said with severe expression. "Those bastards and that Demon King Baratos must die!"

"Sniff, this is so sad," Ruan sniffed as her eyes dropped tears. Since Aleron conveyed the memories of what he saw to Ruan and others, all of them knew about the situation.

"Master, let's kill those pieces of trash," Yorin said with a maddening glint in his eyes, his beard trembling angrily.

"Yes, let's go," Aleron nodded as he also couldn't wait any longer.

All of them vanished and appeared back in the village, filled with a thick smell of flesh and blood.

The armored demons were all paralyzed.

"Damn it!" Lee uttered with his legs wrapped in terrifying flame, raring to absolutely destroy these armored demons, but he looked at Aleron, awaiting his order.

The others also suppressed their impulses and turned to Aleron.

Aleron didn't want to give them easy deaths, so he coldly uttered, "Don't kill them. Cut off their all four limbs, burn them, and bring them over here."

"I repeat, do not kill any of them."

"With pleasure!" Jiang smashed his fist as thunder rumbled from him while his beard, hair, and eyes crackled with wrathful lightning.

Everyone was angry and wanted to channel this anger on the damned demons who were spreading suffering.


All six of them vanished and started cutting off demons' limbs and inflicting pain with attacks without killing them.

Roxen also joined them while Rias stood beside Aleron and grabbed his hand.

Soon, demons piled up before Aleron like boxes, with none of them having limbs and all of them having various degrees of injuries that made them want to die but couldn't die.

Aleron didn't waste his breath on the demons and started reading memories of four Epic-rank demons.

Ruan, Lee, Yorin, Ying, Liang, and Jiang stood around them, their wrathful eyes on them. All of them had also destroyed the demons' throats they couldn't spout any bullshit.

"Now you can kill them, "After two seconds, Aleron was done reading memories and said, "I'll throw their souls in my Hell."


Ying released a flying dagger that swiftly went through all of their heads, killing them


Afterward, Aleron teleported all of them above the big floating carriage.

"I am changing this carriage a bit," Aleron saved before his eyes glinted and he used magilore, conjuring exquisite wood and designing the carriage.

Soon, it turned into a 50-meter-wide and 100-meter-long flying ship with wings.

He then expanded his Monitor Dome to 1500 kilometer radius and said, his eyes glinting with

a cold sheen, "I will teleport each of you to random villages and towns. I can't hurt anyone due to restrictions, so I leave that to you all. Kill all the armored demons while I work on

saving the people."

"I will do my best to help and handle the villagers, leave them to me," Rias said with a determined expression.

"Please allow me to join in exterminating those pests," Roxen bowed.

"Alright," Aleron waved his hand, buffing Roxen with physical and magic enchantment. He also buffed Ruan, Lee, and others.

"I can't make a move directly, but I can do so indirectly," Aleron sharply said, "We are in the territory of Baratos Kingdom and he had sent his pieces demon army to all villages and towns

for his vile deeds."

"And so, we will destroy the demonic armies and save the people before confronting the

demon King!"


Ruan and others shouted in affirmation, their fists clenched and eyes fiery.


The flying ship vanished and arrived on top of another village fifty kilometers away. Aleron

sent Ruan and others to different villages and towns, ordering them not to kill the armored demons but to make them disabled.

Meanwhile, he paralyzed all armored demons in the village below before turning to Roxen.

"Roxen, you know what to do."

"Yes!" Roxen clenched his fist and descended to the ground.

The warrior women started cutting the limbs of all armored demons mercilessly while Aleron transported all the villagers in the Eldertide Archipelago along with Rias and himself.

After putting them in a healing bubble and making the kids sleep, he returned to observe the

situation everywhere through Monitor Dome.

Meanwhile, Rias took up the job of handling the villagers.


Baratos Kingdom, Demon King's private garden. "Baratos, how long will it take to gather the required amount of demons?"

Baratos looked like a demonic bull-faced bulky man with dark red curved horns and fangs

resting outside his mouth.

In front of him was a demon relatively handsome, slim, and almost a human except for his pale blue skin and demonic horns.

"I'll gather people by tonight," Baratos grinned. "Tell me, Kalaka. When are we initiating

Demon Lord summoning?"

"Demon Lord Narazar has given a strict schedule and time for his summoning from Netherworld," Kalaka narrowed his eyes, "We will start it after 19 hours. By that time, we must gather 1 million demons of Mortal-rank."

"Piece of cake. What about the other two guys? Do they have a different order from Demon

Lord Narazar?"

"I'm not aware."

Demon Lord, a title only given to an Akuma who had reached the pinnacle of Demon evolution

in the lower cosmos.

When Elysia spoke about the so-called true villain, she was referring to none other than

Demon Lord Narazar, who had been aiming to take the planet Ardentia under his control

before she arrived.

He was a bonafide Demon Lord and certified Warlord of Cosmic Ascension competition who already had an entire planet under him.

"I can't wait," Demon King Baratos laughed out loud, "Once Lord Narazar is here, we will sweep through the Lightdusk continent and the Northern Star continent both. It's been so

long since I tasted a furry and a human female." Baratos's saliva flew as his long tongue licked his lips, "I can't wait, I can't wait!" 'Blockhead with only strength and no brain,' Kalaka thought as took a sip from the juice glass. 'Well, blockheads are easier to control, haha. It is laughable that you believe Lord Narazar will

favor you.'

Kalaka almost looked at Baratos with pity before smiling and said, "Cheers, brother Baratos.

I'm sure you will be chosen as one of the four generals under Lord Narazar once he establishes

his force here."

'That is only...if you are still alive by then.'

Suddenly, someone entered the garden with a panicked expression.

"Your majesty! There's a big trouble!"

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